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1、UNIT 1 DESCRIBE PEOPLEIn this unit, you are expected to learn1) how to describe people2) how to introduce yourself3) how to take notes and answer questionsPART ONE WARMING UPTask: Watch the short video clip and note down the adjectives for describing peoples physical appearance.Example: tall vs shor

2、tMore words: 1) _ vs _ 2) _ vs _ 3) _ vs _ 4) _ vs _ 5) _ vs _ 6) _ vs _Follow-up task (Pair work):1)Think of two or three similar adjectives and have your partner to act them out.2)Think of two adjectives that best describe yourself. Tell them to your partner and use specific examples to explain wh

3、y you say so.PART TWO LISTENINGText 1Conversation2adorable a. 可爱的bushy a. 灌木茂密的;浓密的curly a. 卷曲的,弯曲的pudgy a. 短而胖的;胖嘟嘟的VocabularyTask: Watch the short video clip and supply the missing words.M: Hey, what are you looking at?F: Oh, these? They are pictures from my trip back home last month.M: Let have a

4、 look. So, who is this?F: Thats my sister and thats my cousin Keira.M: Your sister looks nothing like you. You are _, and she has _ hair and _ eyes. Now, you look much more like your cousin.F: Yeah, thats true. Keira and I both have _ faces, _ lips, fat cheeks, and _ eyebrows. Gorgeous!M: You dont g

5、ive yourself enough credit. Why do you think everyone of your guy friends is interested in you? Hey, whos the little girl?F: Oh, thats my cousin Adrianos daughter. Shes seven. Shes very pretty, as you can see, and has the most beautiful _ hair. Thats her baby brother, who was just born in April.M: O

6、h, man! He is so _. That pudgy face, _ hair, and big eyes! Hes _.F: I think he looks just like me.M: Hm I think Id better start complimenting you. Its going straight to your head.Text 2iGeniusHow Steve Jobs Changed the WorldVocabularyabrasive a. 粗暴无礼的adoption n. 领养behold v. 看brash a. 无礼的,傲慢的dashing

7、a. 活跃的,干劲十足的dictatorial a. 独裁的drop out 退出earbud n. 耳塞elitist a. 优秀的entrepreneurship n. 企业家envision v. 想象,预想geek n. 怪人,不可思议的人gut n. 内心的感hacker n. 电脑爱好者hippy n. 嬉皮士humanize v.人性化hybrid n. 混合体John Lennon 英国著名摇滚乐队“披头士”(The Beatles,也译做“甲壳虫”)成员LSD 迷幻药muggle n. 麻瓜,没有魔法的人,普通人portable a. 便携式的rip into 猛攻,抨击sl

8、eek a. 光滑的techy n. 技术人员tinker with 胡乱地修补tune in 变得明白,了解turn on 开始,开启while away 消磨wizard n.男巫师3Task 1: Watch the first part of the program named “iGeniusHow Steve Jobs Changed the World” and complete the facts of Steve Jobs.Achievements:l Changed peoples lives with products such as _, _, and _l Calle

9、d the iGenius for making complicated things _ and _Early years:l Born in _l _ by a working-class couple in Californias _.l Went to Oregon in _ and attended a collegel Liked the music of _ and Bob Dylan, took drugs and went to _l Returned to California in _Apple 1l Joint effort of Steve Jobs and Stev

10、e Wozniakl Had no _ or _, just a beginningApple Computer Incl Formed with the help of an _l A great improvement of Apple 1l Faster, had _, color graphics and _l The reinvention of _ was a huge successl Good sales brought Apple company to public in _ and made Steve Jobs worthy of $_ at the age of _.T

11、ask 2: Listen to the recording and take notes of the words used to describe Steve Jobs._Task 3: Watch the last part of the program and decide whether the following sentences are true or false according to the video.1. ( ) Steve Jobs died of cancer in August 2011.2. ( ) Camille was deeply influenced

12、by Steve Jobs and gave up her original plan to join the volunteer work.3. ( ) Steve Jobs will always be remembered as the inventor of portable music player and the smartphone, even 500 years from now.4. ( ) Steve Jobs had made Apple products indispensable to many people in the world.5. ( ) His passion, energy, and his desire for fame and wealth had all c


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