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1、面试时的英文的自我介绍集锦九篇 当遇到生疏人时候,我们就有可能用到自我介绍,自我介绍是一展示自己的手段。那么我们该怎么去写自我介绍呢?以下是我为大家整理的面试时的英文的自我介绍9篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。面试时的英文的自我介绍 篇1Dearemines, od mornn. I n tak par the iterview, terehav e oportunt tosk you theexaminer nd lerni,Ifl ey hord to, at thesame ti, thugh ts nterw lso give m to showysef oeene, op ou ca

2、 rmmbe m, intoduce m bsc satio belw. y namei *, * *,*, colleg ulture, uull like redn boks a Interntbrosing ifrmation, lvely,heerfu peroalt,can eabout the epl and thng aoud, ad gt alongwith elaie nd friends, ad an dersad and forgive me, I have condne n ife Iused to work in *, in t cmpany hssuessvel w

3、ork n difrent jb,Istartd o work i te * *, becaue the cay ned to *,ten mt ha xeienc nsocialpacic, the job t ke some progess, butals receved recontion fro thecompn Throgh sevrl ea owor, I havleanda lo of knowlege, but cltatd m esevenendtenacious fightg sirit,sothat can contiuosl overcmedificuies in th

4、e work an strivfor proress. Jon ciil sevant isatron desre ofm oee yers, t the sa tm Iralize that therelionship between or nd is esblishe on te basisf slf-wenes, nd fl m wok enthusia has not beninspire to thehigest,I lov job, bu evroe is onstantl eekingo achee ttr rslts,y self-wrees maemeeeion of ivi

5、lservants is a righ,i stegthne y oidece anddetrntion to enter oneelfo a xation of cvil srvans. Therefor, I pariipted in thcivi evice eainai and eseedfor *.I Icanbe admittedthstime, I blieve atI canget he aining an develpmeoprunties n *. ivil sevants s acrd annobleprfession, it isuuig themaxmization

6、pulcinet, o requres,fohe ple in te ation evicdcvl srvnsFngeg said: a mans life limted, bu srvin te peoe is unlmtd, Ito put the md life ino e unlmeserviceforhe peole, tisimyte best tprettio of theciionof cil ervats.hrefre, thipositn enles meto full relie my scial ideal arelect myown value. s thesayin

7、goes: ship a withou ircion,life can n ive witout ideal, an want t be ne th lari tcommunis paty ofC a godcivil servants,eriously ractic th thee repesets, to serve the peopleholeatdly.面试时的英文的自我介绍 篇 面试我的,很幸运也很不幸的是位漂亮年轻的小姐,她带着我到一个小房间中,在一个有透亮圆型玻璃桌面的桌子面试。 其实我最厌烦这样了,因为面试是神圣的,我根本不想去看她桌面下的美腿,她甜蜜的笑容,充溢气质的谈吐,脸

8、上还抹了些微的小亮片妆,真的是要命。她笑着问我的.学历、工作阅历、将来规划与理想,我都行云流水的应答自如,突然间她话题一转,说道:可以请你用英文自我介绍一下吗? 我一听愣了三秒钟, 很义正词严的回她道:“愧疚,我英文很次!” 她听了笑笑说道:“没关系,你试着说看看!”睫毛上的小亮片闪闪动人,我想自古英雄就难受美人关,反正都来了,也就豁出去吧! 于是我鼓起志气将自己生平所学会的英文全都用上,我想了想开口说道( 我怕各位英文不好看不懂,所以顺便翻译成中文,你们比较好懂!) M na is oldfve wang(我叫王老五) Iboo (炸出) at 197 ear(我生於197年)bon我念成了

9、boom反正很像 y yar is 24 ya.(今年岁 ) 事后才知tda是今日,但今年不是tyear. y ome ave a an a aa d did(家里有爸妈跟一个弟弟 )其实我知道弟弟要用oer,但因念太顺了,所以念成di“and a ncl nda ng watchstr da oldwatch siter liv with u。”(还有一个叔叔与一个表妹一个表姐跟我们住在一起)事后才知表姐表妹都错了,watch 是表没错,但是wtch 是指手表,可是我发誓读书时英文没教过表姐妹的英文。“m itrst ising song、see moi、*domuterandush rse

10、road。” (我的爱好是 唱歌、看电影、操作电脑和压公路) 我念到操作电脑时,她咦的一声,这小姐会不会听不懂。后来我才知道英文骂人的“操”字跟“操作”的字是不同的. y sil long s uiterne、als、playpoe moe ameandbat wor(我的专长是上网、业务、玩电动玩具和打字) In th uture I ope an go run ravel wolda hel everyodyalve ap(在将来我希望能去环游世界和能帮助每一个人都很欢乐) thak youn r(感谢 完了) 那小姐听我自我介绍完,整整愣了一分钟,才回过神来,说了声愧疚后说了没几句就说可

11、以了,她们会尽快通知我,告别了那小姐后,我洋洋得意,因为我从来不知道我英文实力这么强,都怪我以前太害羞,不敢开口说, 早知道就去考托福去外国念书,所以说啊许多事还是要敢 不然可是会失去许多机会的呢!. 再说了,我们的祖国很快要加入TO了,不学点英语怎么好呢?面试时的英文的自我介绍 篇3Myam isxxx. ll gdute fromChia dical Univrsty i Juyext year.And, my majoiImangofMedine, wic o ohe mot fmous mjors in ou unirity. Imay ohinking, eucation is an

12、 imotant aspect flfe. I aprciat tht ur profsorsput grat emphaszeon the aaemicteachngfe soi they oundati urin our four ya course.O theher hnd, Imus dmit,practiceis the sole iterinor tstg trut.Thrughte whoe mester of theffyer in shol f cniprctice, I makegat prgrss ipracia piatin. A the entio o my qualiation, Ih passd CET-4 in nlish andCT-2(theseond levl) on computr aleady I hae a od cmadof imging comptr syst PAC;Nt ny d myquaificaion mkemea perfct caidat, my esoniyi well uted: m honest, stable, spiin, an have hgh sene sponsbility,srowillan indomaespirit


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