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1、过渡词在书面表达中的运用湖南师大附中 程继炳根据近几年的高考考试说明,英语书面表达评分标准第五档(很好)中有 这样的表述:“应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误, 但为尽力使用复杂结构或高级词汇所致。”这就是说,学生仅运用基础词汇和基 本句型,并不能体现出较强的语言运用能力,这样即使表达中无语法错误,也不 能得高分;相反,尽管有些许错误,但如果目的是在有意识地使用复杂结构或较 高级词汇,也不会扣多少分,仍属最高档次。那么究竟如何运用高级词汇和复杂 结构来写出好的文章,从而提高书面表达的档次呢?注意使用过渡词即起、承、 转、合的单词和短语。过渡词是指一个与原句无句法关系的附加

2、部分,在句中往往起缓和词气,表明 态度,看法,解释说明整个句子的作用。过渡词的位置较灵活,可置于句首, 句 中或句末。过渡词在句中是一个独立部分,是句子不可缺少的成分,它在句与句中起一个 逻辑意义一致,句子之间连接承上启下的作用。同时在文章中使用好过渡词还能 提高文章的档次分,句子显得逻辑性强,结构紧凑,也是语言功底好的表现。如 果去掉,句子的意思就不完整,甚至不知所云。试比较下面例句:例1.We must work. We must believe in ourselves.We must work and above all we must believe in ourselves.例2.

3、I was anxious to leave. I felt that I wasnt able to tell my grandparents that we were safe. On one hand, I was anxious to leave, on the other handI felt that I wasnt able to tell my grandparents that we were safe. 例3.1) To tell you the truth, life is beautiful. I have no reason to think otherwise.2)

4、 Personally, I dont like this painting.可见过渡词在写作中使用得当,可以给文章增辉添彩,可以使描写更细致如微, 说明文层次清楚,条分缕析,证论文说服力更强。反之,则使文章逻辑不清,显 得生硬,乏味。下面从近几年高考作文优秀范文中提取出使用频率最高的过渡词,根据其在文 章中的作用,大致可归纳为十二类:1、顺序过渡词 2、递进过渡词 3、对比过渡词 4、原因与结果过渡词 5、等 同过渡词 6、空间过渡词 7、例举过渡词 8、阐述性过渡词 9、口语性过渡词 10、 事实性过渡词 11、概括性过渡词 12、描述性过渡词。1. 顺序过渡词1. First, next

5、, then, finally2. for one, second, finally3. to begin with, next, finally4. in the beginning, at the beginning5. in the first place, in the second place, in the third place6. in the end, at last, finally7. for one thing, for another8After that, with that例句:1 First of all, dont come in here without a

6、 teacher. 首先,老师不在(办公室)时不能进来。2 He then filled a cup with some of the petrol, some of the caster oil and some of the vinegar. As the students watched him quietly, he mixed the three together. After that, he held up one of his fingers and showed it to the class.接着,他在一个杯子里注些汽油,调味油和一些醋。当学生们静静地注视着他的 时候,他将

7、这三种液体搅拌在一起。随后,他举起一根手指给全班同学看。3. First, it is not a good idea to build houses along the lines where two of the earths plates join together. Second, if you think there may be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock not on sand. Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible. 首先,在地球两大

8、板块连接处建房子可不是个好主意。第二,如果你认为这儿也 许会发生地震,最好是把房子建在岩石上而非沙地上。第三,尽可能把房子建的 牢固些。4. To begin with, it is important to create a positive attitude. 首先,培养积极的态度很重要。5. English is a useful language. For one thing, it is an official language in the UN. Then, it is widely used in business, science and technology. 英语十分有用

9、的语言。一方面它是联合国的官方语言之一,另一方面在商业科技 领域应与运用很广泛。6. ckfII. 递进过渡词(强调词类系)1. besides indeed, moreover, furthermore, even in addition, above all, in addition,2. whats more, worse still, to make things worse, whats worse, even more important, more remarkable still, most important3. at the same time, not only that

10、, 例句:1. Never waste anything, but above all never waste time. 任何东西都不可浪费,尤其不可浪费时间。2. They were brave, and whats more, they hated violence. 他们很勇敢,而且他们厌恶暴力。3. It got dark, and what was worse, it began to rain. 天黑了,而更糟的是,开始下雨来。4. I dont want to go out now, Besides, Im feeling tired, 我现在不想出去了,而且我还有点疲乏。5.

11、 Whats more, I want to see your pass, too. 除此以外,我还想看你的通行证。6. At the same time, British English and American English started borrowing words from other languages, ending up with different words. 同时,英式英语和美式英语开始互相借鉴词汇,最终只有部分词汇不一样。 7Furthermore, my aim is to provide the best service possible under these

12、 difficult circumstances. 此外,我的目标是在这样艰难的情况下尽可能提供更好的服务。8 The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and, in addition, there are several self-catering apartments.旅馆本身可以容纳80位客人,除此之外,还有几个可供自己做饭的套房。III. 转折、对比过渡词1. although, though, while, however, yet, nevertheless, but, otherwise,2. in spite of that, fo

13、r all that, on the contrary, in contrast,3. on (the) one hand, on the other hand, instead of,4. compared to ( with )例句:1. However, most of the time, people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other. 但是,大部分时候,来自这两个国家的人们理解对方是不存在任何困难的。2. While there are many differen

14、t interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal. 尽管对肢体语言的解释五花八门,但某些手势似乎是全球通用的。3. It is probably better, however, if we spend our time and money in buying good food and keeping a balanced diet.不过,如果我们把时间、金钱花费在选择健康食品和保持平衡饮食上,可能会更 好。4. Instead of eating expensivediet food or

15、going on unhealthy diets, we can simply try to eat less fat and sugar and exercise more. 不需吃昂贵的食疗食品,或者进行不健康的节食,我们只需尽量少吃脂肪和糖, 多运动。5. On the contrary, I now feel as if that was when my life really began. 相反,我感觉我的生活好像从现在起才真正的开始。6. Franklin, on the other hand, gives the detective as much assistance as h

16、e can.另一方面,弗兰克林尽他所能给警探提供帮助。7. She was very tired, nevertheless she kept on working. 她虽然很疲倦,可仍在继续工作。8. In spite of a slight improvement in sales, the company is still making a loss.公司的销售情况虽然稍有改善,但还在亏本。9. For all his efforts, he didnt succeed. 他虽然很努力,但并没有成功。IV. 原因与结果过渡词1. so, because, because of, thus, consequently, therefore, hence, for,2. as a



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