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1、Section Language Points()(Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner)教 材 语 篇 细 研.细读P78教材课文,完成下面的表格World Heritage1.Tangible cultural heritageMuseums,2.monuments3.Intangiblecultural heritageOral heritageLanguages,spoken literature,music,dance,games,customs,knowledgeof traditional 4.craftwork and cultural pl

2、aces.5.Living human treasurePeople who have the knowledge and skills 6.required for the cultural traditions of their society.7.EndangeredlanguagesLanguages spoken by a few people or not taught to new 8.inhabitants of the region.9.Traditionalmusicof the worldMusical traditions are part of the intangi

3、ble heritage of 10.mankind.细读P81教材课文,选择最佳答案1According to the text,which of the following have been accepted as “world intangible heritages” by UNESCO?Guqin MusicKunqu OperaShaolin kung fuTibetan King GesserChenstyle Tai Chi A B C D2If TCM is accepted on the UNESCO list, .Adoctors and practitioners w

4、ould advocate both its advantages and its legal status abroadBthe theories and experiences of old TCM practitioners would continue to be collectedCits treatment would be extended into other areas of medicineDall of the above3Why would the MidAutumn Festival help to unite Chinese people all over the

5、world?ABecause it is the most important festival in China.BBecause MidAutumn celebrations reflect Chinese cultural traditions.CBecause the MidAutumn Festival reminds over 50 million Chinese of their Chinese origins,who are living overseas.DBecause it has a long history in China.4If a site is not pro

6、tected,UNESCO .Awill certainly offer helpBwill raise money for itCwill ignore itDmay take it off the World Heritage list5According to the text,a successful bid requires .Aassistance from the international societyBcultural diplomacy and knowledge of UNESCO systemCthe UNESCOs helpDa successful symboli

7、c ambassador【答案】15ADCDB.细读P83教材课文,判断正(T)误(F)1The Living Treasure Program is only carried out in the state of New Mexico.()2The Living Treasure Program is also carried out in Japan.()3Twice a year three older New Mexicans are asked to write down their life stories.()4The living treasures are all very

8、 important people in the town.()5The living treasures are honoured because they have made contributions to the protection of their culture.()【答案】15FFFFT语 言 基 础 自 测.单词拼写根据汉语提示,写出下列单词1Around 350 delegates(代表) attended the conference.2He erected a monument(纪念碑) on the spot where his daughter was killed

9、.3Those who advocate(主张) doctorassisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.4These documents have no legal status(法律地位) in Britain.5To stop the argument,they decided on a compromise(妥协)6He undertook(许诺) to pay the money back in six months.7Information should be as specific and t

10、horough(详尽的) as possible.8The relationship between mankind(人类) and nature should be equal.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1inhabitant n居民inhabit v居住于2enlarge v(使)增大;(使)扩大large adj.大的3discrimination n歧视discriminate v歧视;区别对待4mercy n任凭的摆布merciful adj.仁慈的;慈悲的5absence n缺乏;没有absent adj.缺席的;心不在焉的6subjective adj.主观的sub

11、jectively adv.主观地objective adj.客观的7journalism n新闻业;新闻工作journalist n新闻记者journal n日报;日志,日记;期刊 8guidance n指导,引导,咨询guide v指导 n导游9ignore v忽视;不理;不管ignorant adj.无知的ignorance n无知10honour v给予荣誉honourable adj. 光荣的;值得尊敬的.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1go through获准,经过程序2remind sb.of sth.使某人想起3at the mercy of受支配4in return反过来5re

12、search into研究6consist of由组成7be honoured for因而受到尊敬8act as充当,起的作用.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1I dont want to be at the mercy of him because I want to have my own life.2I forgot the name of his company.Can you remind me of it?3Just let it go.He is going through a very difficult time.4Our professor is honoured fo

13、r his knowledge and kindness,so we all respect him very much.5The team consists of ten students who share the same interest.经典句式仿写1. The application for TCM would highlight the fact that traditional Chinese medicine is a culture that has existed for thousands of years.对中医的申报会突显这一事实传统的中医是一种已经存在几千年的文化

14、。记句式结构that引导同位语从句,作the fact的同位语。仿写促落实The fact that she had not said anything surprised all of us.她什么也没说这个事实使我们大家都感到惊讶。2. But some people feel that there needs to be a compromise between the term “heritage”.但是有些人感觉在“遗产”的时期之间要有个折中记句式结构there needs to be.“需要”是there be句型的变体。仿写促落实There needs to be a teach

15、er to deal with it.需要有一位老师处理这件事。核 心 要 点 探 究 (教材P76)It is estimated that at least 600 men would have been needed to get each stone past Redhorn Hill.据估计至少需要600个人才能把每块石头搬到红角山。【句式分析】句中用了“It is过去分词that从句”结构。该句型中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。It is said that. 据说It is reported that. 据报道It is known that. 众所周知It is hoped that. 人们希望It is estimated


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