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1、小学作文模板【篇一:看图作文模板及范文】 四级看图作文模版 模板一: as hatisvivdl s in the picture,it is iviy depcteddsribed te caron/iue/ch/pihart/table tt te cartoo informsus othe phnomeo tha ute a few stdets undvaue the impotane leang sic skils thesdas. doethten ae sles? fintlyots anodyig goese hs,ny ias ncien hnseangoe,wit llwa

2、s saidabove, we ca rw conclitathu 范文:theiortaceof hsic lar kilsmay college stude haethe samedbt st ne intepicuthti whete that f wll beoutdatd we thgraduaed d ban to work.thstuff, we cnserm the icre,erto hbsi leaning sil sch s mathemics we aed he we wr in prary school alreveal pheneon th clletht her

3、ar a get nbeof sd, o qustion teprctcblt otheirsubjectsecuse te toil behelpfuith thirocution ftrwrd ,hichare ofitl imprtanc. maseringthse basc sllwe ansp the fundamnaanoher rd,doyouhnk iisbleto ea perso learnengishut ernga, b, ?“aad o thosad ms towd he sucesbnwiththefst sp.” ae qe enial to both ur e

4、tudnd th kwill tak fer grdun.eshouldpayor attetinto the bassubject anmast e liyrquired atthfurther aeer 模板二: frthe on,e canlery e htts crtoon remindsme fa hnse saying:hevr, mt plelay atahreaortncto asfa a i am concened, it s neesar and imrtat t thonean, on th othr han,takglthse inaccunt, we asily no

5、ie that itis reasonble o o“” ce ai. 范文: the oance o dogll thngs th boy iswried ab diposinf nuclrwst,whie fathrtels to my thdubi first ifydtlean ur o,theho canyou big, buletsmlns odatn o orfuuevopment. thees n dttht o the graest dfeencs etwnsuccess and failureis th impotace placdon tthing.an b bg.tin

6、gsbforebi nes. “grat aievment onl belogstooso cand sma thigpefety.”aristle 模板三: it should e genllacknoweedthatjust astherang hownaboe,eeisig hatpelen ge alot benis fromtoegin wh,. has e,inaddo, inri /in shot, i idspensle n, herefre,fing thecomig challenges inhedas aad, we ned o 范文:te imoancof redng

7、leratrhan civiiationand wisdom, specialy bourtachers oalwyher giea ltear o tohr tudet, sig:“jut hko itasif yor reading ln teessge.”典型. cli irt plays asignific rolo nly prsrvn he esc fra mind bsoin ehaningtheualitofn lif.experencinng wewont have cance t do a wellalieswe wont beablt enj. hapee ineast,

8、 stil cary omeuful inraon and imlicaton fo or dily ltratur an eaty ese our rednes,ming se as and quie.,i is wron to onsder assics asanutated a bcus it stll as many iporat nctio and nflencn or soiety nd our livescasisare kid of au财富 shuldgive enough attnon tem.and i advoate that al of us soud try our

9、 besttoead eo m. 模板四:as isclel owni echart,its bious tha can bsee ht sverl reasons ca acount fo tisphnmenon oegn wit, ompre wih o who hae ompratieyoer uation deree,i ddition,fr exaple, a frme,o theonehand,onthe ohrhan,in bif, 范文: oah ther.wel-eutedeopownng dctal dgre an mastrs degeeaa higrslar tha h

10、oe hohave aeltively lowerdeee.lee feduon u ev,e ghecome y e pepewohave reeive hiercaion posses cnsideralywdr knwldge,oe remble learigand resach abiiy, geaer innovtiond rsrceusocilntwok, a of which arenial tih-ome jo. theiher os tion dgre i th bger plator wi ha to sowhs abii.s olle, unieriy,oresechin

11、steil oriz vaius o fair fotoomuncat ae t fceit emplers favrab working oppotunityd hanoe inome cucia ro n ersonal growth ofcaer. ducation vstmnt shul besrenn whe, collge studns, shultudy ader to build ourory andsrve fra betterifefor ureves. 模板五:i hecaon, , from te rawg w an eaily dtiy what h auh intentocove:lng th he ro ofcoom,cinahas witne



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