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1、word硕士学位论文高州市农业产业化开展研究作者黎峰学科专业农业推广(农业科技组织与服务)指导教师于明霞所在学院管理学院论文提交日期2017年5月分类号: 密级:学校代号: 学号: 仲恺农业工程学院在职攻读硕士研究生学 位 论 文高州市农业产业化开展研究The research of agricultural industrialization development in Gaozhou黎峰培养单位学院:仲恺农业工程学院 指导教师、职称:于明霞、 教授 申请学位的学科门类: 农业硕士 学科专业名称: 农业科技组织与服务 论文辩论日期: 2017年5月20日 辩论委员会主席: / 学位论文独创

2、性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进展的研究工作与取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得仲恺农业工程学院或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名手写: 签字日期: 年 月 日学位论文使用授权书本人完全了解学校有关保存、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保存送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。同意学校将本人的学位论文提交清华大学中国学术期刊光盘

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4、农业产业开展的问题与解决对策,为高州市与我国农业现代化开展提供参考与借鉴,丰富农业产业化开展规划的实证研究成果。在研究方法上,结合高州市的经济概况与特点,采用层次分析法AHP对各指标权重进展划分,构建高州市现代农业主导产业的指标体系,并计算出各指标的综合评价值,以此明确高州市现代农业主导产业的排序。同时采用统计分析法测算高州市现代农业各产业的需求收入弹性系数、产值年均增长率、增长作用率和增长作用水平度等,对高州市现代农业主导产业进展分析与评价。得到以下结论: 1通过对各指标的收入弹性系数进展测算,发现市场对水果、蔬菜、家禽与蛋、肉的收入弹性较高;对指标的增长率和水平度进展测算,发现蔬菜、水果、

5、粮食、猪肉等的开展比拟快,对其他产业的带动能力也比拟强;在人均产值系数方面,水果、蔬菜、粮食、家禽、猪肉、水产业的人均产值比拟大,明确这类产业在高州市具有较高生产资源禀赋;在区位商( 产值集中度)方面,排在前列的有水果、蔬菜、粮食、肉类等;在区域综合比拟优势指数方面,蔬菜、水果、肉类等优势比拟突出。依据测算分析结果,在高州市现代农业8类产业的 7 个指标中,其排序为:蔬菜家禽蛋类水果粮食猪肉牛肉水产业谷物,根据排序,可以明确应优先开展和培育蔬菜、水果、养殖类产业、粮食产业等。2高州的农业产业开展模式选择可结合高州本地的实际情况,首先建立高州主导产业的农业生产基地,然后培养主导产业中的农业龙头企

6、业,依靠科技进步和政策支持,壮大龙头企业,最后利用主导产业的示作用带动其它产业进一步开展。在空间布局上,高州农业产业化的开展思路可朝着“加工农业产业建设产业园打造产业集群三步走的路径进展。3高州农业产业化开展现存问题主要表现在:缺乏完善的配套保险机制,农业社会化服务滞后、带动力强的农业产业化企业所占比例较低、政府对龙头企业服务支持力度不足、农业产业集群开展的规模化水平较低等问题,主要原因在于管理体制不适应产业化开展、龙头企业带动力不强、科技化水平低下、产业链条短等。关键词: 农业产业化;农村生产力;农业产业集群;高州市ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is t

7、o bine the actual situation of Gaozhou City and summarize the basic theoretical system with certain regularity and connection, and to provide practical theoretical guidance for Gaozhou modern agriculture development plan. Secondly, based on the connotation and development of modern agriculture, the

8、method of multi - disciplinary cross - use is used to construct the method system of modern agriculture development in Gaozhou. Finally, from the practical point of view, to explore the development of agricultural industry in Gaozhou City and solve the problem for Gaizhou and Chinas agricultural mod

9、ernization to provide reference and reference, enrich the agricultural industrialization development planning empirical research results. In the research method, bined with the economic profile and characteristics of Gaozhou City, AHP is used to divide the weights of each index, and the index system

10、 of modern agriculture leading industry in Gaozhou City is constructed and the prehensive evaluation value of each index is calculated. This is clear Gaozhou City, the ranking of modern agriculture leading industry. At the same time, the statistical analysis method is used to calculate the ine elast

11、icity coefficient, the annual growth rate of output value, the growth rate and the growth level of Gaozhou modern agricultural industry, and analyze and evaluate the leading industry of modern agriculture in Gaozhou. Get the following conclusions:.Through the calculation of the ine elasticity coeffi

12、cient of each index, it was found that the market had higher elasticity of ine to fruits, vegetables, poultry and eggs and meat;The growth rate of the indicators and the level of the calculation and found that vegetables, fruits, food, pork and other relatively fast development of other industries t

13、o drive the ability is relatively strong; In the per capita output coefficient, the per capita output value of fruits, vegetables, grain, poultry, pork and aquaculture is relatively large, which indicates that such industries have high production resource endowments in Gaozhou City; There are fruits

14、, vegetables, food and meat in the forefront, and the advantages of vegetables, fruits and meat are more prominent in the regional prehensive parative advantage index. According to the results of the calculation and analysis, the seven indicators of the eight categories of modern agriculture in Gaozhou are sorted as follows: vegetables poultry eggs fruit grain pork beef aquaculture grain, according to the order, Development and cultivation of vegetables, fruits, aquaculture industry, food industry.Gaozhous agricultural industry devel


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