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1、GRADUATE UNIVERSITY, CHINESE ACADEMYOF SCIENCES ENGLISH ENTRANCEEXAMINATIONFORDOCTORAL CANDIDATESMarch PAPER ONEPART VOCABULARY(15 minutes, 10points, 0. 5point each)Directions: Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of y

2、our choice with a single bar across the square bracket on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 1. My father was a nuclear engineer, a very academically _ Man with multiple degrees from prestigious institutions. A. promoted B. activated C. oriented D. functioned2. Public _ for the usually low-budget, h

3、igh-quality films has enabled the independent film industry to grow and thrive. A. appreciation B. recognition C. gratitude D. tolerance3. Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel, an unlikely television program, has become a surprising success with a _ fan base. A. contributed B. devoted C. revered D. s

4、cared4. Pop culture doesnt _ to strict rules; it enjoys being jazzy, unpredictable, chaotic. A. adhere B. lend C. expose D. commit5. Intellectual property is a kind of _ monopoly, which should be used properly or else would disrupt healthy competition order. A. legible B. legendary C. lenient D. leg

5、itimate6. I am thankful to the company for giving me such a chance, and I earnestly hope that I will _ everyones expectations. A. boil down to B. look forward to C. live up to D. catch on to7. The image of an unfortunate resident having to climb 20 flights of stairs because the lift is _ is now a co

6、mmon one. A. out of the way B. on order C. out of order D. in no way8. My eyes had become _ to the now semi-darkness, so I could pick out shapes about seventy-five yards away. A. inclined B. accustomed C. vulnerable D. sensitive9. Despite what Id been told about the local peoples attitude to strange

7、rs, _ did I encounter any rudeness. A. at no time B. in no time C. at any time D. at some time10. In times of severe _ companies are often forced to make massive job cuts in order to survive. A. retreat B, retrospect C. reduction D. recession11. Sport was integral to the national and local press, TV

8、 and, to a diminishing _ , to radio. A. extent B. scope C. scale D. range12. Unless your handwriting is _ , or the form specifically asks for typewriting, the form should be neatly handwritten. A. illegitimate B, illegal C. illegible D. illiterate13. The profession fell into , with some physicists s

9、ticking to existing theories, while others came up with the big-bang theory. A. harmony B. turmoil C. distortion D. accord14. With the purchasing power of many middle-class households _ behind the cost of living, there was an urgent demand for credit. A. leaving B. levering C. lacking D. lagging15.

10、Frank stormed into the room and _ the door, but it wasnt that easy to close the door on what Jack had said. A. slashed B. slammed C. slipped D. slapped16. When I was having dinner with you and Edward at his apartment, I sensed a certain _ between the two of you. A. intimacy B. proximity C. discrepan

11、cy D. diversity17. I decided to _ between Ralph and his brother, who were arguing endlessly. A. interfere B. intervene C. interrupt D. interact18. “I mean Gildas and Ludens are both wise, reasonable and tactful; but naturally theyre _ , they want to know whats happening, and make judgments on it all

12、. ”A. indifferent B. innocent C. inquisitive D. instinctive19. In Africa HIV and AIDS continue to _ the population; nearly 60 percent of those infected are women. A. alleviate B. boost C. capture D. ravage20. By the end of the Spring and Autumn Period slave society was _ disintegration. A. on the gr

13、ound of B. on the top of C. in the light of D. on the verge ofPART CLOZE TEST(15 minutes, 15 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the four choices given below. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square bracket

14、on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. Tomorrow Japan and South Korea will celebrate White Day, an annual event when men are expected to buy a gift for the adored women in their lives. It is a relatively new 21 that was commercially created as payback for Valentines Day. Thats 22 in both countries, 14 February is all about the man. On Valentines Day, women are expected to buy all the important male 23 in their lives a token gift; not just their partners, 24 their bosses or older relatives too. This seems 25 enough. Surely its reasonable for men to be indulged on one day of the y


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