Unit 6 Feelings.docx

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《Unit 6 Feelings.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 6 Feelings.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 FeelingsPart A (教者:张济本)教学目标:1、学会单词:race,first,second,third,drink。2、学会句型:Who is the winner?及答语 is the first.3、巩固句型:Are you ?重难点:1、认读和正确书写序数词:first,second,third。2、学会句型:Who is the winner?及答语 is the first.教具:多媒体课件。过程:一、复习一些运动项目的词组。1.课件出示有关运动项目的图片,如:踢足球、打篮球、跳高、跳远、游泳、200米跑等。学生看图说词组,师相机纠正。2.学生齐读。过渡:

2、在上个星期Peter他们举行了一场运动会,那么结果又是怎么样的呢?下面我们一起去看一看。二、新授。(一)学习单词race和句子Who is the winner of 100-meter race?1.教师:“Peter is running 100 meters. Peter is running very fast. Who is the winner of 100-meter race? ”。并出示问句:Who is the winner of 100-meter race?2.出示单词face和race,区分它们的音、形、义。3.出示run 100 meters和100-meter r

3、ace进行对比教学。告诉学生run 100 meters意为“跑一百米”;100-meter race意为“百米赛跑”。(二)学习序数词first,second和third。1.教师:Peter is the winner. So Peter is first.出示fast和first进行对比学习。告诉学生first是序数词,意为“第一”,常和定冠词the连用。2.学习second和句子Wang Ming is the second.3.学习third和句子Lin Hua is the third.出示thirty和third进行对比教学。4.巩固学习序数词,与基数词和缩写形式同时进行。(三)

4、学习问句,出示问句:1.Who is the first in 100-meter race?2.Who is the second?3.Who is the third?(1)播放动画,学生看动画。(2)学生先思考讨论,然后指名回答。(四)再读课文,巩固Are you?的句型,进而学习单词drink。1.出示:Are you hungry?Are you thirsty?指名作答。2. hungry要吃饭, thirsty要喝水。3.出示单词drink,学习单词。练习:一、填空1.w n r2. f st 3. s c d 4. dr k 5. th d 二、选择题。 1、She is th

5、e winner in race.A.100 meters B.100-meter2、My classmate is the in long jump. We are proud of him.A.first B.second 3、Im . I want to drink some water.A. hungry B. thirsty三、连词成句。 1、 100-meter,who, winner,is,the, race ,of ( ? ) _ 2、 second , the, is ,Wang Ming ( . )_ 3、 you ,are,thirsty( ? ) _ 三、总结。本节课我们学习了什么?四、作业布置。1.完成本课第二部分的练习,抄到作业本上。2.熟读课文,并抄写单词。3.预习Part B。


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