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1、Uit2 单元检测 1.词汇(20分).根据句意完成句子,每空一词(0分)1I am mre _ insot.I scer and Im _ the swim team.idyou se to be afraid _ hedarkDid you u tob _ofe rk3.I ot slep _ mybedoomih_4.I got the ews_th TV,utthatpiece is _ th raio.5.I amafrad_ fling in a ailae ad eis fraid _ go ot at night.B.根据汉语提示完成句子(10分)6I_(过去常常) have

2、long blk hai.7.Amydtobe_(害怕) sakes.Iwa_(不是外向的).Di yo use t_(留直发)10Dont you_(记得我)11.Ididnt se o lke _(考试)2.Did you s to_(弹钢琴)13.Tna seto_(矮个儿的).1_(等一等)! I coming.5._(别担心) d lok jst like yo.单项选择(10分).H asrea espae _Imethi.A.he frst time henB.t fir imeC.hfrsme ereD.whnte firttime17.The biget troul came

3、 acrss _Enlish was how to earnthe word by eartA.to stuyBsuyngC.instuy.stuy._ ou reemr me,Im nia,yur cldhod fend.dotB.DontCDonot.doo19.oure Paua,_I ecognz yumediately.A.are uB.o yoC.aentu.dont you20an chidre inwest reios of Chna re lavig school becaue teirfaily a _ even one-yer-scoolingf ovety.A.givB

4、.takeC.affordD.ve21.Pep _ chnge.Bu I on thnku friendhip chane,eithe.A.sureB.sely.be sureD.e sely22.Di u _to ply the pianoI like tha a lo.A.ud.ue.beusedD.be use23.Yosed tbe rallyfa,_ youowyou ooks ine.AdB.Ddnt.ddD.Did24.Martin hated _ hen himth n him to a oardng sol.A.i.erChisDthat25.My parter i stil

5、afraid o_ aloneo I have o say ithmtgehr.A.beingBbeC.to bD.to beg.情景交际(0分)Gil:Hey,Stve! Over he! 26_ yo remeber meBoy:h,Wo! Yueaula,27._yoirl:Thats ight.oy:Yu used to be ralyshort,2._youGir:Yeh,Iast very29._.Boy:dyuee alwas funy.Wi 30._ 1._! Did o se o32._Vir:Yes,I did.Bow Immr nterested 3._ sports.p

6、lsocr I3._the swi team.Boy:w! Pople 35._ hane.完成句子(20分)A.按照要求完成句子(10分)36.I afraid of the dar(改为同义句)Im_ _ he dark.7.Dnt yu remembe me,_(完成反意疑问句)38.Shs Paa,isntshe(作否定回答)_,se_.3.Mari,o uset short,dint you(作肯定回答)_,I_4.Jennused to be sht.(用l变成选择疑问句)_ Jen _ o be short or taB.翻译句子(0分)41.他一直在观望着我,并且会为我作好的每

7、一件事而感到自豪。He wa wacn e,an udaws _ _ verythng ood _ _.42.Lar现在仍然害怕在众人面前说话。Larrys _ _ _ _in fronof a rop.43.你过去常常留长发吗?_ y _ _ _ loghair4.请你安静点。她很害羞。_ _,pleasehs _ _.5.她妈妈无法支付in上学的费用。r mh count_ to _ _ inas education.完形填空(10分) er mrin,Tom goes wrkby tranAh has a 46 y to go,he alays uys anwspaper.t helps

8、tmae thetie4 morequickl. Tuesda mrning,he tue n mortnt 49 atch.he rporwas 50 inteetgtathe frgot oge off.e ne hs whenhe loedout f the wdow nd saw te saH go off at 5 stationad ad 5 lng time fora trinbck.Of curs,he arid very 53 a te fficeHsoss wa very 54 e wtold Tom ws late.“Wok is 55 ha foobll!”e u.(

9、)46.sortB.longC.asD.ood( )47.A.ass.pastC.to passD.pasted( )4.A.AtB.InC.OneD./( )49.A.bastllB.fobalC.volealDennis()5.sB.vryC.muh.sc( )1.oherB.anhrC.te otheD.the ex( )5.towaB.waitC.waitedD.witing( )53.A.ealyBastC.quilyD.ate( )5.Agr.glad.happyiteret( )5.A.muchimprtanmos imortant.oreimortantD.imtater.阅读

10、理解(20分)AMydughe,ate,ntoht ofrciig a letter fro gi fher own age in Holln.ast year ere travellig acrs heCanne n Kate u a piec ofaper wit her nama adess n it int a bole.Se trew theotte into he sea.She never thoug it ain,butelevenmoths lter,sh ot a lr rm gr fro Holnd.Both grls wre to eac oter often now.Hweer,they ave decided to ue the post office.Lettswill cost alitt mre,b thewi ertanly travel fster.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)( ).ae thw



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