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1、电气与电子信息工程学院计算机仿真及应用题 目:学 号: 姓 名: 班 级:任课老师:三相异步电动机的建模与仿真一. 实验题目三相异步电动机的建模与仿真二. 实验原理 三相异歩电动机也被称作感应电机,当其定子侧通入电流后,部分磁通将穿过短路环, 并 在短路环内产生感应电流。短路环内的电流阻碍磁通的变化,致便有短路环部分和没有短 路环 部分产生的磁通有柏位差,从而形成施转磁场。转于绕组因与磁场间存在着相对运动而 产生感 应电动势和感应电流,即建转磁场与转子存在相对转速,并与磁场相互作用产生电磁 转矩,便 转于转起来,从而实现能量转换。三相异步电动机具有结构简单,成本较低,制進,使用和维护方便,运行

2、可靠以氏质量 较 小等优点,从而被广泛应用于家用电器,电动缝纫机,食品加工机以各种电动工具,小 型电机设 备中,闵此,研究三相异步电动机的建模与仿真。三实验步骤1 选择模块首先建立一个新的simulink型窗口,然后根据系统的描述逸择合适的模块添加至棋型 窗口 中。建立模型所需模块如下:1) 选择 simPowcrSystcms 棋块库的 Machines 子棋块库下的 Asynchronous Machine SI Units 模块 作为交流异步电机。2) 选择 simPowerSvstems 块库的 Electrical Sources 子模块库下的 Three-Phase Program

3、mable Voltage Source 模块作为三相交流电源。3) 选择 simPowerSvstems 棋块库的 Three-Phase Library 于模块.库下的 Three-Phase Series RLC Load模块作为串联RLC负载。4) 选择 simPowerSvstems 模块.库的 Elements 子模块库下的 Three-Phase Breaker 棋块作为 三相 断路器, Ground 模块作为接地。5) 选择 SimPowerSvstems 模块库的 Measurements 于棋块.库 T 的 Volta 昏:Measurement 模块 作为电压测量。6)

4、选择Sources模块库下的Constant棋块作为负载输入。7) 选择Signals RV) unting模块库下的Bus Selector模块作为直流电动机输出信号选择器。8) 选择 Sinks 模块库下的 Scope 块。9) 选择 SimPowerSvstems 模块库的 Measurements 于棋块库下的 Three-phase V-I Measurements 用于创建子系统。2搭建棋块 将所棗模块放置合适位遜,再将模块从输入端至输出端进行相连,搭建完的串电阻起动simulink模型如图1所示yaLir h)0. 102 J. UJ9N(0 0 C 0 0 G 0T Bk :

5、Potncteri: Af/rc - -orous Moth me S Uriu0.2205 0. 0CD99LJ g rf 2) P 曲 ju s)pan 3LctLil L Odiil iors压dnxrciJ. povsr,盯匚Ltw屏and tr = guen:7 Fr/:lJL;)丫0(丫罩陋btn左HTStM 50 1Inertic frictior; f ot,Inclcjts a tlu w phwr dtyvuw;: nachur ujwl iqqc m-iixcl catc tu dorib*f ?uirrel cis) n:ld m z selettibli rfsrer

6、ics fm? (rCTOtj j synchiuui; Stl di and i ut q:科進乙 lc wU;uitrtc J ui vyz 11 詛 inTrnal r.fur 1 airrr.Slit or rcsimnc: ird LLtzuczaiicc l 艮M;=hrO L:m(EO J:L 0.2U? L00D99iPuruxer?AdvanceiLoad Flor sriri图 1 三相异步电动机 Simulinks 仿真模型3模块参數设昼(1) Asynchronous Machine SI Units 楔块参數诰昼双击 Asynchronous Machine SI U

7、nits 模块,则弹出 Asynchronous Machine SI Units 模块参数设 蜀对 话框。三相异步电动机棋块的具体参数诛置钿图 2所示:图2 Asynchronous Machine SI Units模块参数诰置对话框(2) Tlircc-Phasc Programmable Voltage Source 模块参數诰昼双击 Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source 撲块,则阻出 Tl*)rcc-Phasc Programmable VoltageSource 块参数诛置对话框。三相可调交流电压源的具体参數设昼如图 3:0 Block Pa

8、rameters: Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source Itiree-Phase Programmable Volt age Source (iTiask) (link)This block inplenents a three-phae zero-impedance volt age source rhe cowion node (neutral) of the three sources is acceible via input 1 (K) of the block Tinie variation for the wlitude, phase

9、and frsAuency of the fundamental can be pre-programmed In addition, two harmonics can be superimposed on lhe fundamentalNote: For APhasor siAjlatior/ , frequency variation and hamonic injection are not allowi Specify Order =1 and Seq=l, 2 or 0 toinject additional fundamendal conponents A and B in ar

10、ty sequenceParanoters Load FLovPosit 17C-sequence: Anplitudc (VVITUS Ph-Ph) Phase (deg )Freq (Hz)240 0 50line variation of: NoneQK Cancel I gelp 加 ply图 3 Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source 模块参數设虽对话框(3) Three-Phase Series RLC Load 楔块参數设虽双击 Three-Phase Series RLC Load 摸块,则弹出 TlArcc-Phasc Series R

11、LC Load 模块参數设匡对 话 框。棋块的具体参数诰置如图4所示:E Blok Pameters: Thiee-PFise Series RLC LoadThrpe-PhaspRLC(mask) (link)Tupl pinpn+js 丸 thrjspri ps1 nad.Faraneters |_Load FiowConfiguration Y srounded)亍HoFiinal phacc-*to-phac veil ac Vn (Vrms)240Numirl frequsney fn (Hz):50Active pnver P (W):5e3Induct a wivp- pewr

12、QL pnsit i vf? vr):CapacLt iv5 ronclIvo power Qc (nocalivo var):QKCancelHelpdd 1y图4 Three-Phase Series RLC Load撲块参數设旦对话框(5) Three-Phase Breaker 模块参数诰置双击Three-Phase Breaker棋块,则弹出Tlircc-Phasc Breaker挨块参敎i殳蜀对话框。三相断 路器 模块的具体参數设旦如图 5 所示:H Block Parameters: Three-Phase BreakerThree-Phase Breaker (mask) (l

13、ink)Connect this block in series with the three-phase element you vant to switch You can define the breaker timing directlyfrom the dialog box or apply an external logical signa1 If you check the External control box, the external control input will appearParametersInitial status of breakers open0 S

14、witching of phase A7 Swit ching of Phase B0 Swit ching o phase CTransition times (s)0External control of switching timesBreakers resistance Ron (ohms)0.001Snubbers resist2ince Rp (Ohms)le6Snubbers capacitance Cp (Farad)infMeasurements None IQK Cancel Help | 他 ply图5 Three-Phase Breaker块参數诛置对话框(5) Con

15、stant 块参数设置双击系统模型窗口中的Constant模块,则弾出Constant模块设置对话框。其具体参数诛置 如 图 6所示:耳 Source Block Parameters: ConstantConst aniOutput the constant specified by the Const ant value paramet er If* Constant value is a vector and T Interpret vector parameters as 1-D is on5 t roat the const smt value as a 1-? array* Ot hcrwicoj output a mat r iz with the same dimensions as the constant value.Main Signal Attributes |Constaait vlue:J Interpret vector paramete



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