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1、2014英语高考新课标语法填空(对话体)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个词)或填入括号内单词的正确形式。(共10题;每题1.5分,满分15分)Passage 1(2014年新课标高考考试说明上的语法填空样题)Mum: (putting on her coat) Im going to have to go down to the shop for more bread.Alan:Why?Mum:Im not sure what 1 (happen). I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table 2 I we

2、nt to answer the phone. But someone must have taken them because theyre 3 (go).Alan: Oh, it must have been Dad. Im sure he was in the kitchen 4 (early).Mum: No, he went off to his tennis match before I finished 5 (make) them, so he couldnt have done it. 6 , he couldnt carry a plate of sandwiches as

3、well as all his tennis stuff, so Im sure 7 wasnt him.Alan: (opening the fridge door) Well, it wasnt me. But Mum, look! Are these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of 8 fridge?Mum: Are they there? Oh, my goodness. I 9 have put them in there when the phone rang. Oh, dear. I really must be losin

4、g my 10 . Now, why did I put on my coat?Passage 2(四平市全市二模统考试题)A: I want to make lots of money 61 I grow up .You know, money means happiness.B: Im surprised to hear that . 62 do you think so ?A: Because with money we can buy new houses and beautiful clothes. We can even do a lot of sightseeing.B: I d

5、ont think youre right in saying so .Though money is important, it doesnt mean 63 .A: Im 64 (puzzle)! Why?B: 65 (take )Einstein for example. He asked for a very small salary.A:Why?Could you explain that 66 me?B: Well to him happiness means 67 (be)able to make scientific 68 (achieve) .Do you know why

6、many rich people are not happy?A: No. I dont understand. Could you tell me?B: Thats because we 69 friendship or love with money.A: Ah, I see .Thank you for letting me know so much about 70 .B: Youre welcome!Passage 3A: Why did you run 61 the room and slam the door like that? B: Im sorry, but I was s

7、o 62 (anger) then!A: I can understand, but what really 63 (happen)?B: Well, theres long story 64 (tell).A: Do you mean I made a mistake?B: To be frank, you 65 , I think.A: Ok. I admit, but can you explain 66 you did with the cash I left?B: The dog was sick 67 I didnt want to call you on your vacatio

8、n, so I used the money you left and some of 68 to take him to the vet .A: I see. And can you also explain 69 the house was in a mess?B: I stayed and waited there all day. Thats why I didnt have time 70 (clean) the house.A: Now, everything is clear .Its my fault.B: Im glad you can say that , Thank yo

9、u.Passage 4A: I dislike ads. Shall we 61 the channel?B: But ads are part of modern life. Everyone must face them.A: Ads are no good. They always try to persuade you 62 (buy) what you actually dont need.B: Well, do you mean some ads even tell 63 to cheat consumers?A: Thats what I 64 (real) mean.B: Bu

10、t I think what you have said is only partly true. 65 , some ads are very good.A: Very good? Could you 66 me some examples?B: Yes, some public service ads try to educate people about safety, health and 67 . What do you think?A: I agree, but commercial ads are quite 68 (differ). The advertisers always

11、 suggest their products are the best. So we can 69 believe them.B: But commercial ads can also give us a lot of information about products. They promote competition and sales, which benefit consumers. If we are good at 70 (compare) them, ads are good for us.Passage 5A: 61 the photos of the UFOs on T

12、V! Do you think they are real?B: I really dont know, my dear brother. You know, UFOs means Unidentified Flying Objects.A: But therere many people in the world 62 said they had seen the UFOs.B: Thats true, 63 no one really knows what they really 64 (be).A: 65 , have you ever heard the news that Justi

13、n has disappeared?B: Yes, the police 66 (question) Justins sister, who said that Justin was taken away by aliens.A: Why did she think so?B: Because she said she saw a spaceship 67 (fly) towards Justins room and heard him cry. 68 the spaceship disappeared.A: Do the police believe her story?B: They ha

14、vent ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken away by aliens, but they are also looking into other 69 (possible).A: I wish Justin could return home soon.B: So 70 I.Passage 6A: I want to make lots of money when I 61 (grow) up .You know, money means happiness.B: Im surprised to hear that .Why do you think 62 ?A: Because with money we can buy new houses and beautiful clothes. We can even do a lot of sightseeing.B: I dont think youre right in saying so .Though money is important, it doesnt mean 63 A: Im puzzled! 64 ?B: Take Einstein 65 . He asked


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