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1、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionListening and Talking一、单词拼写1. By the year 2025, one fifth of the world s animal _(物种) may be extinct. 2. They are trying to _(移除) the mountains standing near his home. 3. After Jack had gone from the bank for a while, the _(警报) began to ring. 4. Hebei Hengshui Lake National

2、 Nature _(保护区) is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. 5. They not only show our good qualities but also make ourselves enjoy the _(和谐) of school life. 二、完形填空Maverick Oyao is an art student at Western Mindanao State University in the Philippines. He recently made news headlines aro

3、und the world after 1 his sister with a one-of-a-kind prom (毕业舞会) dress that he made by hand. It all started earlier this month when he learned that his sister Keanna wanted to 2 the upcoming prom in February. 3, renting a dress suitable for such a(n) 4 was very expensive. Their parents simply could

4、n t 5 it. Since she was in her final year of junior high school, she still 6. Determined to make his sister s prom a memorable one, Maverick decided to make her a 7 princess dress himself. The problem was that Maverick had no 8making dresses, but after some learning, he eventually decided that his s

5、ister s happiness was worth the 9. He started looking at Spring and Summer collections as 10 for Keanna s dress design, and later admitted that the creations of famous Filipino designers influenced him the most. Despite11 any dress making experience, Maverick managed to turn the pencil-drawn design

6、into a reality. The fairy-tale blue dress he made for his sister12 her beautifully, and even though she didn t win the Best Dress award at prom, it certainly 13 a lot of attention. And when Maverick14 pictures of the dress on social media, along with the story of how it came to be. it spread quickly

7、 online. Keanna s prom was on Valentine s Day, but photos of her wearing the dress are still popular online, and for many it has become a modern 15 of brotherly love. 1. A. surprisingB. decoratingC. greetingD. adjusting2. A. startB. hostC. attendD. organize3. A. ThereforeB. SuddenlyC. UnfortunatelyD

8、. Hardly4. A. meetingB. eventC. accidentD. concert5. A. admireB. questionC. borrowD. afford6. A. insistedB. managedC. hesitatedD. argued7. A. gentleB. cheapC. uniqueD. virtual8. A. troubleB. useC. pointD. experience9. A. effortB. materialC. designD. money10. A. missionB. inspirationC. selectionD. ap

9、plication11. A. gainingB. broadeningC. lackingD. ignoring12. A. impressedB. provedC. supportedD. fit13. A. attractedB. paidC. dividedD. focused14. A. sentB. postedC. lentD. exchanged15. A. roleB. beliefC. timeD. symbol三、阅读理解Dogs are often referred to as “man s best friend”. But MacKenzie, a four-pou

10、nd chihuahua, who was named winner of the 2020 American Hero Dog Competition on October 19, 2020, is making the world a better place for humans and animals alike. In its tenth year in 2020, the annual contest is the brainchild of American Humane Association, the country s first national charitable o

11、rganization founded for the safety and well-being of animals. Often called the “Oscars for dogs”, the award recognizes dogs who make extremely great contributions (贡献) to society. The competition of 2020 attracted over 400 entries from across the country. These heroic dogs have gone above the call o

12、f duty, saving lives, comforting the ill and aged and reminding us of the powerful, age-old ties between animals and people. While all were impressive, it was tiny MacKenzie who won the judges hearts. MacKenzie s path to stardom was not easy. Born with a mouth disability, she had to be fed through a

13、 tube (管子) for the first year of her life. Despite her own struggles, she always seemed to think more of other animals in need. “Never have I seen such a will to live. Though sick, she carefully looked after the baby animals at the rescue center, ” said her caretaker. A life-saving operation perform

14、ed in 2014 gave MacKenzie the ability to eat independently. The seven-year-old chihuahua is now working for the Mia Foundation, a New York-based charitable organization that rescues and nurses animals with inborn disabilities. The chihuahua does an excellent job and has raised various animals. She p

15、lays nurse, cleans, comforts and hugs them, acting as their mother and teaching them how to socialize, play and have good manners. In addition to her role as an animal caretaker, MacKenzie also visits schools to educate kids about the importance of accepting physical differences in both animals and people. Her heart-warming and inspiring story makes MacKenzie a worthy receiver of America s top dog honor! 1. What can we infer about the American Hero Dog Competition? A.


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