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2、院自主招生考试模拟题,内容来自于相II:关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加自主招生考试的同学们。iI祝所有-同学都 能M顺利 通过-自主招 生考上 理想大学!(考试时间:90分钟满分:100分)选择题(每题4分,共100分):第1题:deer have bee n moved to a large n ature park.A. The number of B. A lotC. A number ofD. A great deal of【正确答案】C讲解:解析:A的数量 B a lot of表示许多C许多大量修饰可数名词复数D大量修饰不可数名词。选 C第 2 题: Passage B

3、In Amsterdam, the capital of Holla nd, there is a unique Childre n Restaura nt. It is run wholly by the childre n. From the man ager to the cooks, cashiers, waiters or waitresses and other staff members are all childre n form 6 to 12 years old. They themselves do all the n ecessary work such ascook

4、ing and clea ning. These childre n are selected in Amsterdam. After trai ning, they may serve in the Restaura nt for four weeks. All of them are willing to work there and they are very proud of the work. This Restaura nt was foun ded in 1983 by a woma n cook, who wan ted to give the childre n cha nc

5、es to lear n to be useful to the society. And now she is the only adult there, but her job is just to take care of the Restaura nt is welcomed almost by every one. Since there are only 20 seats in the restaura nt, it is always very crowded. So you should make a reservatio n mon ths in adva nee. The

6、cost of a meal differs accord ing to the customers.Usually US $ 4 for eachadult, but much cheaper for the childre n. And its bus in ess hours are only on Saturday eve nings and Sun day childre n in this restaura nt.A. can earn only four dollars a dayB. are fond of work ing thereC. will have to work

7、there for over a mon thD. do all the work except cook ing【正确答案】B 讲解: 第一段 All of them are willing to work there and they are very proud of the work. 可知孩子们很喜欢在那里工作。第 3 题:The word “cashier ” in the first passage perhaps meansA. a pers on who cooks foodB. a pers on who does clea nin gC. apers on who rec

8、eives and pays out money in a restaura nt . apers on who serves food to customers【正确答案】C讲解:Cashier是收银员的意思。所以选 C第4题:下列文学常识表述有误的一项是()A.祝福写于1924年,小说生动了塑造了一个受侮辱、受迫害的旧中 国农村劳动妇女的形象,深刻地揭露了封建礼教对劳动妇女的精神摧残, 后收入彷徨。B、莫泊桑,法国着名作家。在世界文学史上有“短篇 小说巨匠”的美称,项链是他的代表作之一。C.四书指的是大学中庸论语礼记四种书,是儒家主要经典。D.茅盾,字雁冰,着名作家,文艺理论家、翻译家。代

9、表作是长篇小说子夜【正确答案】C讲解:四书是大学、中庸、论语、孟子第 5 题: Which can be TRUE according to this passageA. All the childre n in the restaura nt form AmsterdamB. If you dont order a meal a month ahead of time, you will get no food in the . Everybody likes the Restaura nt , so it is ofte n filled with .In Amsterdam, any c

10、hild betwee n 6 and 12 can work in this Restaura nt if he likes【正确答案】A讲解:细节题: These children are selected in Amsterdam.可知 A 正确,D 不正确。 So you should make a reservati on mon ths inadvanee.提前几个月预约。 B 不正确。Si nee there are only 20 seatsin the restaura nt, it is always very crowded. C原因不正确。所以选A第6题:下列每组加横线

11、字读音都不相同的是(A.孱头/流水潺潺 莅临/不寒而栗 侍奉/伺机而动B.顺遂/半身不遂船舷/故弄玄虚和煦/殒身不恤C.卷宗/胜券在握篆书/如椽巨笔 血晕/血口喷人D.市侩/脍炙人口 扁平/一叶扁舟 桀骜/佶屈聱牙【正确答案】C讲解: A 前二相同 第三组 shì sì B xiánxuán 其他同 D 第一组同读 kuài第 7 题:The underlined wordindustry in the secondparagraph can be replaced byC. hard workA. success B. f

12、ailureD. con fide nee【正确答案】C讲解:【解析】定位in dustry在第二段第五行。In dustry 勤奋第 8 题:A. roomB.bookC. schoolD.job【正确答案】D讲解:联系前文,可知此处指的是做教师这个工作,故选D,工作。考点:关于个人梦想的说明文第9题:下列四组词语中没有错别字的一组是()A.观模 贸然行事 遴选 百感交积B.轶事 歃血为盟 演绎 无耻澜言C.辨驳 寸草春辉 淳朴 勉为其难D.琐屑 始作佣者 磋商 莫不关心【正确答案】B讲解:A.观摩,百感交集;C.春晖,D.始作俑者,漠不关心。第 10 题:I dont like the w

13、ayhecon gratulated usgett in gmarried.A、in which ;onB、that ; forC、in that; onD / ; about【正确答案】A讲解:考查定语从句及固定搭配。关系副词在定语从句中充当的是方式 状语,介词+which结构 因为某事祝贺某人:con gratulate sb on sth 选 A第 11 题: When she was reading, her mother was.A. beside her B. not in her room C. speak ing to some on eD. crying in the liv

14、i ng room【正确答案】B讲解:第一段结尾 At once she called her mother, who was in the kitchen.选 B第 12 题: A new network system was set up to.A. make computers cheaper B. make itself keep onwork ing all the timeC. break dow n the whole n etworks D. make computers large and expe nsive【正确答案】B讲解:【解析】第二段第六行,通过建立新的网络系统,电

15、脑网络系统 将一直保持正常工作状态。第 13 题:Which is NOT true according to the writer?A. This Restaura nt has a history of about 20 . For the same meal a child will pay less while an adults pay . The woma n who set up this Restaura nt used to be a . There are more tha n a score of seats.【正确答案】D讲解:This Restaura nt was foun ded in 1983 by a woma n cook可知A,C 正确。Score 是 20 个,There are only 20 seats in therestaura



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