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1、Unit 61. make ones way1) goEarly in the morning the hunter made his way into the woods.2) Succeed你要想成功,就得学会趁着年轻多多努力。If you want to make your way you must learn to work hard while you are still young. 2. take sth. off (sth.) 1). lift and move sth. from (sth.) to another position Take your hand off my

2、 shoulder. 2). deduct an amount of money from (sth.) 她和小贩讨价还价,直到他同意减了50便士。 She bargained with the trader till he agreed to take 50p off the price.3. absorb: vt 1). (usu. passive) completely hold ones attention (usu. followed by in) 2). take in 3). endure The walls of the house absorb heat during the

3、 day. I was so absorbed in the detective story that I jumped up when someone patted me on the back. We will not absorb these charges. 4.1) be a sign of; showElection results should reflect peoples opinions.2) make a visible image of (映射,映照)平静的水面映出了满月。The still water reflected the full moon.3) consid

4、er, think of (reflect on/upon)I must reflect upon what answer to give.他反省过去的错误。He reflected on his past mistakes.4. reflect: v1) be a sign of; showElection results should reflect peoples opinions.2) make a visible image of (映射,映照)平静的水面映出了满月。The still water reflected the full moon.3) consider, think

5、of (reflect on/upon)I must reflect upon what answer to give.他反省过去的错误。He reflected on his past mistakes. CF: think, reflect & reason 这几个词都可用作动词,都有“思考”、“动脑子”之意。Think是通用词,此“思考”的目的是为了得出某种结论,但是在“思考”时未必思想集中,所形成的概念未必清晰,所得出的结论未必正确。例如: You can think about it and let me know your decision later.reflect 所表示的“思

6、考”含有这样的意思:被思考的事物是过去发生过的,或者是现在存在的;这个词一般表示严肃认真地、静悄悄地考虑问题。例如: Take your time to reflect before doing important things. reason所表示的“思考”具有一种逻辑思维的过程,开始于某种假设或某种前提,甚至某种迹象,经过推理,从而形成概念。例如: Mans ability to reason makes him different from the animal. 5. locate: vt.1) discover; show the position ofWe located the

7、shops and the post office as soon as we moved into the town. 2) fix or put in a certain place Where is the new factory to be located? The Summer Palace lies in/is located/situated in the northwest of Beijing.6. correspond: vi.1) exchange letters regularly (with sb.)Love grew between Lu Xun and Xu Gu

8、angping as they kept corresponding with each other.2) be in agreement, harmony, or conformity (一致)Her job corresponds with her interests.我向你保证,我将言行一致。I assure you my actions will correspond with my words.3) be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function 美国国会相当于英国议会。T

9、he American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament/Chinese Peoples Congress.7. fertile: adj. 1). (of land) able to produce good crops (肥沃) The land is so fertile that three crops a year can grow.2). highly or continuously productive; prolific (多产的) He is fertile of imagination. fertile showe

10、rs及时雨CF: fertile, fruitful & productive这几个词都是形容词,均有“肥沃的”,“多产的”之意。fertile 指“能生产或再生产的”,它用于指土地、植物等时,意为“肥沃的”,“多产的”,用于指人、头脑等时,意为“有才智的”。例如:Fertile soil yields good crops.fruitful 指“促进多产的”,在指土壤时,可代替fertile;它也可指结果,尤其是“好结果”。例如:Those discussions proved fruitful.productive指人或事物“多产的,有成果的”,是一个意义很广泛的词。 例如:He is a

11、 productive writer.8. request: v & n1) v. ask (a person) to do something我请求他为我使用他的影响力。I requested him to use his influence on my behalf. (request sb. to do sth.)2) n. a polite demand Many a bank refused her request for a loan.He made a request that I should help him.request 一词(无论作动词还是名词)后如果接宾语从句,则从句

12、中用虚拟语气should + v. (原形),或省略should,直接用v. (原形)。 Mr. Paine requested that I (should) hand in my homework before Friday.CF: request, ask & solicit这三个词都可作动词用,都有“要求”的意思。request 意思是“请求(某人)做某事”,侧重请求。例如:You are sincerely requested to be present at the party.ask 作“询问”,“提问”,“要求”讲时,指某人对不知道或不明白的事情、道理提出问题,请别人解答;作“

13、要求”讲时, 侧重要求得到某物。例如:He has asked his father for too much.solicit是正式用语,指“恭敬或认真地请求”。现在多用于“请求别人注意”,因而常见于商业用语中。例如: China Daily is soliciting subscriptions.(订阅)9. take a chance (on sth.): I havent booked a ticket. Im taking a chance on the theater not being full. 我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心情去野餐。 We took a chance on th

14、e weather (being fine) and went for a picnic.10. plain: adj. 1). (of persons appearance) not pretty or handsome The child has a plain face.2). easy to see, hear or understand The meaning of the sentence is very plain.3). simple; ordinary; without luxury or ornament 他提倡过简朴的生活。 He advocates plain livi

15、ng.4). (of persons, their thoughts, actions, etc) straightforward; frank You should be plain with your parents. plain: n. & adv. 1). n. area of level country I was attracted by the scenery of the Great Plains.2). adv. entirely You are plain wrong. plain sailingIn plain words be plain with you11. schedule: v. arrange for sth. to happen or to be done at a particular time His arrival is scheduled for Sunday. The plane is scheduled to take of



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