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1、环境英语证书考试(PEC)-环境资源词汇污染物的危害 Hazards of pollutants在人体组织中的积累 Accumulation in body tissues镉污染 Cadmium contamination环境健康危害 Environmental health hazards人体接触污染物 Human exposure to pollutants污染物的长期效应 Long-term effects of pollutants核安全 Nuclear safety污染物的影响 Pollutant effects污染风险 Pollution risk辐射效应 Radiation ef

2、fects药物的副作用 Side effects of pharmaceutical drugs有毒物质的协同效应 Synergistic effects of toxic substances与环境有关的疾病 Environmentally related diseases致癌物 Carcinogens南美锥虫病 Chagas disease人类的疾病 Human diseases免疫疾病 Immunological diseases婴儿死亡率 Infant mortality疟疾 Malaria盘尾丝虫病 Onchocerciasis病原生物体 Pathogenic organisms辐射

3、病 Radiation sickness血吸虫病 Schistosomiasis人类疾病传染媒介 Vectors of human diseases工作环境 Working environment人机工程学 Ergonomics职业健康 Occupational health职业安全 Occupational safety振动 Vibration营养与保健 Nutrition and health care过敏素 Allergens基本食物要求 Basic food requirements食品 Food食品添加剂 Food additives食用色素 Food colourants食品污染

4、Food contamination保健 Health care卫生设施 Health facilities高蛋白食品 High protein foods医院 Hospitals营养不良 Malnutrition医疗 Medical treatment药用植物 Medicinal plants营养 Nutrition食品的营养价值 Nutritive value of food毒物 Poisons吸烟 Smoking主食 Staple foods传统保健 Traditional health care灾难 DISASTERS灾难现象 Catastrophic phenomena生物体的意外释

5、放 Accidental release of organisms雪崩 Avalanches旋风 Cyclones沙漠蝗虫 Desert locusts地震 Earthquakes环境事故 Environmental accidents流行病 Epidemics洪水 Floods飓风 Hurricanes山崩 Landslides人为灾难 Human-made disasters核事故 Nuclear accidents放射性污染 Radioactive contamination释放 Release地震海浪 Seismic sea waves泄漏 Spillage暴风雨 Storms台风 T

6、yphoons应急减灾措施 Emergency relief measures灾难清理作业 Disaster clean-up operations防灾准备 Disaster preparedness防灾 Disaster prevention灾难救援 Disaster relief流离失所人员 Displaced persons紧急救援 Emergency relief应急避难所 Emergency shelter环境应急计划 Environmental contingency planning防洪 Flood control放射性污染清除 Radioactive decontaminati

7、on临时住房 Temporary housing临时避难所 Temporary shelter生境破坏 Habitat destruction陆地活动 Land-based activities自然改变 Physical alterations监测 MONITORING环境监测 Environmental monitoring生物指标 Biological indicators生态标志 Ecolabelling污染物鉴别 Identification of pollutants噪声监制 Noise monitoring污染物分析 Pollutant analysis污染物分布 Pollutan

8、t distribution污染物浓度 Pollutant levels污染物监测 Pollutant monitoring污染物路径 Pollutant pathways污染物来源鉴别 Pollutant source identification污染监测 Pollution monitoring辐射监测 Radiation monitoring交通监测 Traffic monitoring监测数据 Monitoring data空气质量管理 Air quality management大气监测 Atmospheric monitoring本底监测 Baseline monitoring环境

9、标准 Environmental criteria环境评价 Environmental assessment部门评价 Sectoral assessment环境统计 Environmental statistics森林资源评估 Forest resource assessment洪水监测 Freshwater monitoring工业生产统计 Industrial production statistics长期预报 Long-term forecasting长期趋势 Long-term trends海洋监测 Marine monitoring监测基准 Monitoring criteria污染

10、基准 Pollution criteria污染标准 Pollution norms质量控制 Quality control水盾 Water quality天气监测 Weather monitoring天气预报 Weather prediction野生生物种群统计 Wildlife population statistics监测技术 Monitoring techniques分析设备 Analytical equipment大气模型 Atmospheric models自动检测 Automatic detection测量仪器的标定 Calibration of measuring equipme

11、nt色谱分析 Chromatographic analysis气象色谱法 Gas chromatography模型制作,模型设计 Modelling监测仪器 Monitoring equipment放射性示踪技术 Radioactive tracer techniques采样技术 Sampling techniques模拟 Simulation河道观测 Stream measurement毒理测定 Toxicological testing报警系统 Warning systems监测系统 Monitoring systems环境法 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW国内立法 National

12、legislation农业立法 Agricultural legislation污染防治激励措施 Antipollution incentives环境犯罪 Environmental crimes环境激励措施 Environmental incentives环境责任 Environmental liability环境过失 Environmental misconduct环境质量标准 Environmental quality standards环境补贴 Environmental subsidies林业立法 Forestry legislation健康立法 Health legislation

13、住房立法 Housing legislation工业立法 Industrial legislation对破坏环境的惩罚 Penalties for environmental damage污染者付费原则 Polluter-pays principle污染控制法规 Pollution control regulations污染责任 Pollution liabilities公众对土地的获取 Public access to land法规控制 Regulatory control国际环境关系 International environmental relations入海通道 Access to t

14、he sea双边协定 Bilateral conventions环境安全 Environmental security环境破坏行为 Environmental vandalism环境冲突 Environmental warfare危险废物的出口 Export of hazardous wastes全球性公约 Global conventions国际标准化 International standardization国际贸易 International trade国际性重要的失态系统 Internationally important ecosystems海洋事故的责任 Liability for

15、 marine accidents核破坏的责任 Liability for nuclear damages军事活动 Military activity事先知情同意 Prior informed consent危险废物运输的事先通告 Prior notification for hazardous waste transport区域性公约 Regional conventions技术转让 Technology transfer贸易避垒 Trade barriers越境污染 Trans-frontier pollution危险物质的运输 Transport of hazardous materials 环境信息 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION信息基础设施 Information infrastructure图书馆 Library信息中心 Information centre数据中心 Data centre培训中心 T


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