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1、Unit 4Topic 3 Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the new word: research2. Help the students to learn the usage of passive voice.3. Talk about flying to Mars and the outer space and something about the aliens. 4. Help students to learn ex

2、pressing possibility and impossibility. Teaching aids 教具录音机/ 一个破损的MP3. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:14分钟)1. (复习一般过去时的被动语态。)T: Good morning. Boys and girls! (突然面色表情由晴转阴。)What happened to my MP3?It was broken.(把坏的MP3给同学们看,面带心痛神色。)Who was my MP3 broken by? (转向全体同学。)Was it bro

3、ken by you, S1? (对前排的一个同学提问。)(同学们笑,然后开始猜测,教师引导学生用英语表达。)S2: Was it broken by yourself, Miss / Mr.?T: No. S3: Was it broken by your daughter?T: Exactly. It was broken by my daughter. (板书) was / were + P.P. 2. (引导学生谈论前面学过的发明物的情况如克隆及机器人等。鼓励更多的同学开口用学过的句型来表达,提高学生的口语表达能力。)T: Weve learned cloning. Now Id li

4、ke some students to say something about cloning. S4: The cloned sheep called Dolly was created in Scotland a few years ago. S5: Cloning is known as a great experiment all over the world. (加重语气读被动语态部分。)S6: So far scientists have cloned rabbits, sheep, cows, mice, pigs and some other animals. S7: Ther

5、e is DNA in most living things. DNA is the same in every part of your body. T: Great. Im very glad that you did so well. I hope everyone of you can have a chance to speak English in our class. 3. (教师引导学生谈谈宇宙,导入新课及语法。)T: These are many useful inventions. They have changed our life. With the developme

6、nt of our technology, there will be more and more useful inventions. Yang Liwei has flown into the space successfully. Maybe people will fly to Mars one day. Do you think it is magical?Ss: Yes, thats very exciting. S8: I want to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei. S9: Fly to Mars? Can we do the same th

7、ing on Mars as on the earth?T: Yes, well be able to do anything that can be done on the earth. (板书并解释。)Well be able to do anything that can be done on the earth. modal verb + be + p.p. T: Do you think there are aliens in space?S10: I dont think aliens can be found in space. S11: I wont believe there

8、 are aliens until I see them with my own eyes. (板书)see somebody / something with ones own eyesT: OK, I think scientists will do experiment to research. So scientific research should be done carefully. (教师释义并领读生词research, scientific。)T: Boys and girls. If you can be an astronaut one day, maybe you ca

9、n do more research about space. But you should study hard now to make your dream come true. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)1. (播放1a录音,让学生带着问题听, 提高学生的听力能力。)T: Boys and girls. Lets listen to the dialog and answer the questions. (板书)1. What are they going to do this Saturday evening?2. Is it a movie

10、 about aliens?3. What can people do on Mars in that movie?T: Boys and girls. Can you answer the questions?(与学生核对答案。)2. (打开课本,将学生分成两部分朗读1a,让学生画出关键词,再读一遍后,完成1b。)T: Open your books. Group 1 and Group 2 act Jane. Group 3 and Group 4 act Michael. Read the dialog. After reading, find out the key words in

11、it. Read once again and finish 1b. (板书)movie, life in space, exciting, travel by, visit planets, live on Mars, live in space, houses, there, schools, hospitals and cities, can be done, cant wait(核对1b的答案。)3. (让学生找出对话中的新语法句型modal verb + be + P.P,进行操练。)T: We have learned “is / are+P.P. and was /were+P.

12、P.”. Please find out sentence with: modal verb + be + P.P. (教师强调带有情态动词的被动语态结构。)T: Boys and girls, Ill say a sentence in active voice. You can change it into passive voice, OK?Ss: OK. T: We should clean our classroom every day. Ss: Our classroom should be cleaned by us every day. T: We must finish ou

13、r homework on time. Ss: Our homework must be finished on time. T: I may put my book in your bag. Ss: My book may be put in your bag. T: Excellent. You did a good job. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:9分钟)1. (让学生表演1a。)T: Boys and girls. Can you act out the dialog?Ss: Yes. (学生表演后,教师给予鼓励表扬。)2. (放2a录音,让学生

14、带着问题去听。)T: We know Jane and Michael were going to see a wonderful movie. After seeing the movie, what are they talking about? Now lets listen to the tape and answer the questions. (板书)1. How many people are there in the dialog?2. What are they talking about?3. What does the American scientist think

15、about aliens?(核对答案)3. (分组朗读2a,完成2b。再读对话后找学生复述。)T: Boys act Michael, girls act Jane, please read the dialog loudly. After reading, please finish 2b. (核对答案)T: Read 2a again. Then retell the dialog. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:9分钟)1. (对话1a和2a意思是相连的,安排学生两人对话并表演,准备五分钟,至少3组同学表演。)T: Boys and girls, Dialog 1a and Dialog 2a can be acted out together. Now please prepare for it for five minutes, then act it out in pairs. (学生表演完后教师点评,鼓励并表扬。)2. (教师提供对话中的关键词,让学生完成复述任务。)T: Now, I say the key words in the two dialogs. Can you retell the dialogs?Ss: Lets have a try. T: a


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