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1、2014.1.11新目标英语八年级上册单项选择专项家教练习119. Ruth should get the job because she is _ than Rose. A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. much outgoing D. as outgoing as120.A: How_is it from your school to the bus stop? B: Its not far, about five kilometers_. A. far; far B. away; far C. far; away D. away; away121.-What

2、 are you going to be when you grow up?-Im going to be a _because I like playing the violin. A. musician B.player C. pilot D. actor122.-Where are you going to move ?-Im going to move_. A. interesting somewhere. B. somewhere interesting C. interesting anywhere D. anywhere interesting123. If you want t

3、o be a computer programmer, you need to study_ A. history B. math C. biology D. computer science124. Sam wants to be a movie star, he wants to become_ A. rich B. famous C. well-known. D.All of the above125. Some parents want _ better_ with _ their children. A. to communicate B. communicate C. commun

4、icated D. communicates126.-Why are you going to be a reporter when you grow up?-Because I enjoy _people. A. talk with B. talk about C. talking with D. talking about127.-_are you going to do with the exchange students?-We are going to have a welcome party. A. What B. How C. Why D. When128.I get_lette

5、rs, faxes and e-mails from my pen pals. A. a lot B. a little C. much D. a few129.Tom is going to be in Beijing for_. A. a week or two B. a week and two C. one and two weeks D. one or two week130.There _ a football game between China and Japan tomorrow evening. Ais Bis going to Cis going to be Dwill1

6、31Where _ he go on vacation? He went to the mountains.Ais Bdoes Chas Ddid132How were the assistants in the store? _ friendly.AThey are BThey were CThey did DThey do133We had great fun _ in the beach.Ato play Bplaying Cplay Dplayed134I _ terrible, so I decided _ a doctor .Afeel; to see Bfeel; seeing

7、Cfelt; to see Dfelt; seeing135When my parents _ young, there _ not so much food.Aare; is Bwere; was Care; was Dwere; is136_ did you do?AWhat else BWhat else things CWhat other DWhat others things137Were there _ actors_ the aquarium?Asome; at Bany; at Csome; in Dany; on138After lunch they _ to the Gi

8、ft Shop where they _ lots of gifts .Ago; buy Bgo; bought Cwent; buy Dwent; bought139_the end of last month, Tina _ a prize.AIn; won BIn; wins CAt; won DAt; wins140I fell off the tree. _ , I _ hurt.AFortunately; didnt BFortunately ; dont CUnfortunately; didnt DUnfortunately; don t141. I felt a little

9、 tired the end of the day.A. by B. in C. at D. on142. _the sharks exciting?A. Did B. Does C. Was D. Were143.Finally,_,we took the bus back to school.A. tired and happy B. exciting but happy C. tired but happy D. tiring and happy144.Did you buy_in the supermarket? A. something B. everything C. anythi

10、ng D. some thing145. How did you like your last day off? I it very much.A. like B. liked C. likes D. will like 146. -Were there any seals in the zoo? -_. A. Yes, there werent B. No, there werent C. Yes, there were. D. Yes,there was.147. What _he do on his last school trip? A. does B. did C. is D. wa

11、s148. After I my homework, I went out to an aquarium.A. was doing B. did C. does D. would do149. We any sharks on my last school trip.A. saw B. didnt saw C. didnt see D. see150. He finished the composition early last night.A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote151, When you born ?In 1991 . A.has B

12、. is C. was D were152, Donna started sneezing January 13 , 1981 . A. in B. on C at D. of153, So much work makes me very tired . A. to feel B. feels C. feel D.felt154, He is always asking his father money . A .for B. with C. from D.to155, has questions ? Mary .A. Else who B.Who else C.Who other D.Who others156, He usually the room on Sundays . Yesterday he the room .A.clean , cleaned B. cleans , clean C. cleans , cleaned D.clean , cleans157, When did we finish ? A.to move B. move C. moving D.moved158, It is to see a three-legged (三条腿的) dog


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