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1、Unit 7 How much are these pants?【设计思路】本节课教授的词汇主要是服饰类的,课型属于听说课, 所以在课前先营造一种轻松的学习氛围,教唱一首英语歌曲,让学生尽快地融入进课堂,期间还有pair work,groupwork,把学生分成两两小组或四人小组,互相对话,提供给学生充分的时间进行交流。【教材分析】本节课是第七单元的第一课时,学生在前一单元初步学习完有关食物的英语知识之后,进一步地在本单元学习有关服饰的知识。本课时围绕着几个关于服饰的词汇和两个询问价钱的句型展开。词汇首当其冲,在学习词汇之后,掌握本课时的主要句型How much is? Its dollars

2、. How much are ? They are dollars. 词汇的重点是要区分单复数,还有dollar的用法。【教学内容】Section A 1a-1c 2a 2b【教学目标】(一)教学知识点(1) new words:t-shirt,sweater,bag,hat,skirt,socks,shorts,pants,shoes,(2) questions and answers:How much is? Its dollars. How much are ? They are dollars.(二)能力训练要求(1) 通过师生对话,生生对话等一系列活动,提高学生实际运用英语的能力。(

3、2) 体会合作学习所带来的快乐。(三)情感与价值观要求通过学生互相帮助,互相学习,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神。【教学重点和难点】重点:(1) 学会重点词汇的发音,单复数形式的掌握。(2) 学会询问价钱的英语句型及其回答。难点:表示大小,颜色的形容词同时出现在名词前时,该如何摆放。【教学策略与手段】(1) 师生对话,生生对话。(2) 充分运用现代教育技术手段。【教学过程】I. Lead in.1. Greetings. Sing the color song. Review the words of color.2. Show a picture of a store .设计意图:用歌

4、曲演绎激发学生的兴趣II. Presentation:1.Show the names of the clothes with pictures.2.Read the new words after the teacher .3.T: Whats this?/ Whatre these ? Ss: Its a/anTheyre4.Play a game 设计意图:用真实的图片给学生最直观的效果,游戏可以做到寓教于乐。III. Remember the words and then do the exercises. 1a Match the words with the pictures. 1

5、b Listen and circle the things in the picture you hear.设计意图:听力与匹配题结合,加深学生对新单词以及新句型的印象IV. Watch and listen carefully ,lets find out how to ask prices.V. Practice. Two Ss make a dialogue to practice the pattern.VI. Group work :ask the price of their own clothes.设计意图:通过生生合作以及小组合作,加强学生间互动协作能力,同时用说的方式操作新

6、句型VII. Conclusion and do the exercise.2a Listen to the conversations. Circle the things you hear.2b Listen again and fill in the price tags.Pairwork Ask and answer questions about the things in 1a.How much ?Its/ Theyre 设计意图:总结回归书本,听与说的训练同时进行。VIII. HomeworkPractice to use how to use the question: how much.Find five more clothing names, and write them down on your workbook.设计意图:布置作业,加强课后训练。.Teaching reflection


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