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1、2013年高考英语 易错点点睛与高考突破 专题10 副词性从句【2013高考预测】1.时间状语从句和原因状语从句的运用2.条件状语从句和结果状语从句的正确运用3.让步状语从句和方式状语从句的运用4.比较状语从句和目的状语从句的运用5.till和until的用法区别 6.though和ahhough的用法 7.as和though引导让步状语从句的语序【难点突破】 1有些副词置于句首可修饰全句,作评注性状语。Happily for her, her stepmother was kind to her.使她高兴的是,她的继母对她很好。2though, (ever)since, in case, h

2、owever, yet等不仅可以作连词,也可以作副词。She promised to phone. I heard nothing, though/however.她答应要打电话来,可我没听到回信儿。Although he spared no effort, yet he failed.尽管他不遗余力,然而还是失败了。3.修饰原级比较级最高级fairlyprettyratherquiteveryenoughtoo备注:fairly,pretty常修饰褒义词(1)rather too adj./adv.(原级)rather可位于不定冠词的前/后a rather pretty girlrather

3、 a pretty girlrather还可修饰动词(2)quite还有completely之意,可修饰含绝对意义的形容词/副词和最高级。quite perfect/quite the best quite可于不定冠词的前/后quite a few studentsa quite pretty girl quite还可修饰名、代、动等。(3)very much a 修饰一般的adj./adv. (原级) very good/well修饰adj./adv. (最高级)/the very best much修饰以a开头的表语形容词 much afraid; much too adj./adv mu

4、ch too good/well much adj./adv.(比较级)much better不能修饰 b v.ingadj. very exciting c v.edadj. very pleased v.edadj. much pleased 注意:v.edadj.时very/much皆可修饰,much最佳;v.ed动词意义强时则只用much修饰。He is very/much satisfied with my work.He was much moved by my words.very adj.表强调this/that/these/those/the/ones very n.This

5、 is my very pen.这就是我的钢笔。rather too adj./adv.(原级)much too adj./adv.(原级)far too adj./adv.(原级)rather/much/far too fartoo much n(不可数)too much water例2、.填上固定搭配的形容词或副词Hes _/_drunk(very drunk)他喝得酩酊大醉。Hes _awake.他完全没有睡意。Its raining/snowing _雨/雪下得很大。Hes _/_asleep.他睡得很沉。Hes moving/breathing/drinking/smoking _他

6、吃力地移动/喘着粗气/酒喝得多/烟抽得多。The traffic/His moustache is _交通拥挤/他的胡子浓密。The population of China is _than that of America.中国的人口比美国的多。.根据提示完成下列句子The hawk was flying _in the sky.We spoke _of him.(high/highly)Dont come too _I _resemble my father.(close/closely)The train stopped _She turned _pale.(dead/deadly)The

7、 village is _of mud houses.She is the _beautiful girl in the college.(most/mostly)Fix the post _in the ground.(firm/firmly)The desk was _in the center of the room.(direct/directly)答案high;highlyclose;closelydead;deadlymostly;mostfirmdirectly.单项填空(上海春季卷)What a nice fire you have in your fireplace!Duri

8、ng the winter I like my house _Awarmly and comfortably Bwarm and comfortableCwarm and comfortably Dwarmly and comfortable答案B形容词作宾补。(全国卷)I must be getting fat. I can _do my trousers up.Afairly Bhardly Cnearly Dseldom答案Bdo.up意为“扎起”。从上文可以看出:我一定是变胖了,几乎无法束起裤子。can hardly do几乎不能。,难点 1 till和until的用法区别1.He d

9、idnt go to bed _ his mother came back.A. till B. until C. as D. since【解析】 一般来说,till和until可以通用,但要注意从句中谓语动词如果是表示延续性的动词,要用肯定形式;非延续性动词一般用否定形式。 此外,用于句首时一般用until,和not连用时也用 until。【答案】 B难点 2 though和although的用法2.Although he is considered a great writer,_ . A. however his works are not widely read B. but his

10、works are not widely read C. his works are not widely read D. still his works are not widely read【变式探究】1 I will have to wait for him he comes back.A. till B. until C. as D. A and B答案: D解析:till和until可通用,本句是肯定句式。2 _ he was 16,he didnt leave his mother.A. Till B. Until C. Not until D. After答案: B解析:位于句首

11、要用Until.3 _ , he knows a lot.A. Child as is he B. Child as he is C. As he is a child D. As a child is he答案: B解析:as引导让步状语从句,用倒装语序。【易错点点睛】易错点点睛 1 时间状语从句和原因状语从句的运用1.Did Jack come back early last night? Yes. It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home. A. before B. when C. that D. until3._ they heard

12、the shout for help, they rushed out.A. Immediately B. The moment C. The while D. All the above4. Its no wonder youve got a headache _ you drank so much last night.A. though B. in case C. when D. while【错误解答】 D【错解分析】 很多考生都选D项,把while理解成“然而”或“当时候”,仔细分析本句就会发现空格处应填一个能引导原因状语的词,此时只有when合适,其意义相当于since,seeing

13、 that或consldering that.【正确解答】 C5. He did not get up _ his mother came in. A. till B. until C. not until D. before as强调两个动作同时进行,动作通常是延续性的,且表示“一边一边”;还可表示“随着时叵的推移”。例:He always sings as he walks.As time went on,his theory proved to be correct.when引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是非延续性的,有时还表示“就在那时”。例:When the teacher came in, the students were reading aloud.When he stayed in America, he learned a lot of English.We were about to set out when it began to rain.while在期间,引导的从句的动作是延续性的,并侧重主从句的动作同时发生;有时while还表示转折关系“而”。例:While his mother was cooking in the kitchen, the lit


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