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1、2022年高考英语一轮复习Unit20NewFrontiers讲义北师大版选修7 (一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1permanent adj.纵联1永久的,长久的2radiation n. 辐射;放射3recreation n. _娱乐;消遣4stainless adj. 无污迹的5software n. 软件6discrimination n. 纵联2 歧视;识别力7database n纵联3 _数据库;资料库8digital adj. 数字式的9autonomous adj. 自主的;自治的10disconnect v. _使不连续;切断11operational adj. 操作中的;

2、即可使用的12premier adj. _最重要的13ancestor n. 祖先;祖宗14primitive adj. _原始的.重点单词写其形1emotional adj. 情感(上)的2latter n. 后者3handy adj. 方便使用的4shortly adv. 不久;很快5conflict n. 争执;冲突6rescue vt. 拯救,救援7original adj. 起初的;最早的8correspond vi.纵联4 通信;符合9meanwhile adv. 同时10outspoken adj. 直言的,坦率的11oute n. 后果,结果12cure vt. 治愈13phe

3、nomenon n. 纵联5 (pl.phenomena) 现象14procedure n. 程序;步骤15issue n. 问题;议题16dilemma n. 困境,进退两难的窘境17participant n. 参加者18journal n. 杂志.拓展单词通其变1technical adj.技术上的technique n技术technology n工艺,技术2starvation n饥饿starve v挨饿3equality n平等equal adj.平等的v.等于equally adv.平等地4assess vt.评价;评估assessment n评价;评估5donate vt.捐赠;

4、赠送donation n捐赠;赠送donor n捐赠者6electronic adj.电子的electric adj.电的;电动的electrical adj.电的;电气科学的7specialist n专家special adj.专门的;特殊的8poison n毒药;毒物poisonous adj.有毒的9permit vt.允许;准许;许可permission n允许;准许10declare vt.宣告;宣布declaration n宣布;宣言11exploration n检测;探险explore vt.探测,探险12assist vt.帮助;协助assistance n帮助;协助assis

5、tant n助手;助理13participant n参加者participate v参与,参加participation n参加,加入纵联1.“时间”相关词一览temporary adj.暂时的 permanent adj.永久的instant n& adj.紧迫(的) interval n间隔,间歇punctual adj.守时的纵联2.后缀“tion”名词种种radiation放射;辐射 recreation娱乐discrimination歧视;识别力 starvation饥饿donation捐赠;赠送 declaration宣布exploration检测;探险纵联3.“互联网”家族Int

6、ernet n因特网 network n网络password n密码 database n数据库surf vi.&vt.浏览 download vt.下载upload vt.上传纵联4.“通信”用语集锦letter n信件 email n电子邮件correspond vi.通信 receive v收到(来信)reply n回信 munication n通信hear from收到来信 write to给写信纵联5.特殊名词复数变化phenomenon n(pl.phenomena) 现象medium n(pl.media) 媒体bacterium n(pl.bacteria) 细菌mouse n

7、(pl.mice) 老鼠单元话题前沿科技子话题1前沿科技分类biotechnology n. 生物科技transplant n& vt. 移植clone vt.& vi. 克隆3D technology 3D技术digital technology 数字技术artificial intelligence 人工智能testtube baby 试管婴儿GMFgenetically modified food 转基因食品子话题2前沿科技精神innovative adj. 创新的scientific exploration 科学探索sustainable development 可持续发展scient

8、ific invention 科学发明子话题3前沿科技之天文学astronomy n天文学 astronaut n宇航员planet n行星 telescope n望远镜globe n地球仪,地球 gravity n重力,地球引力 学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1(2018全国卷阅读D)So whats the solution (解决方案)? The teams data only went up to 2007, but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old pro

9、ducts with new electronics that serve more than one function, such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing. They found that more ondemand entertainment viewing on tablets instead of TVs and desktop puters could cut energy consumption by 44%.写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:exploration,加黑词后为what引导的宾语从句写出加黑词在本单元

10、的同根形容词:electronic,加黑词的其他同根形容词还有:electrical写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:recreation,加黑词的动词形式为entertain,意为使娱乐2(2017天津高考阅读C)“The change to the road traffic law will fully automatic driving,” says Dobrindt. It will put fully driverless cars on an equal legal footing to human drivers, he says.用permission的适当形式填空:permit写出


12、的同学相处得很好。此外,我的英语很好,不久我就被选为英语老师的助手。(shortly)As_an_outgoing_girl,_I_get_along_well_with_my_classmates.Besides,_I_have_such_a_good_mand_of_English_that_I_am_elected_as_assistant_to_my_English_teacher_shortly_afterward.3(2015天津高考书面表达)为了增进我们两校之间的友谊,我们学校呼吁学生向贵校中文班捐赠书籍或期刊。(donate, journal)In_order_to_enhan

13、ce_the_friendship_between_our_two_schools,_our_school_has_appealed_to_the_students_to_donate_books_or_journals_to_your_Chinese_class.(二)课堂重点释疑1conflict n争执;冲突 vi.冲突;争执;抵触记牢(1)e into conflict with与争执/冲突in conflict 处于矛盾中in conflict with 与冲突(2)conflict with 与抵触/冲突练通单句语法填空Many of these ideas appear to b

14、e in conflict with each other.All these actions by the pany conflicted with the universally accepted business rules.She often es into conflict with her classmates because of some trivial matters, which makes her upset.一句多译另一方面,时尚是我们生活中的重要组成部分,它与我们的学习并不冲突。For another, fashion is an essential part of our life, which doesnt_conflict_with our studies.(conflict v)For another, fashion is an essential part of our life, which isnt_in_con


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