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1、郑景婷考研英语高频词汇 2郑景婷考研英语高频词汇1. a host of= a lot of 大量2. abandon= give up 放弃3. absence 没有,不存在4. abide by= obey; comply with, conform to遵守5. abnormalities 不正常6. absolute cf: relative; comparative 绝对的7. absorption吸收,理解8. abstract cf: concrete 抽象的;摘要9. abundanceabundantly=rich (ness) 充足;大量10. abuse滥用11. acc

2、elerateacceleration =speed up加速12. access toaccessible接近;获得13. accommodateaccommodation 提供食宿;以适应14. accomplishment =achievement成就,圆满完成15. account for 解释;占据百分比16. accountant 会计17. accumulation 积累18. accuracyaccurate 精确性19. acknowledge 公认、承认20.acquaintance 熟人;熟悉 (with)21.acquireacquisitionacquisitive

3、获得;学会;习得;合并22. act on 对起作用23. actively 积极地;主动地24. adapt to 适应25. addict 上瘾26. address 称呼;强调27. adjoin 毗邻28. adjust 调节29. admiration 景仰;崇拜30. admission 录取;允许进入;门票31. adopt 领养;采纳32. adventurous 冒险的;历险的33. advisabilityadvisable advisoradvisory 可取性值得建议的建议者指导性的34. advocate 支持;拥护(者)35. affiliate 附属36. aff

4、inity 关系;酷爱37. afford 买得起;承受得起代价38. agenda 议事日程39. agent 代理人;主体40. aggravate =worsen 恶化41. aggressive 挑衅的,好斗的;积极进取的42. aging 衰老的43. agony (身心的)极大痛苦44. aid = help45. aim 目标46. alien to 不相容的;与相反的47. align with 与 一致48. all but =almost49. allegation陈述;声称50. allocation 分配,拨给(款项)51. allow for把考虑在内52. alon

5、e仅就而言53. along one track顺着某一做事方式54. alphabetalphabetically 字母表按字母表顺序的55. alter 改变(衣服大小和容貌)56. alternativealternatively选择;可供选择的可供选择地57. amateur 业余的58. amazedamazing惊异的令人惊异的59. ambiguous 容易引起歧义的;模棱两可的60. ambition 雄心;野心61. amid =in the middle of62. amount to =reach 达到;到达63. ample 大的;充足的64. analogous 类似

6、物,近似物65. analysisanalyst 分析66. ancestor 祖先67. anchor 抛锚;停泊68. angle 角度69. announce 宣告 70. anonymous 匿名的71. anticipate =expect72. anxiety 焦虑73. anything but =not at all 一点也不74. apart from =besides 除以外还有75. apparatus 设备;装置76. apparentapparently 明显地77. appeal to =attract 吸引78. applianceapplicableapplic

7、ation 用具;器具申请;应用79. appreciate 欣赏;理解;感激80. apprehensive忧虑的81. approach 途径;接近82. appropriate 合适的;恰当的83. arbiter 权威人士;仲裁员84. arbitrary武断的;刚愎自用的85. arrival 到达86. articulate明确而有力地表达87. artistic 艺术的88. aspired 有灵感的89. assault=attack 袭击90. assemble =get together 集合;组装91. assert 断言;声称92. assessassessable 评

8、估93. assign 安排;布置94. assimilateassimilation 同化95. assistassistance = help帮助96. assumeassumption= take on假设;承担;呈现97. assure 使某人确信98. astonishing 令人震惊的99. at a loss=confused 迷惑的100. at random随机地101. at the mercy of 任由某人处置102. at will 任意地;随意地103. attach importance to强调;重视104. attain 达到;获得105. attempt 企

9、图;试图106. attendanceattentive to 关注107. attitude态度108. attribute to 把归因于109. auditor 审计员;查帐人110. augment 扩大;增加;提高111. authentic 地道的112. authorityauthorize 权威授权113. automate 自动化114. auxiliary 辅助的115. average 普通的;平均的116. awaken 唤醒;唤起117. aware意识到;知道118. awkwardly 尴尬地119. baby boom 婴儿潮120. backbone 栋梁;中

10、坚121. bait 鱼饵,诱饵122. ban 禁止123. bank on 寄希望于124. barely 几乎不125. bargain 讨价还价;便宜货126. barrier 障碍127. baseline 底线128. be absorbed in 全神贯注于129. be bound up with与某事物关系密切130. be composed of由组成131. be confined to 局限于132. be engaged in 从事于133. be fascinated with 被迷住了134. be indicative of 表明135. be obliged

11、to 被迫做某事136. be opposed to 反对137. be rooted in 以为根源138. bearable 可以忍受的139. belt 带状物140. beneficialbenefit 有好处的利益;对有好处141. betray 背叛142. better off 经济状况变得更好143. beyond dispute毋庸质疑144. bias 偏见145. bilingual 双语的146. bill 法案147. binding 受法律约束的148. biomedical 生物医学的149. bitter 苦涩的,激烈的150. blind 盲目的151. bl

12、ock 阻碍152. bold 大胆的;冒进的153. bombardwith 攻击某人/物154. bonus 奖金;意外的好处155. boom 热潮156. booth 电话亭157. bore 使厌烦158. bound 注定;装订159. boundary 边界160. brake 刹车;阻碍因素161. brand 品牌162. break down 崩溃163. break throughbreakthrough突破164. breakout 爆发165. breed 种;血统;滋生166. brightening 照亮的167. bring out 产生168. bring under control 控制住169. broadly 从广义上说170. brochure 小册子171.


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