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1、南宁市教育城域网项目路由器基本配置培训神州数码网络有限公司2007年3月实验一:登陆路由器 一、实验目的1、 学习如何通过CONSOLE接口配置路由器2、 学习如何通过telnet 方式配置路由器3、 学习如何配置路由器的接口4、 学习如何配置路由器的enable密码和telnet 用户名和密码5、 保存配置二、应用环境1、 设备的初始设备一般都是通过CONSOLE接口进行。2、 给相应的接口配置了IP地址,开启了相应的服务后,才可以通过telnet的方式管理路由器。三、实验设备1、 DCR-2626一台2、 PC机一台3、 CONSOLE线缆一条,网线一条四、实验拓扑CONSOLE 口TP0

2、 网卡网线RS-232串口五、实验要求TP0 IP地址: PC机IP地址:六、实验步骤1、CONSOLE管理第一步:将配置线的一端与路由器的CONSOLE口相连,另一端与PC机的串口相连,如上图所示。第二步:在PC机上运行终端仿真程序,同时设置终端的硬件参数。(1)打开超级终端(2)设置连接名称(3)选择连接的接口,一般情况下为COM1(4)点击“还原默认值”设置端口属性,点击“确定”进入超级终端。第三步:路由器加电,超级终端会显示路由器的自检信息,自检结束出现命令提示“Press RETURN to get started”System Boots

3、trap, Version 0.4.4Serial num:8IRTC8107209000024, ID num:501926Copyright 2006 by Digital China Networks(BeiJing) LimitedDCR-2626 Series 2626Loading DCR26V1.3.3C.bin.Start Decompress DCR26V1.3.3C.bin# Decompress 4850012 byte,Please wait system up.Digitalchina Internetwork Operating System SoftwareDCR

4、-2626 Series Software , Version 1.3.3C, RELEASE SOFTWARESystem start up OKRouter console 0 is now availablePress RETURN to get startedJan 1 00:00:07 Router System started -Jan 1 00:00:16 Line on Interface Serial0/1, changed to downJan 1 00:00:16 Line on Interface Serial0/2, changed to down第四步:按回车键进入

5、用户配置模式。DCR-2626路由器出厂时没有设置密码,输入enable , 按回车键进入特权模式。需要帮助可以随时键入“?”查看命令。 Welcome to DCR Multi-Protocol 2626 SeriesRouterena -进入特权模式Router#Jan 1 00:09:19 Unknown user enter privilege mode from console 0, level = 15Router#? -查看可用命令 cd - Change directory chinese - Help message in Chinese chmem - Change mem

6、ory of system chram - Change memory clear - Clear something config - Enter configurative mode connect - Open a outgoing connection copy - Copy configuration or image data debug - Debugging functions delete - Delete a file dir - List files in flash memory disconnect - Disconnect an existing outgoing

7、network connection download - Download with ZMODEM enable - Turn on privileged commands english - Help message in English enter - Turn on privileged commands exec-script - Execute a script on a port or line exit - Exit / quit format - Format file system help - Description of the interactive help sys

8、tem history - Look up history keepalive - Keepalive probe look - Display memory md - Create directory more - Display the contents of a file no - Negate configuration pad - Login to remote node using X.29 ping - Test network status pwd - Display current directory rd - Delete a directory reboot - Rest

9、art router rename - Rename a file resume - Resume an active outgoing network connection rlogin - Open a rlogin connection show - Show configuration and status telnet - Open a telnet connection terminal - Set terminal line parameters traceroute - Trace route to destination upload - Upload with ZMODEM where - Display all outgoing telnet connection write - Save current configurationRouter#Router#Chinese - 设置中文帮助Router#? - 再次查



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