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1、英语群体名词的语义特征与汉语群体量词的英译理据 以表示人群的词语为例一、 汉语量词使用情况1. 汉语个体量词的基本用法 常见动物:人,牛,马,鸡,鸭,鹅,猪,羊,狗,猫,鼠,虎,兔,蛇,鱼,熊,狼,象,鹰; 常见植物:荷花,山茶,梅花,青菜,白菜,萝卜,苹果,樱桃,草莓,玉米,小麦,水稻;常见物体:衣,裤,鞋,锅,碗,筷,桌,椅,书,笔,灯,门,窗,沙发,电线,电灯,电池,电视,电话;周围物体:山,河,湖,风,雨,雷,田,地,树,花,草,楼,店,路,车;2. 汉语群体量词的使用概况二、 汉语量词研究的基本现状古代起源、繁荣情况,现代发展趋势;三、 英语表量结构的本质属性英语如何表量?英语有无量

2、词?证据呢? a+N1+of+N2;partitive constructions;(1)一座座青山紧相连,一朵朵白云绕山间;一片片梯田一层层绿,一阵阵歌声随风传。(山西民歌谁不说俺家乡好)(2)一枚又一枚的顶针背后是一个又一个卑微的人,甚而有的时候一枚顶针背后就衔接着一串人。(李达伟顶针,载散文诗2010年7期)(3)*Theres nothing on the table except a piece piece of paper.(4)*Along the river banks stand a row and a row of fruit trees.(5)After the swim

3、ming, he was so hungry that he wolfed down five loaves of bread. (6)She drank a steaming cup of coffee to keep herself awake for the football match.(7)Standing at the riverside, the travelers watched an exaltation of larks go higher and higher until they lost sight of them. exaltation: a group of bi

4、rds rising up with happy voice;(8)As soon as Glenn realized that his lie had been discovered, a cataract of words began to flow from his mouth as he feverishly tried to justify his actions. cataract: a stretch of a river where the currents flows very fast downfall;四、 英语群体名词的语义特征汉语群体量词有哪些?特征是什么?英语中与汉

5、语“群”对应的表量名词有多少?表示“人群”的有哪些? 如何分类?army, arsenal, audience, band, batch, bevy, blunder, board, body, brood, bunch, chattering, choir, circle, clique, cloud, clump, cluster, clutch, coffle, collection, colony, community, company, congregation, constellation, consternation, corps, couple, covey, crew, cr

6、ocodile, crowd, delegation, dozen, drove, eloquence, enrollment, family, file, flock, flood, flow, forest, gaggle, galaxy, gang, giggle, group, guard, handful, herd, hive, horde, host, knot, litter, lot, mob, mountain, multitude, muster, nest, number, obedience, ocean, pack, party, pinch, pool, pres

7、s, rabble, run, school, score, sea, set, shoal, skulk, squad, stampede, stream, swarm, team, throng, train, troop, troupe.英语人群名词语义分类简表类别例词褒义arsenal, brood, circle, constellation, eloquence, family, galaxy, party, pool;贬义band, blunder, bunch, chattering, clique, clutch, consternation, crocodile, gang

8、, herd, horde, mob, nest, obedience, pack, skulk;动态crowd, drove, file, flow, rabble, run, stampede, stream, train, throng;静态batch, clump, collection, company, delegation, dozen, enrollment, group, multitude, number, score, team,多量army, audience, cloud, body, flock, flood, forest, hive, host, lot, mo

9、untain, ocean, press, school, sea, shoal, swarm, troop; 少量cluster, couple, handful, knot, pinch;借用bevy, board, choir, coffle, colony, community, congregation, corps, covey, crew, gaggle, giggle, guard, litter, muster, set, squad, troupe;Arsenal: a store of weapons; constellation: a group of stars of

10、ten having a name; blunder: stupid mistakes; chattering: talking rapidly at length; clique: a closely united group of people who do not allow others to join in; clutch: a number of eggs laid by the same bird; consternation: great surprise or shock; crocodile: a line of noisy schoolchildren; horde: a

11、 large group wandering about; obedience: state of being obedient; skulk: action of secret hiding or moving; clump: a group of trees growing together; enrollment: number of people accepted as students in a school; multitude: a large number of scattered objects; shoal: a large group of fish swimming t

12、ogether; cluster: a number of things growing together; knot: a small group of people close together ; 1. Mountain, ocean, forest, cloud, army, troop, audience, swarm;2. Crowd, file, rabble, run, stampede, stream, train, throng;3. Corps, guard, squad, choir, troupe, coffle, colony, community, congreg

13、ation, crew, muster;(9)那次生物学大会吸引了一大批来自世界各地的杰出学者,他们渴望了解遗传学领域的最新发展动态。 (10)村里那些婆姨们,整日里无所事事,就知道串门嚼舌根。(11)她打算继续过原来美好的日子,但却不幸落入一伙无赖的手里,无法脱身。 (12) 出名后他每天要接待几十位来访者,敦促他雇个秘书以便腾出时间为自己的畅销书推出续集。 (13) 那年冬天严打,一伙亡命之徒流窜到我省边境地区,企图负隅顽抗。 (14) 节后的车站里,一群群民工正在排队上车,准备到外省打工。 (15) 秦戈跟随大批旅客走出车站,只见广场上人山人海。(16) 她男人连张纸条都没留就遗弃了她,给她留下的是一窝嗷嗷待哺、骨瘦如柴的小家伙。(17) 这支球队名气很大,不仅因为队友配合密切堪称典范,而且球员个个赛场经验丰富攻势凌厉。 (18) 傍晚时分的牧场已不见成群吃草的羊儿,只有几个牧人围着篝火断断续续地哼着一首无名的曲子。 (19)2010年南非世界杯期间,为了维护良好的社会治安,约翰内斯堡警方逮捕了一群上街闹事的年轻人。(20)近年来广大青年战士中涌现出许多可歌可泣的英雄人物和先进事迹。


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