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1、 ( 2012 届)毕业论文题 目: 海洋经济强省背景下舟山产业结构优化研究 姓名: 学 院: 商 学 院 专业: 经 济 学 班级: 学 号: 指导教师: 导师学科: 经 济 学 导师职称: 讲 师 教 务 处 制2012年5月24日their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of t

2、he use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive stren

3、gth, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, the city resources, other indus

4、tries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the

5、social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish

6、 the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introd

7、uction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of ma

8、rket competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively s

9、eek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.诚 信 声 明我声明,所呈交的论文是本人在老师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得嘉兴学院或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。我承诺,论文中的所有内容均真实、可信。论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日授 权 声 明学校有权保留送交论文的原件,允许论文被查阅和借阅,学校可以公布论文

10、的全部或部分内容,可以影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文,学校必须严格按照授权对论文进行处理,不得超越授权对论文进行任意处置。论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日2012届经济学专业毕业论文摘 要舟山市作为群岛城市,在发展海洋经济方面具有独天得厚的优势,在浙江省的海洋经济战略中处于一个重要位置。目前,舟山经济发展取得了一定的成果,但在长三角范围内甚至在全国范围内各方面仍存在较大的差距,产业结构仍存在诸多问题。本文首先从了解舟山发展海洋经济的背景以及历程出发,然后从舟山的三次产业结构出发,研究舟山市三次产业之间的关系并较深入的细化研究三次产业各自内部结构,从中了解舟山市发展海洋经济进行产业结构优

11、化的优势条件,并发现舟山进行以海洋经济为导向的产业结构优化存在人才短缺、科研能力落后、资金短缺等阻碍因素,并提出相应的解决方案。关键词:产业结构优化,海洋经济,舟山ABSTRACTAs an islands city, Zhoushan has the key advantages on developing marine economy, getting an important position of marine economic strategy in Zhejiang Province. Nowdays, though, having got some achievements on

12、 developing economy, Zhoushan still gets lots of disparities in Yangtze River Delta or the range of whole country more, many stuck problems exist in the industrial structure. From comprehending the background and history about devveloping Zhoushan marine economy, and the triple industrial structure,

13、 do some researches on the relationship among triple industrial structure, recognising the inner structure among triple industrial deeply. Realize the advantage conditions of developing marine economy and optimized industrial structure, paying some attentions on talents shortage, lacking of scientif

14、ic research and shortage of funds etc. for elements with developing industrial structure well based on marine economy, and come up with the related solutions.KEY WORDS:Optimization of industrial structure,Marine economy,ZhoushanII目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII引 言1一、舟山市发展海洋经济的历程2(一)以渔业经济为主的传统发展阶段2(二)以海岛旅游为主的第三产业发展阶段2(三)以水产加工业为代表的工业起步阶段3(四)以造船业为代表的海洋经济大发展阶段3二、海洋经济强省背景下舟山发展海洋经济的目标分析3(一)海洋经济强省背景3(二)舟山发展海洋经济的目标分析5三、舟山进行以海洋经济为导向的产业结构优化的基础条件5(一)第一产业发展海洋产业的基础条件5(二)第二产业发展海洋产业的基础条件6(三)第三产业发展海洋产业的基础条件8四、舟山进行以海洋经济为导向的产业结构优化的阻碍因素10(一)发展海洋经济所需人才短缺,相关科研能力落后10(二)发展现代海洋产业缺乏资金支持10(三)相关基础设施滞后11(四)土地资源、水资源短缺11(五)近


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