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1、本科毕业论文 (设计) 题 目: 我国中小企业ERP实施和策略研究学 院: 国际商学院 专 业:_ 电子商务_ 姓 名:_ 马 凯_ 指导教师:_ 张 磊_2007 年 6 月 6 日我国中小企业ERP实施和策略研究摘 要 随着信息技术的迅速发展和普及,ERP的应用越来越受重视,越来越多的学者开始关注ERP在我国中小企业的实施。ERP逐渐成为我国中小企业决策和发展的有力工具。本设计论文综述了当今国内外ERP发展现状和研究成果;介绍了ERP的内涵及总体结构;分析了我国中小企业在ERP实施过程中存在的问题;针对这些问题,参考国内外研究成果提出了我国中小企业的ERP实施策略;从ERP系统实施角度出发

2、,给出了我国中小企业ERP实施的方法过程;结合某成功案例,展示了ERP在中小企业实施的策略和方法。关键词 ERP ERP实施 ERP选型 中小企业关键词之间只隔两个空格 Towards the Strategy of ERP Application for Chinese Small and MediumEnterprisesAbstractABSTRACTERP application in Chinese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is payedpaid more and more attention to by more and more

3、scholars, along with the rapid development and popularization of information technology. ERP has become a usefull useful tool of decision-making and enterprise development for SMEs. First, the current situation of ERP development and research is outlined and the connotation and structure of ERP is i

4、ntroduced. Then problems existing in the process of ERP application are analyzed. A strategy for ERP application in SMEs is proposed with consideration to these problems, with the methodsmethod and process is are detailed. Finally, a use case is illustrated and analyzed, which shows the strategy, method and process of ERP application in SMEs.KEYWORDS各关键词之间只隔两个空格 ERP ERP application中间空格 ERP type中间空格 selection SME


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