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1、教案第八部分从句的翻译教学目的: 帮助学生掌握翻译英语从句的基本技巧。教学重点: 如何灵活处理英语中的各种类型的从句。教学难点: 如何灵活使用各种翻译技巧,摆脱英文原文的束缚,从而产生符合中 文习惯的句子。英语从句的翻译对译者的英文理解能力提出了比较高的 要求。所以,译者首先需要弄清句子的语法关系。然后分析原文句子间 的从属关系。最后,将这些句子按照符合中国人思维习惯或中文构句习 惯的逻辑顺序或时间顺序重新排列。教学方法: 任务驱动,集体讨论教学手段: 多媒体教学情景: 参与广州外商活动中心口笔译任务 (外商接待,关于广州投资环境会 议)时间分配:第 1 , 2 节 : 名词性从句的翻译主语从

2、句的译法;宾语从句的译法;表语从句的译法;同位语从句的译法翻译实践第 3 , 4 节 : 定语从句的翻译限制性定语从句的译法非限制性定语从句的译法翻译实践第 5 , 6 节:状语从句的翻译时间状语从句的译法因果状语从句的译法让步状语从句的译法翻译实践名词性从句的翻译名词从句就是在整个句子中起名词作用的从句。名词性从句包括主语从句,宾语从句, 表语从句和同位语从句。翻译这类句子时,根据从句与主句的长短和紧密程度,可以将从句 译为句子的成分或者处理为与主句并列的单句。主语从句的译法1. Where we are today has to be one of the most commerciall

3、y dynamic places in the world.我们今天所处的地方是全世界最具商业活力的地区之一。2. What I want to say is that the computer Internet is transforming business operation patterns.我所要说的是,计算机因特网正在改变商务运作的模式。以 it 作形式主语所引出的真正主语从句,翻译视情况可以提前也可以不提前。1. Its no wonder that Guangdong, with only 3% of Chinas population, produces 9% of its

4、GDP, attracts 1/5 of its foreign investment, and generates l/3of its export.广东仅生活着中国 3%的人口,生产却占国内生产总值的9%,吸引外资总量的1/5,出口在 整个中国占 1/3, 这并不让人感到奇怪。2. It was therefore only logical that the first thorough reform in Germany in 1948 was a “currency reform with the introduction of the Deutsche Mark as a new m

5、onetary unit and at the same time the establishment of a fixed rate of exchange with the previous currency.因此,唯一符合逻辑的是,1948 年德国进行的彻底改革属于“货币改革”,期间德国马克被 作为新的货币单位推出,而且同时建立了与以前的币种进行交换的固定汇率制。3. It seems to me that the Fair has got the whole China behind it.我觉得整个中国都在支持这个交易会。宾语从句的译法1. Guangdong has about 1

6、6million telephone users。This means that the entire traffic could be handled by four fibers.广东有1600 万个电话用户,这意味着四根光纤就可以搞定整个信息交通了。2. International experience suggests that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure and services can have a substantial impact on the competitiveness of

7、 firms, nationsand regions.各国的经验表明,信息交流技术的基础设施和服务对于一个公司,一个国家乃至一个地区的 竞争力都发挥着相当重要的作用。3. This dramatic economic progress shows what is possible when governments leave more decision-making power in the hands of private enterprises and individuals.种种巨大的经济成就表明,政府允许私营企业和个人享有更多的决策权能带来什么样的变 化。4. This local w

8、isdom is very much in line with what we are driving to achieve at Kodak as we work to execute on our strategies.这种本地化的智慧与柯达在执行战略时要努力达到的目标非常一致。5. Last year our CEO committed the BP Amoco Group to a carbon dioxide emission reduction target of 10% by 2010, on a 1990 base and to reporting openly how and

9、 where we are achieving the targets.去年,我们公司的首席执行官承诺BP阿莫科集团要在2010将二氧化碳的排放量在1990年 的基础上削减 10%,而且不断公开在这方面的发展情况。表语从句的译法1. The second general message is that future growth must be sustainable.第二个原则是,未来的增长必须具有可持续性。2. The good thing about our relationship is that we want nothing from each other.我们的关系中有一点很好,

10、那就是我们都不想从对方那里获得什么。同位语从句的译法同位语从句可以提前也可以保持原来的顺序1. In fact, I have no doubt that I ll learn in something today that I can take home and share with other leaders in New York State, where Kodaks headquarters is located.事实上,今天我将学到一些东西,并能将我的收获带回去,和柯达总部所在地纽约州的其他 领导们分享,对此我深信不疑。2. Leadership in the digital Re

11、naissance will be about the realization that everyone on this earth is born with the potential to lead.数字复兴的领袖将要努力实现使这个地球上每个人都有成为领袖的潜能。翻译实践1. Its estimated that by the year 2010 the revenues will exceed 9 billion USD per year.2. It is our sincere wish that we continue to work closely together enhanc

12、e our friendly relationship and to ensure a sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.3. What is simple is easy to grasp, what is simple is easy to follow, what is easy to grasp becomes familiar, what is easy to follow is effective, what is familiar will become habit, what is

13、 effective is scalable, what is habitual becomes virtue, what is scalable enables the virtuous man to achieve great things.4. It is important to realize that protection of intellectual property rights does not only benefit foreign copyright holders, it is even more important for domestic software co

14、mpanies.5. Im wondering why the Guangzhou Municipal Government decided to undertake such a great project.6. I guess that the Fair was transferred to this new construction because of its expansion in scale?7. I believe that the British Government was the first, anywhere in the world, to appoint a Min

15、ister with specific responsibilities for Corporate Social Responsibility.8. You may wonder why the EU or in general terms the world economy needs anti-dumping legislation.9. My prediction is that Guangdong Province will not only remain an economic power, but will also become a major province with ad

16、vanced higher education in the near future.10. Im particularly happy with the fact that the University Town is surrounded by the Pearl River.参考译文1 .预计到20 1 0年广州的财政收入将超过90亿美元。2 我们真诚地希望彼此之间继续密切合作,发展我们的友好关系,确保我们在经济,金融 和贸易方面的合作持续增长。3. 易则易知,简则易从。易知则易亲,易从则有功。有亲则可久,有功则可大。可久则贤人 之德,可大则贤人之业。4. 必须意识到保护知识产权不仅可以使外国版权持有人受益,对国内软件公司而言有着更为 重


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