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1、 小学六年级英语(下)Module l- Module 4检测一、找出不同类的单词,将序号填到题前括号中。(5分)( )1. A,pear B.orange C.hamburger D.banana( )2. A.rain B.cold C.sunny D.warm( )3. A.sending B.looking C.shining D.singing( )4. A.you B.we C.she D.me( )5. A.mile B.rice C.cola D.tea二、单项填空(20分)1.I want_a hamburger. A.to B./ C.for2.Its cold today

2、. Its going to _snow tomorrow. A.be B./ C.being3.How_is the hot dog? A.much B.many C.more4.My newspaper is flying away. Who can _me?A.helps B.helping C.help5.What do yo want to _?Chicken.A.drink B.eat C.see6. How much is it?Its_.A.two dollar B.two yuan C.two yuans7. When are we going to get up? _.A.

3、Its six oclock. B.At six oclockC.Its half past twclve8.Pigs are sleeping _the tree.A.in B.on C.under9. Who can help _?sorry, I _.A.my, can B.me, can C.me, cant 10.He will _the books.A.picks up B.picking up C.pick up三、连线题(5分)1.Can you help me? A.I wan a cola, please.2.Where are you? B.At eleven3.What

4、 are you going to do? C.Im going to go to school.4.Can I help you? D.Im on the train.5.When are we going to go to the park? E.Yes.I can help you.四、选词填空:(10分)up 、at 、 under 、 around 、 for 、 down out of 、 to 、 in 、 on 1.Shes _the supermarket.2.We are going to walk _the lake.3.Im looking _the umidowl.4

5、.Shes buying things _your birthday.5.I want _drink a cola.6.He will pick _the apples.7.I had a picnic _Monday.8.Its going to snow _Harbin.9.Its raining. Let.s go _that tree.10.The apples are falling _the stairs.五、连词成句。(15分)1.thirteen, cents, its, twentyfive, dollars, and(、)2.Damings, Im, card, makin

6、g, birthoay(、) _3.birds, in, are, the, singing, the , tree._4.way, the, flying, balloons, are._5.walking, blackboard, is, to, he, the._六、根据下表完成句子。(10分)(2)(2.50)(1.50)(0.50)(0.25)(0.30)Simons father112Simons mother1111Simon1221.Simons father wants a hot dog, a hamburger and two oranges. Its five doll

7、ars.2.Simons mother wants a hot dog, an ice cream,_and_. Its_dollars and _ceats.(4分)3.Simon wants _.Its_.(6分)七、Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择正确答案)(每小题3分,共15分) This is picture of a family. The fathers name is Rex. He is thirtyeight. The nothers name is Lily. She is thirtyfive. They have a son of twelve. Hi

8、s name is Ned. Hes a student in No. I Primary School. He always rides his bicycle with his friends. Lily is a teacher. She is good at cooking. She has got many books about cooking. Rex is a doctor. He reads newspaper every day. He is good at swimming and always swims with Ned.( )1.This is a picture

9、of a _.A.father B.bedroom C.classroom D.family( )2.The mother is _.A.thirtyfive B.fortysix C.thirtyseven D.fortyeight( )3.The father is a _.A.worker B.student C.doctor D.teacher( )4.What does Ned always do?A.Fly a kite B.Swim with his friends.C.Read a book D.Ride his bicycle.( )5.How many people are

10、 there in the family?A.Three B.Four C.Five D.six答 案一、CACDB 二、 BBACB BBCCC三、1E 2D 3C 4 A 5 B四、1.at 2.around 3.out of 4.for 5.to6.up 7.on 8.in 9.under 10.down五、六略七、DACDA 20112012学年度第二学期期中学业水平评价与反馈六 年 级 科 学 问 卷(时间:15分钟,分值:50分)题号一二三四总分等级得分填空题(每空2分,共28分)1.生物体的基本单位是( ).2.青少年在10-20岁期间,身高体重增长较快,这个阶段称为( ).3.生物的子代和亲代相似的现象叫( );生物的子代和亲代存在差异,叫( ).4.摆摆动的快慢与( )有关,与( )无关.5.用力搓手,感到发热,说明( )能转化为( ) 能。6.地球的面纱是指地球最外部的圈层称为( )它是地球的保护伞。7.风的形成是由于( )的流动造成的。8. 降落伞是一种利用( )阻力实现从高空缓慢下降的专用工具。9 . 细胞是由英国科学家( )最早观察到的。10.古人取火的方法主要有( )等。二:判断题(正确的打错误的打每题1分,共5分) 1.一般来说,生物体都是由细胞构成的。( ) 2.人都要经历生长,发育,衰老,死亡的



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