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1、新目标英语八年级上册Unit1-2单元测试题 总分 :100分 建议考试时间:90分钟学校 班级 姓名 座号 得分 一、听力测试(15分)第一节:听对话,选择图片。(5分)( ) 1. What does the boy usually do on weekends? A B C( ) 2. How was the weather yesterday? A B C( )3. What did Cathys mother do last Sunday afternoon? A B C ( )4. Who is Lucys English teacher? A B C ( )5. What did

2、 Sandy have for breakfast this morning? A. B. C. 第二节 :听对话,回答问题。(5分)( )6. What do Mary and Lily usually do ?A. They work B. They play. C. They talk.( )7. What does Grace look like ?A. She has curly hair. B. She has long hair. C. She is short .( )8. How was Meimeis weekend?A. It was bad. B. It was ter

3、rible. C.It was very good. ( )9. Where did John go last month? A. Tokyo. B. Beijing. C. paris.( )10. Why didnt Nancy buy anything ? A. Because the shops were crowded B. Because she didnt like shopping C. Because she didnt need anything第三节:听一段短文,用适当的单词完成句子。(5分)11.Tom is years old. 12.This is the time

4、 for him to go to the cinema. 13.After two or three he comes out and buys the second ticket and goes in again. 14. A girl asks him a question when Tom comes out to buy the ticket .15. How many friends does Tom meet ?He has friends 二、 单项选择(20分)( )1. He _ goes to bed at ten oclock, seven days a week.

5、A. usually B. sometimes C. hardly D. always( )2. My best friends enjoys _ to the music. A. listening B. listen C. to listen D. listens( )3.Tony goes to school _ every day. Its 5 minutes walk from his home to school. A. in a bus B. by plane C. on foot D. by boat( )4. - _ are you late for school? - Ne

6、ver. A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How much ( ) 5. Is her lifestyle the same _ yours or different?A. as B. in C. at D. to ( )6. His mother wants him _ at home today. A. stays B. stayed C. to stay D. staying ( )7. Here _ the results_ the student activity survey. A. is; with B. are; of C. is

7、; of D. are; with ( )8._ homework, we do their homework on Sunday. A. As for B. As to C. As of D. As from ( )9.- Did Tina meet a famous actor? - Yes, she _ Jake Dean. A. meet B. meets C. met D. meeting( )10. -_ did Tara learn ice skating?-For three years. A.How long B. How old C. How many D. How muc

8、h( )11. Lucy can play _ piano but she cant play _ volleyball.A. the, the B. the, / C. /,the D. a, a( )12. They arrived there _ 5:00 _ Monday morning. A. at, in B. on, at C. at, on D. on, in( )13. Its too hot today. Remember to have much_. A. bread (面包) B. water C. rice D. dessert( )14. The car is to

9、o _. I dont have much money. A. expensive B. cheap C. short D. small( )15. . - Im going to Hong Kong for my vacation. - _. A. Youre welcome. B. Have a good time. C. OK! Lets go. D. I dont know.( )16. -What are they_? - The new movie. They all like it. What about you? A. looking for B. looking like C

10、. thinking of D. talking about( )17. I have no money _ no time now. A. if B. but C. and D. because( )18. - _ was Lucys vacation? - It was great. A. Where B What C. Why D. How( )19. - Where did Li Shan go last Sunday? - _. A. She goes to the zoo. B. She wants to visit her friend.C. She wrote a letter

11、. D. She went to Tianjin.( )20. Although they feel tired, _they still go on working. A. and B. but C. / D. so 三、完形填空。(每小题1分,共20分)(A) My friend, Lin Tao, went on vacation in New York with his parents. He _1_ back last week. He came to _2_ me yesterday and gave me a nice hat. He said he had a great _3

12、_ in New York. He and his parents visited many _4_ places and went shopping there.Lin Tao _5_ went to his pen pals home before. He didnt know the _6_ to his friends house. A friendly American boy _7_ him to find it at last. Lin Taos pen pal is Jimmy. He could _8_ a little Chinese, because he had a trip to China last year. Lin Tao and Jimmy talked _9_ English and Chinese. Lin Tao had dinner with Jimmys family. They took many



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