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1、16种储藏物品怎么放置才好Location, location, location: Store owners arent the only ones concerned with finding the perfect spot in which to situate their stuff. Researchers in a wide variety of fields know that how you organize your environment from where you stand in fitness class to the place you choose to st

2、ore your meds has a surprising effect on everything from your weight to your chances of staying well. In other words, when it comes to how you feel, its not just what you do, its where you do it. Here, surprisingly bad locales for your health and the best places to optimize it.The worst place for yo

3、ur toothbrush: on the bathroom sinkTheres nothing wrong with the sink itself but its awfully chummy with the toilet. There are 3.2 million microbes per square inch in the average toilet bowl, according to germ expert Chuck Gerba, PhD, a professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Ar

4、izona. When you flush, aerosolized toilet funk is propelled as far as 6 feet, settling on the floor, the sink, and your toothbrush. Unless you like rinsing with toilet water, keep your toothbrush behind closed doors in the medicine cabinet or a nearby cupboard,Gerba says.The worst place to set your

5、handbag: the kitchen counterYour fancy handbag is a major tote for microbes: Gerba and his teams swabs showed up to 10,000 bacteria per square inch on purse bottoms and a third of the bags tested positive for fecal bacteria! A womans carryall gets parked in some nasty spots: on the floor of the bus,

6、 beneath the restaurant table even on the floor of a public bathroom. Put your bag in a drawer or on a chair, Gerba says anywhere except where food is prepared or eaten.The worst place for your sneakers and flip-flops: in the bedroom closetWalking through your house in shoes you wear outside is a gr

7、eat way to track in allergens and contaminants. A 1999 study found that lawn chemicals were tracked inside the house for a full week after application, concentrated along the traffic route from the entryway. Shoes also carry in pollen and other allergens. Reduce exposure by slipping off rough-and-tu

8、mble shoes by the door;store them in a basket or under an entryway bench. If your pumps stay off the lawn, they can make the trip to the bedroom otherwise, carry them.The worst place to try to fall asleep: under piles of blanketsBeing overheated can keep you from nodding off, researchers say: A natu

9、ral nighttime drop in your core temperature triggers your body to get drowsy. To ease your way to sleep, help your body radiate heat from your hands and feet, says Helen Burgess, PhD, assistant director of the Biological Rhythms Research Laboratory at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Don s

10、ocks to dilate the blood vessels in the extremities then take the socks off and let a foot stick out from under the blankets.The worst place to cool leftovers: in the refrigeratorPlacing a big pot of hot edibles directly into the fridge is a recipe for uneven cooling and possibly food poisoning, say

11、s O. Peter Snyder Jr., PhD, president of the Hospitality Institute of Technology and Management in St. Paul, MN. The reason: It can take a long time for the temperature in the middle of a big container to drop, creating a cozy environment for bacteria. You can safely leave food to cool on the counte

12、r for up to an hour after cooking, Snyder says. Or divvy up hot food into smaller containers and then refrigerate itll cool faster.The worst stall to pick in a public restroom: the one in the middleThe center stall has more bacteria than those on either end, according to unpublished data collected b

13、y Gerba. No, you wont catch an STD from a toilet seat. But you can contract all manner of ills if you touch a germy toilet handle and then neglect to wash your hands thoroughly.The worst place for a workout reminder: stuck on your post-it laden fridgeA visual nudge can help but only if you notice it

14、, says Paddy Ekkekakis, PhD, an exercise psychologist at Iowa State University. In one study, a sign urging people to use the stairs rather than the nearby escalator increased the number of people who climbed on foot by nearly 200 percent. Put your prompt near a decision point, Ekkekakis says keep y

15、our pile of Pilates DVDs next to the TV;put a sticky note on your steering wheel to make sure you get to your after-work kickboxing class. Just remember: The boost you get from a reminder is usually short-term, so change the visuals often.The worst place to sit on an airplane: the rearAvoid this sec

16、tion if youre prone to airsickness, says retired United Airlines pilot Meryl Getline, who operates the aviation Web site . Think of a seesaw,Getline says. The farther from the center you are, the more up-and-down movement you experience.Because the tail of the plane tends to be longer than the front, thats the bumpiest of all,she says. The smoothest option is sitting as close to the wing


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