外贸信用证用语大全(DOC 9)

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《外贸信用证用语大全(DOC 9)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外贸信用证用语大全(DOC 9)(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外贸信用证用语语大全一、信用证种类类Kindds of L/C1. revvocablle L/CC/irreevocabble L/C 可撤销销信用证/不不可撤销信用用证 2conffirmedd L/C/unconnfirmeed L/CC 保兑信用用证/不保兑兑信用证 3sighht L/CC/usannce L/C 即期信信用证/远期期信用证 4trannsferaable LL/C(orr)assiignablle L/CC(or)ttransmmissibble L/C /unntranssferabble L/C 可转让让信用证/不不可转让信用用证 5diviisiblee L/

2、C/undivvisiblle L/CC 可分割信信用证/不可可分割信用证证 6revoolvingg L/C 循环信用证证 7L/C with T/T rreimbuursemeent cllause 带电汇条款款信用证 8withhout rrecourrse L/C/witth reccoursee L/C 无追索权信信用证/有追追索权信用证证 9docuumentaary L/C/cleean L/C 跟单信信用证/光票票信用证 10defferredd paymment LL/C/annticippatoryy L/C 延付信用证证/预支信用用证 11bacck to back L/

3、Creeciproocal LL/C 对背背信用证/对对开信用证 12traavelleers L/CC(or:ccircullar L/C) 旅行行信用证 二、信用证有关关各方名称Namees of Partiies Cooncernned 1. openner 开证证人1(1)appllicantt 开证人(申申请开证人) (2)prrincippal 开证证人(委托开开证人) (3)acccounttee 开证证人 (4)acccrediitor 开开证人(委托托开证人) (5)oppener 开证人 (66)for accouunt off Messsrs 付(某某人)帐 (7)att

4、 the requeest off Messsrs 应(某某人)请求 (88)on bbehalff of MMessrss 代表某人人 (9)byy ordeer of Messrrs 奉(某某人)之命 (10)bby ordder off and for aaccounnt of Messrrs 奉(某某人)之命并并付其帐户 (11)aat thee requuest oof andd for accouunt off Messsrs 应(某某人)得要求求并付其帐户户 (12)iin acccordannce wiith innstrucction receiived ffrom aacc

5、redditorss 根据已收收到得委托开开证人得指示示 2beneeficiaary 受益益人(1)beeneficciary 受益人 (2)iin favvour oof 以(某某人)为受益益人 (3)inn ones favvour 以以为受益人人 (4)ffavourring yyourseelves 以你本人为为受益人 3drawwee 付款款人(或称受受票人,指汇汇票) (1)too drawwn on (or :upon) 以(某人人)为付款人人 (2)tto vallue onn 以(某人人)为付款人人 (3)too issuued onn 以(某人人)为付款人人 4draww

6、er 出票票人 5adviising bank 通知行 (1)aadvisiing baank 通知知行 (22)the notiffying bank 通知行 (3)addvisedd throoughbank 通过银行通知知(4)addvisedd by aairmaiil/cabble thhroughhbank 通过银行航空空信/电通知知 6openning bbank 开开证行 (1)oopeninng bannk 开证行行 (22)issuuing bbank 开开证行 (3)esstabliishingg bankk 开证行 7negootiatiion baank 议付付行 (

7、1)neegotiaating bank 议付行 (22)negootiatiion baank 议付付行 8payiing baank 付款款行 9reeimburrsing bank 偿付行 10thee conffirminng bannk 保兑行行 三、Amounnt of the LL/C 信用证金额额 1. amount RMB¥ 金额:人人民币 2. up to aan agggregatte amoount oof Honngkongg Dolllars 累计金额额最高为港币币 3for a summ (or :sumss) nott exceeedingg a tootal

8、oof GBPP 总金额不不得超过英镑镑 4to tthe exxtent of HKKD 总金额为为港币 5for the aamountt of UUSD 金额为美美元 6for an ammount not eexceedding ttotal of JPPY 金额的总总数不得超过过日元的限限度 四、The SStipullationns forr the shippping DDocumeents 单据要求求1. avaailablle agaainst surreender of thhe folllowinng doccumentts beaaring our ccreditt n

9、umbber annd thee fulll namee and addreess off the openeer 凭交出出下列注名本本证号码和开开证人的全称称及地址的单单据付款 2draffts too be aaccomppaniedd by tthe doocumennts maarked()beloow 汇票须须随附下列注注有()的单据 3accoompaniied aggainstt to ddocumeents hhereinnafterr 随附下列列单据 4accoompaniied byy folllowingg docuumentss 随附下列列单据 5docuumentss

10、 requuired 单据要求 6accoompaniied byy the folloowing documments markeed()in ddupliccate 随随附下列注有有()的单据一一式两份 7draffts arre to be acccompaanied by 汇票要随随附(指单据据) 五、Draftt(Billl of EExchannge)汇票 1the kindss of ddraftss 汇票种类类 (1)avvailabble byy draffts att sighht 凭即期期汇票付款 (2)drraft(ss)to bbe draawn att 30 dda

11、ys ssight 开立30天天的期票 (3)siight ddrafs 即期汇票 (4)tiime drrafts 远期汇票 2.drawwn claauses 出票条款(注注:即出具汇汇票的法律依依据) (1)all darftts draawn unnder tthis ccreditt mustt conttain tthe cllause“Draftts draawn Unnder BBank oofcreditt No.datedd”本证项下下开具的汇票票须注明“本汇票系凭凭银行年月日第号信用证下下开具”的条款(2)draafts aare too be ddrawn in duu

12、plicaate too our orderr bearring tthe cllause “Drawnn undeer Uniited MMalayaan Bannking Corp.Bhd.IIrrevoocablee Lettter off Creddit Noo.datedd Julyy 12, 1978” 汇票一式式两份,以我我行为抬头,并并注明“根据马来西西亚联合银行行1978年年7月12日日第号不可撤撤销信用证项项下开立”(3)draaft(s)ddrawn underr thiss creddit too be mmarkedd:“Drawnn undeerBank L/C N

13、No.Dateed (isssuingg datee of ccreditt)” 根据本证证开出得汇票票须注明“凭银行年月日(按开开证日期)第第号不可撤撤销信用证项项下开立” (4)draffts inn dupllicatee at ssight beariing thhe claauses“Drawnn undeerL/C Noo.datedd” 即期汇汇票一式两份份,注明“根据银行信用用证号,日期期开具” (5)draaft(s)sso draawn muust bee in sscribeed witth thee numbber annd datte of this L/C 开开具的

14、汇票须须注上本证的的号码和日期期 (6)draaft(s)bbearinng thee clauuse:“Drawnn undeer doccumenttary ccreditt No.(showwn aboove) oofBank” 汇票注明明“根据银行跟单单信用证号(如上所所示)项下开开立” 六、Invoiice 发票1. siggned ccommerrcial invoiice 已签签署的商业发发票 (in duuplicaate 一式式两 in tripllicatee 一式三份份 in qquadruuplicaate 一式式四份 inn quinntupliicate 一式五份 in seextupllicatee 一式六份份 in sseptupplicatte 一式七七份 in octupplicatte 一式八八份 in nonupplicatte 一式九九份 in decupplicatte 一式十十份) 2beneeficiaarys oriiginall signned coommerccial iinvoicces att leasst in 8 coppies iissuedd in tthe naame off


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