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1、专题13 说明文专攻高考零失误必刷100题1.(2023湖南高三湖南师大附中校考阶段练习)Pablo Picasso truly was a man of mystery. A hidden detail has been discovered in one of his paintings hanging at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. After close examination, experts found that a pet dog was at first included in Picassos painting Le Moulin

2、de la Galette, but was later painted out. The artwork was completed after his arrival in Paris in 1900, and shows a noisy scene caught in a Parisian dining place of the same name, filed with couples drinking wine and enjoying a chat. The discovery was made by experts at the Guggenheim, New Yorks Met

3、ropolitan Museum of Art and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC The finding was made ahead of the opening of their exhibition “Young Picasso in Paris”. which features 10 drawings and paintings from Picassos early works in the French capital. where he eventually settled down. To discover th

4、e hidden dog, experts used a non-destructive (非破坏性的) way to draw out the elemental parts of materials in the painting. “It was interesting to me that he painted over this dog, which would have been a rather attractive part of the painting,” the Guggenheims senior expert Julie Barten says, adding tha

5、t it was an “interesting” choice. Experts believe the dog was possibly removed by Picasso because it was too “distracting” for viewers. “It would have stolen the show.” Barten continues. “Viewers can look more carefully at all of these other wonderful figures in the painting-to experience the space

6、in different ways. “The painting acts as the most attractive part in the show at the Guggenheim. which joins several other international exhibitions being held to celebrate the 50-year anniversary (周年纪念) of the artists death in 1973.” Barten adds. “Young Picasso in Paris will run from May 12 to Augu

7、st 6.”1What is mainly shown in Picassos painting Le Moulin de la Galette?AA dining scene of a couple.BA noisy scene of some dogs.CA scene of some couples painting indoors.DA scene of a dining place in Paris.2What did the experts do to discover the hidden dog?AThey used a completely new way.BThey did

8、 some harm to the painting.CThey observed the painting carefully.DThey studied the materials elements in the painting.3Why did Picasso remove the dog according to Julie Barten?AHe painted the dog badly.BThe dog affected the whole work.CHe got advice from viewers.DThere were already dogs in the paint

9、ing.4What does Barten most probably want to do in the last paragraph?AAdvertise the show “Young Picasso in Paris”BShow the importance of the new discovery.CEncourage people to look at great artworks.DDraw attention to some international exhibitions.【答案】1D 2D 3B 4A【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要说明了一些专家通过一项技术在毕加索的一幅名

10、画里面发现了一条被这位画家涂掉的狗。1细节理解题。根据第二段“The artwork was completed after his arrival in Paris in 1900, and shows a noisy scene caught in a Parisian dining place of the same name, filed with couples drinking wine and enjoying a chat.(这幅画是他在1900年抵达巴黎后完成的,画中描绘了巴黎一家同名餐厅的喧闹景象,挤满了喝着酒聊天的情侣)”可知,这幅画作画的是巴黎一个用餐的地方的场景。故选

11、D。2细节理解题。根据第四段“To discover the hidden dog, experts used a non-destructive (非破坏性的) way to draw out the elemental parts of materials in the painting.(为了发现隐藏的狗,专家们使用了一种非破坏性的方法来提取画中材料的基本部分)”可知,专家们研究了毕加索当时所用原料的元素。故选D。3推理判断题。根据第五段“Experts believe the dog was possibly removed by Picasso because it was too

12、“distracting” for viewers. “It would have stolen the show.” Barten continues.(专家认为,这只狗可能是毕加索移走的,因为它太“分散”了观众的注意力。“它会抢尽风头的。”Barten继续说道)”可知,Julie Barten认为毕加索之所以涂掉这只狗是因为它在画作上会影响整幅画的效果。故选B。4推理判断题。根据最后一段“The painting acts as the most attractive part in the show at the Guggenheim. which joins several other

13、 international exhibitions being held to celebrate the 50-year anniversary (周年纪念) of the artists death in 1973.” Barten adds. “Young Picasso in Paris will run from May 12 to August 6.”(“这幅画是古根海姆展览中最吸引人的部分。这次展览是为了纪念这位艺术家1973年逝世50周年而举办的其他几场国际展览的一部分。Barten补充道。“年轻的毕加索在巴黎将从5月12日持续到8月6日。”)”可知,Barten是在为这个展

14、览做宣传。故选A。2.(2023浙江杭州浙江省杭州第二中学校考模拟预测)Todays Brussels sprouts (孢子甘蓝) taste better than you might remember from childhood, and that is because a new variety has replaced the original vegetable. You can thank plant breeders for the change. Modern breeders, armed with new gene-editing technology, are loo

15、king to reproduce Brussels sprouts reinvention.In the late 1990s, scientists discovered specific chemicals which made Brussels sprouts taste bitter. Plant breeders started growing old seeds, previously abandoned due to poor yields (产量), to look for tastier versions with lower levels of these specifi

16、c chemicals. Then they crossed these delicious but low-yield plants with high-yield individuals until they found a version that made plenty of tasty sprouts, transforming the vegetable from a bitter pill into a popular dish.But other vegetables havent fared as well. Thats because most breeding decisions favor plant traits (特性) that matter to vegetable growers, no



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