1、汉英高级笔译参考题随机抽取:第I题 4分5(小题);第II题 10分3(小题);第III题 25分2小题,合计100分第I题将以下各句译成英语汉语(每题4分)1浪漫一身(时装广告。注意“身”、“声”发音相似)Weave romance into your life! Or: Love me, love my dress! Or: Romance for every wear, everywhere. Or: Romance for life.2光彩人生,源于光源!(荧光棒广告)Light your way to a better night.Or: A bright source for an
2、 even brighter life.3小商品,大感受。(家具配件广告。要求前者处理为形容词加名词,后者为形容词加介词加名词)Small articles, big in style. Or: Small articles, great in taste.4放飞梦想, 实现自我!(出国留学服务机构广告。要求前者译成动宾结构,后者译成动词加副词)Soar far, catch your dreams. Or: Fly towards your dream. Or: Fly as far as your dream will carry you.5人人为我,我为人人!(某著名企业的财富观)Fro
3、m all, back to all. Or: A shared prosperity for all.6人曾是佛,人不能成佛。女卑为奴,女又可称奴。(就中文而言,是个拆字游戏。要求译文反复使用首韵法)A Buddhist cannot bud into a Buddha; a maiden may be made a housemaid.日本,当以何为本?印度,难求大国之度(文章标题,含文字游戏)Nippon lost as to what to found itself upon; India struggling to restore past glory as a super-topi
4、a. .金日在手中,万事好成功!(口服液广告。要求译文押韵)The Golden Sun tonic: never just a matter of taste. .今天购买,就在今天享用!(商家促销口号。要求译文押尾韵)Buy today, enjoy it right away! Or: Buy today, enjoy it without delay!10. 它工作,你(指家庭主妇)休息。(洗衣机广告。要求用chores和credit;注意动宾搭配)You take credit for all the chores it does.11. 先点击,后点钱!(IT产品,含文字游戏)Cl
5、ick and count! Or: With a touch, you get rich.12. 你不理财,财不理你。(某财金杂志广告,其中“理”字含双关)Help money manage itself. Or: Wealth favors only those with a prepared mind.13. 我们实行三包:包修、包退、包换!(商家对顾客的承诺。要求三个关键短语都以R开头)We guarantee 3 Rs: Repair, Refund and Replacement.14. “美的”家电:美的(故意用错别字)全面,美的彻底。(家用电器广告。要求“全面”、“彻底”都译成
6、相当于汉语“从到”的格式)Midea electrical appliances: beautiful from top to toe, from inside out.15. “三优”牌家具:优越的质量、优惠的价格、优质的(售后)服务(要求三个关键短语都以U开头)3-U furniture: Unrivaled quality, Unbeatable prices, Unreserved post-sale service.16. 茅台一开,满室生香。Maotai a vintage liquor that gives a most daring expression to your dor
7、mant feeling! Or: Maotai a VIP treat that means everything you ask for. Or: Maotai wakens peoples dormant feelings towards life.17. 衣食住行,有龙则灵。(建设银行“龙卡”广告)A Loong Card makes your life easier, more enjoyable.18. 非常可乐,非常选择。(饮料广告。要求译文重复两遍字母F和C)Future cola, fantastic choice.19. 皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减。(皮件制品广告。
8、必须用thick和thin;允许词形有变通)Thickest leather for thinnest profits.20. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。(护肤霜广告)Dabao lotion: a proven challenge to wrinkles. Or: A proper dose of Dabao a day keeps facial wrinkles away. Or: Use Dabao every day this means you. Or: Dabao Im loving it!21正如广大群众所批评的那样,我们现在是“卫星上天,厕所漏水”。As the popular
9、criticism goes, “Satellites are launched but toilets still leak.”22. 民国万税,天下太贫。Long live the Republic, the Republic live long!23. 年年难过年年过,处处无家处处家。Hard up, you try to make it easy year after year; homeless, I manage to make a home from pillar to pillar.24. 客上天然居,居然天上客。Heaven Inn makes you feel like i
10、n heaven.25. 球票紧张,教练更紧张。他来墨西哥后,几乎没好好睡过觉。Tickets to the ball game were hard to get, but the coach had an even harder time trying to get some sleep. He hadnt rested properly at all since he had arrived in Mexico.26. 在天津教书,天天吃天津饭,吃得津津有味。赴日本留学,日日读日本书,读得本本不通。Tianjin was like heaven, giving me heavenly fo
11、od to eat with immense gusto; Nippon is like hell, making me read hellish books in sheer disgust.27. 有些天天喊大众化的人,连三句老百姓的话都讲不出来,可见他就没有下过决心跟老百姓学,实在他的意思仍是小众化。“We certainly will write in a popular style,” some of our comrades would say. But what kind of a “popular style” is that?! They cant even begin to
12、 speak the first sentence in the language of ordinary people. Thats enough to show that those comrades havent made up their mind to learn from the very grassroots. What theyre really after is still refinement, not popularization. 28. 希望大家积极支持文字改革工作,促进这一工作而不要“促退”这一工作。My hope is that all of you will d
13、o everything you can to help rather than hinder the development of the new character system.29. 官逼民反,民不得不反。Where there is repression, there is rebellion.30. 他“科员”了一辈子,从来没有得到过晋升的机会。He remained a junior clerk throughout his working life, never getting a promotion.31好一个朋友你连五块钱都不肯借给我。A friend indeed you
14、 wouldnt even lend me a measly five yuan!32. 东西南北中,好酒在张弓。East or west, the wine from Zhanggong is the best.33. 上述产品堪称箱包、皮件的世界,劳保用品之王国。特别是皮制劳保手套执世界牛耳。We would like to offer a wide gamut of premiere leather products suitcases, bags and safety articles. Our leather gloves, in particular, represent the
15、worlds latest trend in worker protection.34. 中国有句俗话:“赶得早不如赶得巧”。赶上地坛庙会那就是巧。这里浓缩着浓郁的京味文化,叫北京人与外地人都享受。As a Chinese proverb goes, “Better visit the right place only once than the wrong place plenty of times.” The Earth Temple is exactly where you should go at least once. It appeals to Beijing natives and those from other parts of the country alike with its typical Beijing flavor.35. 任何季节、地点都能穿的外衣。The coats for everywhere, every wear.36. 口味一流,永难忘怀。(百事可乐广告)Too good to forget.37. 百万买卖,毫厘利润。A business in millions, a profit in pennies.38. 再挑剔的妈妈也会挑选吉弗牌花生酱。Choosy mothers choose Jif.39