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1、 新概念词汇第一册Lesson103:他考试没通过理查德,考试考得怎样?The students are preparing for the coming exam.学生们正在为马上到来的考试做预备。He failed in the exam.他考试没通过。(本句音频有问题)2. pass I think I passed in English and Mathematics. 我想我的英语和数学及格了。She finally passed her driving test.她最终通过了驾驶考试。Please let me pass.请让我过去。3. mathematics My brothe

2、r is good at mathematics. 我弟弟数学很好。He didn”t pass the mathematics test.他数学考试没通过。4. question The questions were very easy. 题目很简单。Have you found the answer to the question?你找到问题的答案了吗?This is a difficult question.这是个难题。5. easy It”s an easy job. 这是件简单做的活。Is the exam an easy one?考试简单吗?6. enough The Englis

3、h and Maths papers weren”t easy enough for me. 英语和数学试题对我来说不太简单。(本句音频有问题)His son is old enough to go to school.他儿子到上学的年龄了。It”s warm enough to swim.天气温和得可以游泳了。7. paper I think I failed the French paper. 我想我的法语及不了格。Your paper should be handed in at once.你的试卷得立刻交上来。Have you seen my paper? I remember put

4、ting it on the desk.你看到我的试卷了吗?我记得放在桌面上的。8. fail He failed his English exam. 他英语考试不及格。He failed to get the girl out of the water.他没能把女孩救出水面。9. answer I could answer sixteen of the questions. 我能答复其中的16道题。“I”m seven years old,“ he answered.“我今年七岁,”他答道。Hey, you still haven”t answered my question.嘿,你还没有答

5、复我的问题呢。10. mark I hate them. I”m sure I”ve go a low mark. 我厌烦它们,我的成绩确定很低。He got a high mark in English.他英语得了高分。The teacher put the mark at the top of the apper.教师把分数写在试卷的顶端。11. rest They were very easy. But I couldn”t answer the rest. 这些题很简单,但我答复不出其余的题。Two of you will go and the rest stay in the cla

6、ssroom.你们派两个人去,其他人留在班里。I am going to finish the rest of the book tonight.我今晚将把书剩下的局部读完。12. difficult They were too difficult for me. 它们对我来说太难了。It is difficult to find a good job these days.如今要找一份好工作很难。Was the exam difficult?考试难吗?13. hate I hate milk. 我不喜爱牛奶。I hate to speak before many people.我厌烦在许多人

7、面前讲话。13. low The child jumped over the low wall. 那个小孩跳过了那面矮墙。He built the house low and wide.他把房子建得矮且宽阔。14. cheer Oh, cheer up! Perhaps we didn”t do too badly. 啊,别灰心!或许我们做得还不太糟。He had a cup of coffee and soon cheered up.他喝了一杯咖啡后很快就振作起来了。My friends try to cheer me up.我的朋友都在为我鼓劲。15. guy The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. 坐在我旁边的那个人在试卷顶端写了自己的名字。You are sitting in my seat, guy.伴计,你坐在我的座位上了。Some guys are talking loudly while the film is on.电影开映的时候,还有些人在大声说话。16. top The top of the house is covered with snow. 屋顶被白雪掩盖着。They soon got to the top of the mountain.他们很快到了山顶。


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