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1、Unit 10 Dont eat in class.单元备课一教材分析:语言目标:谈论并制定某些规章制度语言结构:祈使句、情态动词can和情态动词have to 及其各种句式的变化。Section A提供了本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构。Section B是让学生在掌握了Section A的基础知识后进行拓展和延伸。 Section A介绍学校生活 Dont eat in class. Can we listen to music in class? No, we cant. We have to wear sports shoes for gym classes.Section B 由学校生

2、活过渡到家庭生活,制定家规、了解标识,并引导学生展开思维与想象,进行与现实生活相联系的再创作。Self check 自我检测和评估,巩固本单元的学习任务二教学目标1能力目标通过本单元的学习,学生能熟练使用目标语言用口头或书面描述规则,能用英文表达一些标志的含义,能谈论对某些规章制度的看法。2 认知目标 学习并掌握本单元词汇 : rules, arrive late for class, go out , practice, fight, etc. 熟练运用祈使句的否定与肯定形式 。 熟练运用can表许可的一般疑问句及回答。 熟练运用have to 表达必须遵守的规则。 3 德育教育v 学习规章

3、制度,规范自己行为。学会与他人讨论规章制度,发表自己的认识,提出改进措施,以便自己和他人能更好地遵守。三重点与难点分析:祈使句 情态动词can表示许可的用法; 情态动词have to各种可以用在表述规章制度的动词和句型 四教学策略任务型教学策略:在设计“任务型”活动时,应该结合学生实际,力求设计出真实、切实可行的活动,培养学生综合语言运用能力,并以“能做某事”作为评价标准。开放性教学策略:开放性地处理教材,丰富学生知识,拓宽他们视野。五、学情分析对于初二第一学期的学生来说,他们已具有了一定的英语基础,同时也具备一些语言知识的能力。在这样的基础上,老师应在这一教学过程中教育学生要自觉各种规章制度

4、,养成良好的遵守纪律的习惯,学会礼貌地与人交际。五.课时划分第一课时 New words 第二课时 Section A 1a-2c第三课时 Section A 3a-4 第四课时 Section B 1a-2c第五课时 Section B 3a-selfcheck 第六课时 Revision七作文设置:用英语写出本班班规。50词左右The first period Lesson 1 New words课题 Dont eat in class.教学目标 1. Learn the new words and remember them. 2. The past form of the verb a

5、nd some useful expressions.重点,难点:The pronunciations and spellings预习导学 : 检查单词预习的读音和部分单词的用法。教学过程与内容Step 1. check the homework Review the drills of Unit 9 .(oral)1.你觉得肥皂剧怎么样? 2.谢谢你加入我们!3.请你把我的信登在下个月的杂志上好吗?4.最酷的东西是腰带。5.我喜欢(听)关于我容貌的好话。Step 2. 目标认定learn the new the new words Read the new words ,pay attent

6、ion to the pronunciations and spellings.Step 3拓展延伸learn the use of new words. 1.fight-fought fight with/against sb 2.rule obey/abide by the rules遵守规则 break the rules违反规则 school rules校规 class rules班规 3.Ms,Miss,Mrs, Mr用法上的区别 4.outside-inside 5.dining-hall 6.What else do you have to do? What other thin

7、gs do you have to do?7.have to的用法 8.do some washing(reading,cleaning,shopping)9.childchildren Childrens Palace 10.loudlyStep 4.learn the drills合作探究 Let the students discuss the use of the verbs first. Then explain them. And ask the student to write them down in the notebook.1.arrive late for class e

8、g. Dont arrive late for class. arrive in大地方/arrive at小地方2.listen/hear Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.3.Do you have to wear a uniform at school? Yes,we do./No, we cant.4.Dont go out on the school nights.Step 5当堂检测.learn the new words again. Check them: have a dictation校正反馈- cl

9、assroom, fight ,rule ,outside ,else ,have to , sports shoes, children, Childrens Palace, loudly二次备课学法指导:1根据音标去拼读单词2.模仿录音发音3.及时记录笔记Test:Who reads best?Homework: 1.Remember the new words.(全体) 2. Preview U10 Section A1a2c(A.B层) 3.配套练习P46 Part 1反思:The second period Lesson 2 Section A 1a-2c课题 Dont eat in

10、 class.教学目标 1. Learn to talk about school rules. 2. The past form of the verb.重点,难点 Dont arrive late for class. Dont run in the hallways. Dont eat in the classrooms. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. Dont fight.预习导学:Dont eat in class.句型。教学过程与内容Step1 check the homeworkHave a dic

11、tation of the new words.Step2 Presentation目标认定Tell the students that we will learn rules today by showing the picture of rules. Teacher can tell the students must keep the rules, etc. Step3 Language notes 合作探究Show pictures and ask the students about some rules, then present the sentence structure: D

12、ont - . You can do it as the following:A: Can we arrive late for class?B: No, we cant.A: so, dont arrive late for class.Show other pictures and go on talking about the rules like the following:We cant eat in the classrooms. Dont eat in the classrooms.Dont run in the hallways. Dont draw on the wall.S

13、tep4 拓展延伸 Practice学习祈使句、情态动词can表示许可的用法和情态动词have to 及其句式的变化 What are our school rules? We cant -.We mustStep5 Listening What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers.Step6 PairworkAsk Ss to do pairwork to practise the target language.当堂检测:根据汉语提示正确的单词。1. There are some _(儿童) in the park.2.

14、 Dont talk _(高声) in the library.3. When _ (别的) did you meet her?4. I enjoy _(洗) clothes at home.5. _ (打架) is wrong(错) for us.检查预习作业U10 Section A1a2cHomework 1.Remember new words and phrases.(C层)2 Preview sectionA3a-4.(A.B层) 3. 同步训练P84 1,2,3题反思The third periodLesson 3 Section A 3a-4课题:Dont eat in class.教学目标::1.Talk about the school rules and learn some expressions.2. Revise the past forms of more verbs.重点,难点:wear a uniform, have to


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