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1、Unit 9 When was it invented? Period 11. Structures: Passive voice 2. AbilityObjects(1)Teachthestudentstousethenewwords.(2)Trainthestudentstotalkaboutthehistoryofinventions.(3)Trainthestudentslisteningandspeakingskillswiththetargetlanguage.3. Language goals:(1)To learn to use Passive voice.(2)To list

2、en, talk and read about invention.4. Teaching methods listening , pairwork, groupwork5. Teaching aids recorder, tape, pictures, small blackboard6. Teaching procedures:Step1:Lead-in:We are so lucky because therere many kinds of inventions in our lives. For example, if you want to go somewhere for vac

3、ation, you can go there by bus, train or plain. How many inventions do you know and when they were invented? What are they used for? In unit9,we are going to learn to talk about the history of inventions. (1)Show pictures of some inventions.(2) Ask students to guess when each one was invented.(3)Man

4、yimportantinventionshavechangedtheworldalot.Doyouknowtheinventorsofthem?Andwhenweretheyinvented?(4)Write the new words on the blackboard, students learn the new words.Step2: Guessing and talking(1)Choose the inventions in the book, ask students to guess when each one invented. (2)Ask all the student

5、s to number the pictures(1a) in the order what they think.(3)Then ask the students: When was the car invented? They may answer: I think it was invented in 1886. I think it was invented before the computer.(4)Then ask them to practice in pairs to check if their orders are the same.Step3:Listening and

6、 practice.(1)Ask a student to read the instruction(1b), let them know what they should do in this part.(2)Play the recording for the first time, ask students to close their eyes and get the main idea while listening.Give them two questions: Who are talking?What are they talking about? (3)Play the re

7、cording again ,ask the students to match the inventions with the date.(4)Check their answers.(5)Play the recording for the third time, ask students to read after the recording and find out the new sentences.(6)Ask students to use the information in 1b to practice 1c.They may talk about the invention

8、s like this: A:When was the computer invented?B:I think it was invented in. A:Who was it invented by?B:It was invented by.A:What was it used for?B:It was used for.Then ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step4.Summary(1) Words and expressions(2) Key sentences.Step5.HomeworkWrite something about the invention that you are interested in.


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