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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、The strongest people are not always those who win, but those who dont _ when they lose.Aset upBcheer upCgive upDshow up2、-Could you tell

2、me _yesterday? -Yes. To take back my dictionary.Awhat did you come here forBwhy you came hereChow did you come hereDwhen you came here3、The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _.AinventsBinventedCis inventedDwas invented4、Its reported that xxx arrived Moscow March 22nd to pay a t

3、hree-day visit to Russia.Aat; inBin; onCin; inDat; on5、We are very glad that Chinas Change-4 lunar probe(月球探测器) successfully _ on the far side of the moon on January 3, 2009.AlandedBwas landingClandsDis landing6、- excellentworkyouhavedone! -Itsverykindofyoutosayso.AWhatan BHow CWhat DHowan7、Thanksgi

4、ving Day is a day for Western families and their friends to have a big dinner together, giving their thanks to God for what they have got. It is a traditional festival in _.AChinaBAmericaCJapan8、If you keep working with your courage(勇气) and belief, you can reach the stage(舞台) on which you can show a

5、ll your _.AfurnitureBtalentsCcollections9、I hear the beginning of this movie is very exciting. ! When I got to the cinema yesterday, the film had been on for several minutes.AIts a pleasureBIm sorry to hear that.CWhat a pity10、I was very tired last night, _ I went to sleep earlier.AbutBorCsoDfor. 完形

6、填空11、 Do you often drink bottled drinks? Of course 1 is so cool to get a cold one right out of the fridge, right? But all those plastic bottles use a lot of oil and 2 the environment. Americans buy 3 bottled water than any other nation in the world. In order to make all these bottles, 17 million bar

7、rels (桶) of oil 4 up. Thats enough oil to keep a million cars going for twelve months.Many people choose 5 the bottles away after having the bottled drinks. In fact, instead of going out with the trash, plastic bottles can be turned into carpeting for clothing. Remember this: Recycling one plastic b

8、ottle 6 save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for six hours. 7 , for every six water bottles we use, only one is recycled. The rest are sent as garbage ( 垃圾 ). Or, even worse, they end up 8 trash on the land or in rivers and oceans.So why dont more people drink water from the kitchen? Som

9、e people drink bottled water 9 they think it is better for them, but thats not true. The chemicals in the bottles themselves may get into the water which can do harm to people.So next time when you have drinks or water, please 10 to use a glass at home or carry water in a steel bottle. And if you wa

10、nt to do something more, try to collect plastic bottles and send them for recycling.1AthisBitCthatDthere2Ahave pollutedBwill polluteCpolluteDpolluted3AmanyBmuchCmoreDmost4Awill useBwill be usedCusedDwas used5AcollectBto collectCthrowDto throw6AcanBmayCmustDneed7ALuckyBLuckilyCUnluckyDUnluckily8Awith

11、BasClikeDfor9AbecauseBUnlessCifDalthough10Ato tryBtryCtryingDtried. 语法填空12、World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by the UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people to discover the pleasure of 1(read) . It means you read a book out of interest not because your teachers or parent

12、s tell you to do so. “Reading for pleasure ” plays a more important role 2ones growth than ones family background.Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of materials can help us know 3(many) about the outside world and perfect us. However, computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing

13、 books off the shelf. Some experts believe its a worrying trend(趋势).Each 4( China) read 0.38 more books in 2013 than 2012 but still far fewer than those in major developed 5( country). Even worse many bookstores have closed their doors 6many book lovers start to buy fewer books than before.However,

14、many people do still prefer reading because it has been part of 7(they) life. It can benefit (使受益) people in many ways. It gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. It 8has a strong influence on forming our personality and makes us more intelligent. The more we read, the mor

15、e we know. The more we know. The 9(smart ) we become. Its never too late to start reading. So jump into the 10(wonder )world of books now!. 阅读理解A13、Most people are writing blogs (博客). Others are reading them. The word “ blog” is a short way of saying Web log almost like QQ Zone (空间).Many popular Web sites now offer free, easy ways to create perso



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