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1、Unit 7 ArtSECTIONBLESSON2&LESSON3课后篇巩固提升基础夯实.单词拼写1.He has made progress in every (方面).答案aspect2.Its not easy to (掌握;精通) a foreign language.答案master3.Seize the chance, (否则) youll regret it.答案otherwise4.They expressed mixed (情感) at the news.答案emotions5.All the attackers were (男性),aged between 25 and 3

2、0.答案male6.The costume had to have bright and colourful (图案).答案patterns7.The data is (复杂的),but we understand the structure very well.答案complex8.Look at the (乐谱) and try to play that song.答案score9.They were (挣扎) to get out of the broken car.答案struggling10.Cities are connected by new (宽阔的) roads.答案broa

3、d11.Mozart (作曲) his last opera shortly before he died.答案composed12.If you (犹豫) too long,you will miss the opportunity.答案hesitate13.The ring was a (标识;信号) for everyone to leave the building.答案signal14.After everyone was seated the chairman (继续) to announce his plan.答案proceeded15.The students (表演) two

4、 plays each school year.答案perform.单句语法填空1.Hes a (compose) of serious music.I like his music a lot.答案composer2.I invited her to dinner but she made no (respond).答案response3.He had been a (talent) musician in his (young).答案talented;youth4.Beethoven is regarded one of the greatest composers in the hist

5、ory of music.答案as5.In his (twenty),he had been very famous for his skills on the piano,but then he began to lose his hearing.答案twenties.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式完成句子mask;score;tense;minor;clown;female;master;carriage;backstage;joyous;refer to;take charge1.The dog remained faithful to his .答案master2.I promise

6、d not to the matter again.答案refer to3.Doctors wear to prevent the spread of infection.答案masks4.The that he had ordered duly arrived,so we left.答案carriage5.All the workers in this factory got a present on March 8th.答案female6.We just couldnt help laughing when we saw her dressed as a .答案clown7.She pla

7、yed a role in the movie.答案minor8.It is difficult to be natural when one is .答案tense9.The company needs someone capable to .答案take charge10.The final of the football match was 43.答案score11.She had made their childhood so and carefree.答案joyous12.After the show,we were allowed to go to meet the actor.答

8、案backstage素养提升.阅读理解AFor some people,music is no fun at all.About 4% of the population is what scientists call “amusic”.People who are amusic are born without the ability to enjoy musical notes.Amusic people often cannot tell the differences between two songs.As a result,songs sound like noise to an

9、amusic.Many amusics compare the sound of music to pieces of metal hitting each other.Life can be hard for amusics.In fact,most people cannot understand what it feels like being amusic.Just going to a restaurant or a shopping center can be uncomfortable or even painful.That is why many amusics have t

10、o stay away from places where there is music.However,this can result in social loneliness.“I used to hate parties,” says Margaret,a seventy-year-old woman who only recently discovered that she was amusic.By studying people like Margaret,scientists are finally learning how to identify (辨别) this unusu

11、al condition.Scientists say that the brains of amusics are different from those of people who can enjoy music.The difference is complex (复杂的),and it is not connected with poor hearing.Amusics can understand other non-musical sounds well.They also have no problems understanding common speech.Scientis

12、ts compare amusics to people who just cant see certain colors.Many amusics are happy when their condition is finally diagnosed(诊断).For years,Margaret felt embarrassed about her problem.Now she knows that she is not alone.That makes it easier for her to explain.“When people invite me to a concert,I j

13、ust say No,thanks.Im amusic.”says Margaret.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一类人,他们不喜欢听音乐,无法欣赏音乐,被称为“amusic”。1.Amusics are the people who .A.like musicB.have poor listeningC.dont like musicD.are born unable to enjoy music答案D解析根据第一段中的“Peoplewhoareamusicarebornwithouttheabilitytoenjoymusicalnotes”可知amusic指的是那些生来就没有

14、乐感的人。所以选D项。2.What causes amusics different from most people according to scientists?A.Their brains.B.Their poor hearing.C.Their lack of colors.D.Their problems with speech.答案A解析根据第三段开头“Scientistssaythatthebrainsofamusicsaredifferentfromthoseofpeoplewhocanenjoymusic”可知导致amusics与大多数人不同的原因是他们的大脑,所以选A项。

15、3.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Amusics strange behavior.B.Musical ability.C.Some peoples inability to enjoy music.D.Identification and treatment of amusic.答案C解析全文主要讲述的是不喜爱听音乐的一类人,被称之为amusic,他们很长时间都没有得到统一的诊断或者认识。Somepeoplesinabilitytoenjoymusic意为“一些人无法欣赏音乐”,符合题意。BFrom early times,man has been interested in art.People have often worked together to collect and save


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