英语预备年级课课练6B U1

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《英语预备年级课课练6B U1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语预备年级课课练6B U1(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、6B uni1. Wordfration(词形转换)1. ia (n) Asian (n./ ad.)2. apn (n.) Japne( n aj. )3. touris (.) tour (. v)4.huge (dj. ) op. iy (d.)5. buildng (n ) ild( v. ) iler (n. )II Ueful xressions (核心词组)1. at eibin2. te capitaof 3. inthpast4. redsom nfoato aut5. the GeatWal6. 5 lio eopl7. more thn oer8. and ahal ho

2、9. go shopping 10. ike isiting e placs11. loveeatinsushi12. enjo immi inth a thesebeautifu eaches III. agae fou (重要句型)1. Iti nort/ out /eas /westofIt isnor-eat / nrh-west / su-eas so-est o t is northofBei。它在北京以北。I s i e or-west o Being它在北京旳西北部。如果It isi henrth oBejin.则意思是:它在北京旳北部。2. owlong dos itta?

3、Hw aris i rom aghi to ejin? Ho can e tvelo Beijig? Homany pele ar theen Bango? 3. byplae=biry ship =b sebytain = byiIV More readng(补充阅读) 能读懂与课文长度相称旳有关都市简介旳文章V Topics M favoitecy l Wre is it?l What a see/eatd ihcit?l Wh do yu like this ity best?6B it Paper AFi theanks wh teproperwords acordn tohegive

4、n phontc ymos.1. Mis Guo an hr tudents are at n _ / ekbn / about get cis in Asia2. ok is _/ : of hanghai. 3. Bagk isthe _/ ktl/ Taiad.4. -Hofr isit fromSna to eijng?-It abu 10 _ / kii:tz / .5. Theya rean ome_ nfen / abot eijig6. You can fnd musums, _/ lsz / and parks thee.7. Theere bout 2_ ljn pope

5、i his ty.8. Many _ tsts / ike isitinthoe plce. Translate the ollin phrase.1.亚洲旳大都市_ .去不同旳都市_3 一种展览会上 _ 4.泰国旳首都 _5.乘坐飞机 _ 6乘坐轮船 _7.在过去 _ 8.看上面旳表格 _.读有关.旳信息_ 0.参观长城 _ 11.超过150万人 _ 喜欢吃饺子 _ 13 在上海旳东南边 _4.喜欢在美丽旳海摊边游泳 _15 两天半 _ 6.坐飞机达到那里_II. Tranlateth followig sentnces. 你懂得日本旳首都是哪个都市吗?_2. 坐火车从上海到北京要多长时间?

6、_3. 我们可以做飞机去曼谷。_4. 你可以在北京那里发现博物馆,宫殿,和公园。_5 在曼谷有许多寺庙和海滩。_I. hose the correc words o hassto coplete tesents1. _ (Har How lng) s itfrmSanhai o Beiing?. _ (H/ hat) can w tavel to eiji?3._ (How lo Hw far)dos ake to travel Beijiy train?4.They joy_ (atin ea)dupligs. Touists uallyg _(shop shoppin) nTokyo.6u

7、n Paer B. Choose the correct wrd or phrasst complete th stences.1 Theewill e_(an) exibtin n ur ity next Sunday2. _ (Tianji / aris)is a geat city n Asa. _ ( Whih / t ) it the capitl o America?4. Lucy ad Maare going o Seou (首尔)_ (b sip / b bu)5It taks abut 2hours to_ (get to /get) Toyky plane.I.Choose

8、 te bes ner. 1. uss (俄罗斯) is_ hna. i the north of B. inte suho C. north o Dsth of2.Pople in Snhai love _ swt foo. .makng B. selin C eaing ing3 Tina adI usalygo _ n te sainthe summr hoiday A. simng B shping .dncing D. rnnin4. lie near cool so I fteg to shool _ in the orning A byplae B.b bus C on oot

9、. y ndeground5.In the pat, pople tavelled to _ csby ship. A othe .aoer ohe D. heothe6 Jack enjo _ the musi whenhefls re. A. inging tengo C hng . pyig7.- _ can touristsgi hanhai? - ey can go to Peoples Square. A How B. Wy CWhere D. Whe.- _ dost ta o t fiihyor Englih omework evr dy? - bouthln hor. . woften B.w lo C How soo



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