高一英语 Unit17 Grammar and Integrating skills课课练 大纲人教版第一册

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1、Unit 17Great women训练三Grammar and Integrating skills课前预习.阅读课文,完成下列各题1.Which of the following is in the correct order? a.Oprah was born in 1954.b.She skipped the 2nd grade of the Primary school. c.She won a college scholarship. d.She went to live with her father. e.She went to Chicago.f.“AM Chicago” w

2、as given a new name.A.a b c d e f B.a b c d f e C.a b d c e f D.a b d c f e 2.In which year did the Show become a success? A.1984.B.1973.C.1971.D.1985.3.Oprah Winfrey owed her success mainly to _. A.hard work and disciplineB.her familyC.her teachersD.her chances4.The text is mainly about Oprah Winfr

3、eys_ . A.family.B.education C.successD.life and success5.Which characteristic belonged to Oprah? A.Impatience. B.Carelessness.C.Devotion.D.Selfishness.答案:15 CDADC .英汉翻译1.甘心忍受_ 2.出名_3.祝某人成功_4.退出,掉队,退学_5.成名_6.毫无希望_7.为树立榜样_8.通向,导致_9.迄今为止 _10.大学奖学金_答案:e to terms with2.rise to fame3.wish sb.success4.drop

4、 out5.rise/come to fame6.hold no promise7.set a good example for8.lead to9.so far10.a college scholarship课堂巩固.单句改错(主谓一致专练)1.The number of visitors are very large this year.2.The population in China are very large, but 80% of that are farmers.3.The doctors are on the side of the street.4.Five minutes

5、 are enough to do this exercise.5.Each boy and each girl want to serve the people in the future.6.A pair of shoes are on the desk.7.Between the two windows hang a picture.8.The girls teacher and friend are young.9.The teacher as well as the students were excited.10.This is one of the most interestin

6、g questions that has been asked.答案:1.areis2.第一个are改为is3.areis4.areis5.wantwants6.areis7.hanghangs8.areis9.werewas10.hashave.根据提示翻译句子1.据说他是一位好的舞蹈家。(It is said that)2.下一次充满挑战和危险的旅行即将开始。(be about to)3.那时在美国皮肤黑加上又是女人就使得生活更为艰难了。(make)4.当我说有人傻时,我指的不是你。(refer to)答案:1.It is said that he is a good dancer.2.A

7、nother journey of challenge and danger is about to begin.3.Being black and a woman made life even more difficult in America at that time.4.When I said someone was foolish, I wasnt referring to you.句型转换1.New year, when we can have a two-day holiday, is coming. New year, when we can have a two-day hol

8、iday, is_ _ _. 2.Fifty people were said to have been killed in the accident._ _ _ _fifty people been killed in the accident. 3.I wonder what happened to the people who lived next door.I wonder what_ _ the people who lived next door. 4.After he graduated from university, he came to the United States.

9、_ _ from university, he came to the United States. 答案:1.around the corner2.It was said that; had3.became of4.After graduation课后检测.单词拼写 1.A journey to the North Pole is really a _(挑战). 2.In winter in Northern Canada, people had to s _through the stormy weather. 3.We _(钦佩) famous women like Madame Cur

10、ie. 4.From his sad face we can judge he has experienced a m _life. 5.Angel has a very c_ character, which helps her to make lots of friends. 6.Alastair is m_ with money. He never helps the poor though he is rich. 7.We had a very busy and t_ day. We need to relax ourselves. 8.Peter always tells lies.

11、 He is so d_ that all his friends have all left him. 9.Jack works hard and well so that he has won a s_ for his university study.10.Chinas role in keeping the worlds peace is highly v_.答案:1.challenge2.struggle3.admire4.miserable5.cheerful6.mean7.tense8.dishonest9.scholarship10.valued.单项选择1.(2006高考浙江

12、卷,7) The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third _ used regu-larly. Now we have to working all day long.A.isB.areC.wasD.were答案:D2.A library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift.A.is offeredB.have offeredC.are offeredD.has offered答案:A3.The teacher, with 6 girls and 8

13、boys of her class,_ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.A.wasB.wereC.had beenD.would be 答案:A4.All the employees except the manager _ to work online at homeA.encouragesB.encourageC.is encouragedD.are encouraged答案:D5. _of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifth; i

14、sB.Two fifth; areC.Two fifths; isD.Two fifths; are答案:C6.As a result of destroying the forests, a large_of desert _ covered the land.A.number; hasB.quantity; hasC.number; haveD.quantity; have答案:B7.When and where to go for the on salary holiday _ yet.A.are not decidedB.have not been decidedC.is not being decidedD.has not been decided答案:D8.He is the


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