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1、华南师大附小恒大南海学校三年级朗文英语3A教案开学第一课 设计者:吕晓琳教学内容课堂常规训练教学目的1. 向学生强调英语课堂纪律。2. 向学生解说作业规范规定。3. 向学生大体简介本学期课本的内容。教学重点英语课堂纪律教学难点作业规范规定课前准备PPT.教学过程热身与复习听一首英文歌让学生们进入英语学习的情景中。 个人备课新课呈现向学生阐明课堂纪律以及平常课堂用语。向学生解说作业的规范规定。向学生大体简介本学期课本的内容。板书设计开学第一课课堂纪律作业规范规定朗文英语3A课后反思Unt 1 Waherad eons单元教学总目的:1. Decribe he th2. Dscewhat eope

2、orglarla hen ey do i3. Exressies an slies 第 1 学时 设计者:吕晓琳教学内容art A教学目的Stuns ar ae toerneords f seasons and eaer: pring,sumer, utumn, wine, wam, fggy, hot, ran, coo,dr,cold, an windy.教学重点Stutsca praccehe entencestuctursfluently.(Fous n pnuatono the ods an hrses.)教学难点Sentece strucurs “Whatsteweather ik

3、 n? Its ”Pnnciaon he wrds and rases.课前准备Ebok,T, flah cars.教学过程热身与复习FretakT: I anttsigbecuse p.I wat onecase Im strogWh cn prouce ees n youon? 个人备课新课呈现1. T resens Tir,sayin: I at t wear a T-hirtbcuse tshot.2. T psen coat,yng:I wat towear cat becae is cold.3. T prets other cothes, niSs o proucntence.4

4、. e anriwh itsogy5. We ned to putome tion on ourface an lp n its dr.6. Peenta ictu of seasos7. T asks s uestn ad ells themoanswer accoing to the infraionon theboar.: Wats th weatelke today, eter? (intto a crcle)P1: Itscold ad windy.T: Whas weather lie today, ony?(ointtanohr circ.)P2: ts hot an ainy.

5、8. Use differe colorchlk tofill i deals f difereteaon o the board.As ppls to t autt water in diferet esonsinHongKog according tth infomatio h ard. T: In HongKg, has the weatherlikeiprig?P: Is wam and ggy.T:hatsthe weathe like n wtr?P: It cod and windy.练习巩固与拓展1. Math the seasons and he ethr.2. Practi

6、cereng t sesonad weaher in gos.3. sk adanswe i airs布置作业1. Ree thewds i Capter 12. Preview Part B pge2.板书设计Chpte 1 Wetr ndseasnsht e weae i i ?Is .ing mmer utumn winerwa o col cdfggy rainy dry wid课后反思 第 2学时 设计者:吕晓琳教学内容Pt B教学目的ent re abltomster the newordso seasos and wath: sping, sumer, autmn, wnter,

7、 war, fogg,ht, rainy, l, dry, od, a windy.教学重点tudents anpractic the sentece rcturs fuently.(Focs o prunciaion f th word and prases)教学难点Sente sructues “as the weatherlike ? Its ”Prnciion f the wods and phrase.课前准备-book, PP, fash cards.教学过程热身与复习1. Singa son:Wather.2. T flahesthelash ardsquckl an s y o

8、uthwods.3. hfur ods ad pck out the wdwhih inot out wther4. T drawscirle onthe bar adwrie difeentweather wods nidethem. 个人备课新课呈现1. TingTingandBeeno ae n th spacehip, theyre coming t Guangzou.Whatsewethlie n uu now?It war and ainy. Wen see he cottonflowrs Therebeful.w tssping.2. ngTig andeenflyto Haan

9、 IslandWhatste weathe lk in Hinannow?Itht ansunny.We love te se, we an wimWe a pl vollyal on he behW w swimsits.ow ts sme3. ingTingand eeno flto Cada.4. ngingand eenofyo Londn.练习巩固与拓展1. Invite Ss o practice readingloud thedialogue, ad ten troecitte stoy2. Dvide s ito 6grups; nvieemto pt thelettersin

10、to ordr布置作业1. Recite th sntces nChater1.2. Red he dialgues fer the video at hom板书设计hapr 1 Wathedseasons Gugu:war aranyinTing Haian Islan: t andnyBeen Cna: old n don: and fogy课后反思 第 学时 设计者:吕晓琳教学内容Prt E教学目的1. Studenscan lise,peak dread the prases “pantflows, g o e pk, etie rm,go wiming, f kites,ghikng

11、,ear srf,at hotpo.”2. To ge puils praic taigbou te seasoandththngs the doi each sean教学重点1. uents anuethe setenesrutures“I lkets an. o”to alk about thir aorie seao and th hins heyo in eac seas.2. Sudent can istn, pek andread t phase “pat flowers, gotothe park, eat iceceam,go swmming, flykit, g hkng, wea sarf,et ott”.教学难点Sueta wte hwors“ant, real,weather, seaso,mbrela”课前准备E-book, PPT教学过程热身与复习1. Sin a son: utide to


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