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1、 2022年八年级上册英语期中试卷及答案1. Its a good idea _ new words every day. A. checking B. checks C. to check D. checked 2. -Would you like_ to eat? -Yes, please. A. something other B. other something C. else something D. something else 3. Helen, remember _ the windows when you leave. A. to close B. close C. clos

2、ing D. closes 4. Our teacher has given us some good _ English learning. Its very useful. A. advice to B. advices on C. advices to D. advice on 5. -When did your uncle _in Shanghai? -The day before yesterday.A. arrive B. get C. reach D. come6. I always listen to the teacher _than my deskmate in class

3、. A. more careful B. more carefully C. most careful D. most carefully 7. Why didnt your sister talk with me ? -She is a _girl. She is afraid of speaking before strangers(生疏人).A. good B. happy C. shy D. clever8. What about _every morning?A. read B. to read C. reading D. will read9. Why didnt you buy

4、the pen on your way home? -Sorry, I forget _money with me. A. take B. bringing C. to take D. taking 10. Watching English movies _a good way of lear ning English.A. are B. is C. has D. have11.The population of Shanghai _ thirteen million and there are seven million _ in Hong Kong. A. is, population B

5、. are, people C. is, people D. are, population12.Taiwan is _the south of China and _ the south of Fujian.A . in, to B. in, on C. to, in D. on, to13. My bike is _ newer than yours. A. much B. very C. more D. less14. The English countryside is very beautiful, _tourists like it very much.A. but B. beca

6、use C. so D. if15. Li Ming is _ of all in my class. A. the tallest B. taller C. tall D. tallest16. Tom is as _ as Mary.A. more careful B. careful C. carefully D. the most carefully17.We are all _ at the _news.A. exciting, exciting B. excited, excited C. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited18. Whic

7、h coat is _ on me, the blue one or the black one ? -The blue one .A. good B. better C. best D. the best19.They got up early_ they could catch the early bus.A. that B. in order to C. so that D. to20.-How about watching TV at home? -Its too _. Lets play football.A. boring B. interesting C. exciting D.

8、 relaxing21. He is not good at learning English and he always does his homework _.A. quite B. slowly C. quick D. careful22. The _ he is, the _he feels.A. busy; happy B. busier; happier C. busiest; happiest D. busier; happy23. -Im sorry .I cant play baseball with you. -_.A. Thank you . B. Never mind.

9、 C. Excuse me D. Have a good time24. The fans were ex cited and _their teams.A. cheered on B. warmed up C. played against D. played with25. There was a smile on the coachs face. He was very _ with his players.A. angry B. pleased C. tired D. excited26. Betty doesnt like running and she doesnt like cy

10、cling ,_.A. to B. too C. either D. also27.This journey _ about 2 hours .A. take B. takes C. cost D. costs28. All of them can take this job , but I want to know who is _.A. the most careful B. more careful C. careful D. very careful29. She sometimes _ the train to work. A. by B. take C. takes D. catc

11、h30.The boy is _to go school .A.enough old B.enough young C.old enough D. very young二完型填空 (10 分,每题 1 分)Im Mike. I am from England. I study _31_ China now. My parents live in China, too. My mother and I want _32_ on a trip to the Great wall. The G reat wall is very nice. We can _33_many things there.

12、 It is about 400 kilometers 34_ my home in China to Beijing. We can go to Beijing by bus, by train or by plane. Taking a plane is the _35_way. Buses are slow. We want to go there by _36_, because a train is cheap and fast. We are leaving _37_7:00 pm tomorrow. And we will _38_ there on Saturday morni

13、ng. We will have a trip there for two_39_. We will go back on Monday .When I come back, I will _40_ some pictures to my friends.31. A. on B. in C. at D. of32. A. have B. to have C. to go D. go to33. A. look B. looks C. see D. to see34. A. from B. away C. on D. in35. A. cheapest B. most expensive C. slowest D. more expensive36. A. train. B. bus C. plane D. taxi37. A. on B. in C. at D. for38. A. leave B. come back C. arrive D. arrive in39. A. hours B. day C. days D. hou


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