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1、Improvise elect collect1 去词缀,留词根2 用熟词,推词根3 用词根,串同源词根: ationExport import exportation importation Opportune opportunity opportunist Op=open opob purse disburse Dis ity抽象名词后缀 chance fatopportunism ism socialism capitalism communism optimism pessimism Marxism commercialism collectivism passport visa tr

2、ansport transportation trans=from A to B, cross transfer trans+fer(prefer=pre+fer) transplant trans+plants transaction transfuse fuse(refuse=re+fuse)confuse transit transition transitive transitory it=goto-exit transparent parentdeport deportation exile expel de前缀 1 相反 Decode decompose deforest defo

3、restation Destruct destruction destructive Destruct de+struct(construction)Struct词根=build Obstruct ob=op+obstruction Restructure re(again )Structure Infrastructure front aSuperstructure 2 离开 Deprive de+prive(private)Prive词根 private Privacy privilege piv+i+lege(legal)Deprivation deprive sb of his lif

4、e-long political right dehydrate de+hydr+ate hydr词根=水 H=hydrogen gene(gen产生,繁殖) Hydrant Carbohydrate Dehydration Hydrophobia 3 向下Degrade boycott shanghai Depose pose=put proposal progress 4 强调 press pressure Depict de+pict(picture) Pict词根 = 画 picturepict(draw)+ure(名) picturesque pictorial depiction

5、pictograph describe description port porter carpenter Taylor blacksmith coppersmith portable digital assistant ableible= respectful respectable ful-full=be full of considerate considerable 前缀: Act interact Act 词根 patriot act React reaction reactor Re 1return 2rebuild Or 人或物 doctor motor Interaction

6、interactive Ion Ive 形容词后缀 名词后缀 人 detective captive relative 物 motive perspective Activate activist Ate后缀 1动词 graduate educate frustrate 2名词 graduate postgraduate undergraduate candidate advocatefreshman sophomore philosophy junior senior 3 形容词 passionate fortunate ist后缀 指人(从事某专业的人) artist dentist sp

7、ecialist actor actress pronounce pronunc iation ess阴性后缀 host air hostess waiter waitress duchess duke actual actually al 后缀 动词+al=名词 Arrival refusal dismissal proposal Arrival and departure time 名词+al=形容词 Supernatural Interpersonal Multinational Ly后缀 名词+ly=形容词 Manly womanly brotherly Mannish womanis

8、h 形容词+ly=副词 Gloriously prosperously Specifically globally Exactly absolutely Ex前缀=out exit ex(out)+it(go) E?=ex (out)Enact en+act使成为法案的动作 En前缀表“使动” Enlarge enrich encourage 英语中常用的表“使动”意义的词缀 fy后缀表“使动” beautify simplify purify rectify verify rect词根 correct cor(con)+rect(right) rectangle rectangular re

9、ctitude erect erection rectify rectification ver词根 very ver+y(形容词,副词) verify verification verdict ver+dict(dictionary) amplifier magnifier ize后缀 ize-ization globalize realize specialize modernize standardize subsidize fertilize fertfer 词根 preferpre(前,先)+fer(拿,带) preference differ dif(dis)different d

10、ifference indifferent indifference differentiate differentiation infer inference refer reference referee confer sth on conference defer deferent ferry ferriage fertile fertility fertilize fertilizer fertilization infertile infertility transfer transference en后缀 long length lengthen strong strength s

11、trengthen broaden whiten blacken weaken soften harden 后缀: Improvise Im 前缀 in-im p b m In im, il, ir In 1 内,里 inside insidious ious-ous privilege sid词根 sit t-d intend intention merchant merchandise preside pre+sid+entpresident subside subsidiary ordinary sedulous sed+ul+ous ule后缀 具性质 ambulance Subsid

12、y subsidize Settle settlement settler Scribble waddle Settle the problem tackle solve Deal with cope with address Resettle resettlement Reside resident residence residential area cohabit live in sin habitat habitation habitant habithibit=keep exhibit exhibition prohibit in 2 相反 incredible -ible, abl

13、e Cred credit cred+it to trust-信誉 Credible reliable trustworthy Credulous incredulous Ule ile后缀 1 具性质 Sedulous ambulance Fragment fragile serve servile 2 易于 Credulous Credential Discredit discreditable Cred creed pronounce pronunciation School scholarship Intact forest tact contact Tact-tach=touch Please get in touch with me as soon as possible. Please contact me if it is conve


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