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1、2022年考博英语-中国传媒大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题You are the()person I want to see. Why did you come to see me?问题1选项A.veryB.fineC.lastD.suitable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项very“恰好的;十足的;唯独的;真正的”;B选项fine“好的;健康的;晴朗的”;C选项last“最后的;最终的;最不可能的”;D选项suitable“适当的;相配的”。句意:你就是我要见的人。你为什么来看我?由后面的问句可看出说话者并不想见此人,四个选项中只有last表示“最不 的”之意

2、,因此C选项正确。2. 单选题They()the hall with pictures.问题1选项A.adornedB.ornamentedC.suppliedD.trimmed【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。adorn“装饰”,一般指为了“美观”而装饰;ornament“装饰,修饰”,多指比较“浮夸”的装饰品,通常在描述很大的豪宅时用ornament比较多;supply“提供,供应”;trim“修剪,切除”。句中指的是用画来装饰大厅,所以选项A更恰当。3. 单选题The tone of the articles()the writers mood at the time.问题1选项A.rep

3、roducedB.reflectedC.imaginedD.imitated【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。reproduce “繁殖,复制”;reflect “反映,表现”,reflect ones mood “反映某人的心情”,符合句意;imagine “想象,设想”;imitate “模仿,仿效”。选项B符合题意。句意:文章的语气反映了作者当时的心情。4. 单选题A dynamic economy is founded on the()of entrepreneurs, which is rewarded by profit.问题1选项A.perspirationB.desperat

4、ionC.respirationD.aspiration【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。perspiration“汗水,努力”;desperation“绝望的境地,不顾一切拼命”;respiration“呼吸”;aspiration“渴望,抱负”。句意:一个充满活力的经济是建立在企业家的抱负之上的,而这是通过利润来回报的。选项D更符合语境。5. 单选题Since you are a student, you must()by the school discipline.问题1选项A.conformB.standC.abideD.sustain【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。conform“符合

5、,遵守”,一般和介词to或with搭配;stand“站立”,后接介词by意为“袖手旁观”;abide“容忍,遵守”,后接介词by意为“遵守,信守,承担的后果”;sustain“维持,支撑”,是及物动词。句中所表达的意思是学生要遵守学校的纪律,所以选项C正确。6. 单选题He() three hours in the snow to get back home.问题1选项A.trudgedB.grudgedC.judgedD.fudged【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项trudge“跋涉”;B选项grudge“因不满而)不愿意给(或允许)”;C选项judge“判断;猜测(大小、数量等)”;

6、D选项fudge“含糊其辞,模糊处理;回避。句意:他在雪中跋涉三个钟头才回到家。因此A项符合句意。7. 单选题This painting perfectly()the impressionistic style, which was so popular at the time.问题1选项A.examinesB.exemplifiesC.extractsD.exempts【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。“examine检查,调查”;exemplify“例证,例示”;extract“提取,摘录”;exempt“免除,豁免”。句意:这幅画完美的例证了在那个时期非常流行的印象派风格。选项B更符合语境

7、。8. 翻译题The Real Reason Matt Damon Was Brought in to Save Ancient ChinaNow, what about that movie about the Great Wall of China starring everyones favorite Chinese actor Matt Damon?1. It was just one of a slew of comments on social media in the past few weeks lampooning a huge action movie that is sc

8、heduled to hit theaters early in 2017. “The Great Wall”, a co-production between China and Hollywood, is the most expensive film ever shot entirely in China, costing more than $150 million. The movie features Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe and a slate of popular Chinese actors using the Great Wall to defe

9、nd humanity from a monster attack.But since the films trailer was released, journalists and commentators on social media have criticized it for whitewashing-replacing roles that could or should be cast with actors of color with white actors. What is Matt Damon doing saving ancient China, anyway? Cou

10、ldnt the Chinese handle that on themselves?2. The critics definitely have a pointthe film industry has a long arid troubling history of minimizing actors of colors. Some in the industry boycotted the 2016 Oscars, after only white actors and actresses were chosen for the top four categories for the s

11、econd year in a row. And movies including. “Dr. Strange”, “Ghost in the Shell and “Aloha” have all recently been criticized for casting white actresses in originally Asian roles, just the latest episode in a long history of whitewashing in Hollywood.Yet, theres also an irony that many have missed. D

12、espite Damons prominent appearance, the nuts and bolts of The Great Wall” are more Chinese than perhaps any major co-production between the United States and China has been before. Within China, the movie is being hailed as the first of its kind to be made by a major Chinese director, backed by Chin

13、ese-owned Hollywood studio and featuring Chinese historical themes. And if successful, it could mark a step forward for the influence of the Chinese film industry around the world.The Great Wall is definitely among the biggest budget co-productions, and its the first very large budget one in which t

14、here is a major Chinese creative force behind it,” says Anne Kokas, as assistant professor of media studies at the University of Virginia and the author of the forthcoming book, “Hollywood made in China.” “Thats part of the story thats getting left out.”3. In recent years, Hollywood has begun avidly

15、 courting movie-goers in China, the worlds seconds-largest market that could surpass the United States to become the largest next year. The Chinese film industry is also eager to develop films that appeal to its own audiences that can also succeed outside its borders. Creating a film that captures audiences in both China and the United States has been a Holly Grail for the global film this year, the first time a major American production


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