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1、内蒙古开鲁县蒙古族中学2018-2019学年高二英语上学期期中测试试题六 阅读理解(一)From the earliest times,man has been interested in artPeople have often worked together to collect and save the worlds art treasures Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre in Paris,FranceThe works of art have bee

2、n collected by the people of France over many centuries The Louvre has not always been a museumThe first building was a fort(炮台)In 1190,it was the kings castle with high walls and a round towerIt had a moat to prevent his enemies from walking in Over the years,the number of buildings around the cast

3、le grewBy 1350,the castle was no longer needed as a fortThe Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens During times of peace,new treasures were brought inDuring days of war,many treasures were stolen,and the buildings were damaged When Francis I became king of France in 1515,he brought

4、in artists from many countriesOne of the artists was Leonardo da Vinci from ItalyDa VincisMona Lisais the best known painting in the museum today In 1793,the Louvre became a public museum,just as it is nowIt is a place where art treasures have been saved for everyone to enjoy 1On the whole,this pass

5、age is mainly about_ Aan art museum called the Louvre Ban Italian artist named Leonardo da Vinci Ca king of France named Francis I Dthe best known painting in Louvre 2Why is it good for great art to be kept in public museums? AIt helps people remember who the King of France is BIt keeps people out o

6、f the palaces CIt gives everyone a chance to enjoy good art DIt helps people to know who is the greatest artist 3From the passage we know that _ Ait is not possible for treasures to be stolen Bold forts always make the best museums Cgreat art should be shared with all the people Dking Francis I of F

7、rance brought in artists from an old fort 4In the third paragraph the wordmoatprobably means_ Aa high tower built in former times where soldiers watched out for enemies Ba long and deep ditch(沟) dug round a castle and was usually filled with water Ca cart pulled by horses on which soldiers fought Da

8、 long and high wall around castle(二)Good health is the most valuable thing in the world. When youve got it, you never think about it. When you havent got it, you think about it all the time. Our biggest enemies are not terrible diseases and so on. We are our own biggest enemies because we sometimes

9、destroy our own good health. Some of us eat too much, drink too much and smoke too much. And though our reason tells us we should control ourselves, we find it difficult. The fact is that most human beings need stimulation (刺激). Who doesnt enjoy a drink after a busy day? Only a smoker knows the plea

10、sure of a cigarette with a cup of c offee.The danger is when these innocent pleasures run our lives and so destroy our health. When you find yourself eating between meals or eating too much rich food, when you can only keep yourself going by taking frequent (频繁的) drinks or by smoking one cigarette a

11、fter another, then its time to stop and think what you might be doing to yourself. The funny thing is that when we dont control ourselves, simple pleasures are no longer simple pleasures.All right, I know what youre thinking. Youre probably saying, “Its easy to say, but I cant help myself. I need th

12、at extra bit of food, that extra drink, that extra cigarette. Life has so many pleasures that I cant do without them.” But Im saying you can help yourself. Not only that, you must help yourself. Because if you dont help yourself, no one else can. So be your own best friend.5. The underlined word “in

13、nocent”(in Paragraph 2) means _. A. not having done something wrong B. exciting or cheering C. not having much experience D. not expected to cause harm6. This passage is mainly about _. A. terrible diseases and so on B. enjoying pleasures after a busy day C. the difficulty of controlling ourselves D

14、. the danger of too much drinking, smoking and eating7. “I cant help myself” means _. A. I cant do it myself B. I must ask someone to help C. I cant control myself D. Do help me, please. (三)All over the world people enjoy sports, Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer. Many

15、 people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when their player or team wins. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for(参加) them. Football, for example, has spread(展开)around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! And think of people in cold countries. Think how many love to skate or ski (滑雪) in Japan, Norway or Canada.


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