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1、2007年6月应用能力B级真题Part II Vocabulary & Structure (15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are requ

2、ired to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. I didnt answer the phone _ I didnt hear it ring. A) if B) unless C) although D) becau

3、se17. In his report of the accident be _ some important details. A) missed B) wasted C) escaped D) failed18. _ a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China! A) Where B) How C) What D) That19. Were going to _ the task that we havent finished. A) take away B) carry on C) get onto D) keep off20. S

4、he didnt receive the application form; it _ to the wrong address. A) sent B) be sent C) was sent D) being sent21. She gave up her _ as a reporter at the age of 25. A) career B) interest C) life D) habit22. It is necessary to find an engineer _ has skills that meet your needs. A) whom B) which C) who

5、se D) who23. Time _ very fast and a new year will begin soon. A) takes off B) goes by C) pulls up D) gets along24. This new style of sports shoes is very popular and it is _ in all sizes. A) important B) active C) available D) famous25. The general manager sat there, _ to the report from each depart

6、ment. A) to listen B) listen C) being listened D) listeningSection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. She managed to se

7、ttle the argument in a (friend) _ way.27. I would rather you (go) _ with me tomorrow morning.28. If I (be) _ you, I wouldnt ask such a silly question.29. You should send me the report on the program (immediate) _ 30. As soon as the result (come) _ out, Ill let you know.31. If you smoke in this non-s

8、moking area, you will (fine) _ $ 50.32. It is quite difficult for me (decide) _ who should be given the job.33. The new flexible working time system will enable the (employ) _ to work more efficiently.34. The more careful you are, the (well) _ you will be able to complete the work.35. Ill put forwar

9、d my (suggest) _ now so that he can have time to consider it before the meeting.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instruct

10、ed.Task 1 Some cities have planned their transportation systems for ear owners. That is what Los Angeles did. Los Angeles decided to build highways for cars rather than spending money on public transportation. This decision was suitable for Los Angeles. The city grew outward instead of upward. Los A

11、ngeles never built many tall apartment buildings. Instead, people live in houses with gardens. In Los Angeles, most people drive cars to work. And every car has to have a parking space. So many buildings where people work also have parking tots. Los Angeles also became a city without a Central Busin

12、ess District (CBD). If a city has a CBD, crowds of people rush into it every day to work. If people drive to work, they need lots of road space. So Los Angeles developed several business districts and built homes and other buildings in between the districts. This required more roads and parking spac

13、es. Some people defend this growth pattern. They say Los Angeles is the city of the future.36. According to the passage, Los Angeles is a city where _. A) there is no public transportation system B) more money is spent on highways for cars C) more money is spent on public transportation systems D) p

14、ublic transportation is more developed than in other cities37. The city grew outward instead of upward (Line 1, Para. 2) means _. A) the city became more spread out instead of growing taller B) there were fewer small houses than tall buildings C) rapid development took place in the city center D) many tall buildings could be found in the city38. According to the passage, if a city has several business districts, _. A)


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