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1、推进互利共赢合作 发展新型大国关系在第四轮中美战略与经济对话开幕式上的致辞2012年5月3日,北京钓鱼台芳菲苑中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛克林顿国务卿,盖特纳财长,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:时隔两年,中美战略与经济对话再次在北京举行,中美双方将共同探讨新形势下如何推动两国关系向前发展。首先,我谨对第四轮中美战略与经济对话开幕,表示祝贺!对远道而来的美国朋友们,表示欢迎!2009年,我同奥巴马总统在伦敦会晤时共同商定,建立中美战略与经济对话机制。3年多来,中美战略与经济对话作为两国级别最高、参与部门最多、讨论议题最广的机制,促进了两国高层战略沟通,加深了对彼此战略意图和政策的了解,扩大了对





6、、支持者。我高兴地得知,第三轮中美人文交流高层磋商将与第四轮中美战略与经济对话同时举行,期待第三轮磋商进一步促进中美两国人民相互了解和友谊。女士们、先生们!我们所在的这个大厅叫芳菲苑。中国唐代诗人韩愈有两句诗:“草木知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲。”意思是时不我待,必须奋发进取。中美关系正面临进一步发展的机遇,同时也面临新的挑战。让我们抓住机遇,排除干扰,共同努力,走出一条相互尊重、合作共赢的新型大国关系之路。预祝第四轮中美战略与经济对话取得圆满成功。 Promote Win-Win Cooperation and Build a New Type of Relations Between Maj

7、or CountriesAddress at the Opening Session of the Fourth Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic DialoguesH.E. Hu Jintao, President of the Peoples Republic of ChinaBeijing, 3 May 2012Secretary Hillary Clinton, Secretary Timothy Geithner, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

8、Today, after two years, a new round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues (S&ED) is opened here in Beijing. During the dialogue, our two sides will discuss ways to advance China-US relations under the new circumstances. I wish to extend congratulations on the opening of the fourth round of th

9、e S&ED and welcome to our American friends coming from afar.President Obama and I agreed to establish the S&ED when we met in London in 2009. This is the highest-level mechanism between our two countries that involves the most extensive participation by our government departments and has a most wide

10、-ranging agenda. Over the past three years and more, the S&ED has facilitated high-level strategic consultation between our two countries. We have increased understanding of each others strategic intentions and policies and expanded consensus on the future course of China-US relations. The S&ED has

11、given a strong boost to our mutually beneficial cooperation and contributed to the mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples. And it has enriched exchanges and consultations between the two countries in various fields and at various levels.I hope that the two sides will continue to

12、 make concerted efforts during this round of the S&ED. We need to both focus on the present and look ahead to the future. We should make the S&ED a long-term mechanism for us to intensify strategic consultation, enhance strategic mutual trust and promote strategic cooperation, a mechanism that helps

13、 us explore ways to build China-US cooperative partnership.Ladies and Gentlemen,Forty years ago, the Chinese and American leaders of the older generation opened the door of China-US relations with “a handshake across the Pacific Ocean”. And they started the process of exploring how two major countri

14、es different in social system, history, culture and development stage should treat each other. Today, 40 years on, China-US relations have grown well beyond what people could have imagined at that time.A year ago, I paid a state visit to the United States and reached the important agreement with Pre

15、sident Obama on working together to build a China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit. China and the United States are respectively the largest developing country and the largest developed country. The sustained, sound and steady growth of our relations will not onl

16、y deliver real benefits to our two peoples, but also make valuable contribution to world peace, stability and prosperity.Ladies and Gentlemen,The world today is seeing deepening economic globalization and rapid scientific and technological advances, and we face both opportunities and challenges. People of all c


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