中级口译 双边多边关系与交流.doc

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1、We are very pleased to see that today China and the United States cooperate across a wide range of enterprises - in business, in the academic world, as well as in the personal friendship.我非常高兴地看到,今天中国和美国在广泛领域里进行合作在工商业、学术界,以及在个人友谊等领域。More than one million Americans trace their roots to China. Every d

2、ay, Chinese Americans build a better America - as entrepreneurs and architects, scientists and public servants.有一百多万美国人,他们的根可以追溯到中国。每天,美籍华人作为企业家、建筑师、科学家和公务员都在为建设一个更美好的美国而工作。And we welcome the thousands of Chinese students who study with us every year, teaching us their culture as they learn from our

3、s. We really cherish the value that the friendly cooperation and exchange between our two countries have brought us.每年有成千上万的中国学生在美国学习,中国留学生在学习我们文化的同时,也向我们介绍了中国的文化。我们确实珍惜两国之间的友好合作和交流所带来的成果。As two great nations, the world looks to us to set a good example. In the last few months, we have seen how much

4、 we can and must do together for world peace, security and common prosperity. 作为两个大国/伟大民族,全世界都期望我们树立榜样。过去几个月中,我们已经目睹:为世界和平、安全和共同繁荣,我们一起/共同努力所能和必须做的事。*中美两国人民的友好合作对世界具有重大影响。美国是最发达的发达国家。中国是最大的发展中国家。Friendship and cooperation between our two countries are of great importance to the world. The United Sta

5、ted is the most developed country and China the largest developing country.13亿多人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定和发展,具有极其重要的意义。China has a population of over 1.3 billion. Its stability and rapid development are of vital importance to stability and development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at la

6、rge.中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,美国拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。China has a huge market and a great demand for development and the United States possesses advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force. The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary.中国和美国在关系人类生存和发展的许

7、多重大问题上有着广泛的共同利益,肩负着共同的责任,这些都是两国发展友好合作的重要基础。China and the United States share broad common interests and shoulder common responsibility on many important questions / major issues concerning human existence and development. All these provide an important basis for further developing friendly Sino-US c

8、ooperation.*中美两国在经济发展和结构存在极大的差异,在人力资源、市场、资金、技术等方面具有很强的互补性。/China and the US differ greatly in (terms of) economic development and structure, but are strongly complementary with each other in (terms of) human resources, market, capital, and technologies. /中美建交以来,贸易额增长了85倍,美国成为中国第二大贸易伙伴,中国成为美国第三大贸易伙伴。

9、/Since Chinas establishment of diplomatic relations with US, Sino-US trade has increased by 85 folds. America has become Chinas second largest trading partner and China has become Americas third largest trading partner. /美国是中国最大的外贸来源地之一。截至2006年10月底,美国实际对华投入资金超过500亿美元。/The Us is one of Chinas largest

10、 foreign investment sources. By the end of October 2006, the US had made an actual investment of over US$50 billion in China. /同时,中国企业对美投资进入快速增长期。今年1至9月,有107家中国企业在美国投资兴业。Meanwhile, Chinese companies investment in the US has begun to take off. Between January and September this year, 107Chinese compa

11、nies invested in the US and set up their own businesses there.*Let us begin from what happened almost a century ago in this historic city. Chinese are proud of their long history, and look to it for lessons.让我们今天从几乎一个世纪以前在这个历史性的城市里发生的事情开始谈起。中国人为其是世界上最悠久的文明古国而自豪,并且以史为鉴。America is a young nation by co

12、mparison. So I would like to share with you my perceptions about what history has meant to our two countries, how we have perceived each other, and where we are going.相比之下,美国是一个年轻的国家。因此,我愿同大家讨论历史对我们两国意味着什么,我们是如何看待对方的,(将来)我们又是如何发展的。Average Americans know China in part through the Chinese-Americans wh

13、o helped build our country. Indeed, it would be hard to find an area of American achievement unmarked by the footprints of Chinese-Americans.普通美国人对中国的了解部分来自于参加建设我们国家的美籍华人。实际上,在美国取得的成就中很难找到没有美籍华人涉足的领域。Just as we have gained from the achievements of Chinese who have come to America, we will learn and

14、benefit from a self-confident, developing China. This attitude provides a firm foundation for our friendly relations.正如我们已经从来美华人取得的成就中受益那样,美国可以向一个有自信的、发展中的中国学习并从中受益。这种态度将为两国的友好关系提供坚实的基础。*中国的发展和开放已经使中国成为国际商界公认的全球大市场之一,给外国产品和服务进入中国市场提供了大量机会。Chinas development and opening-up have already turned the cou

15、ntry into one of the major global markets recognized by international business communities, a market that provides a great deal of opportunities for foreign goods and services.近几年的实践已经证明,中国经济的发展是对全球经济发展、特别是亚太地区经济发展的积极贡献。What happened in recent years has proved that Chinas growing economy represents

16、a positive contribution to global, and particularly, to Asia-Pacific economic development.本次会议东道主墨西哥,是中国在拉美的重要合作伙伴。墨西哥已经成为中国企业在拉美投资的主要国家之一。Mexico, our host for the meeting, is an important partner to China in Latin America. Mexico is now one of the major recipients of Chinese corporate investment in Latin America.我认为,中国和墨西哥两国经济存在


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