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2、1分。共20分)(一)听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图片。读一遍。(每题1分,共5分)B.(每题1分。共5 分))10. A. Its sunny.B. Ifs rainy.C. Ifs cloudy.请听对话及咨询题。选出正确答案,对话读一遍6.A.It1snexttothepostoffice.B. It1saacrossfromthebank.C. It1sacrossfromthepostoffice.)7.A.HeisfrownJapan.B. SheisfromChina.C. SheisfromJapan.)8.A.Hewantstoseethetigers.B. Hewantst

3、oseethelions.C. Hewantstoseethecutepandas.)9.A.Heisabankclerk.B. Heisadoctor.C.Heisateacher.(每题1分,共5分)A. Hes a worker.B. Hes a stude nt.C. Hes a teacher.)12. What does Bob wa nt to be?A. A doctor.B. A policema n.C. A sin ger.)13. Can Bob sing well?A. Yes, he can.B. No, he cant.C. I don rt know.)14.

4、What do Lucy rs pare nts do?A. They are teachers.B. They are doctors.C. They are bank clerks.)15. Why does Lucy want to be, a policewoma n?A. Because she thinks its an excit ing an dcjrjtrirestiB. Because she thinks its a dan gerous job.C. Because she is very strong.(四)请听短文,选出正确答案。短文读三遍。(每题1分。共5分)16

5、. What day is it today?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday)17. Whatr s the weather like today?(三)听对话。依照所听内容选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。)11.WhatdoesBobdo?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. ( ) 18. What * sC. Sunny.David doing?A. He is flying a kite.B. He is playing soccer.C. He is reading a book, ()19. Who is behind the tree?A. Jan

6、e. B. Mike.C. Jim.)20. What are Maria and Linda doing?A. They are playing soccer.B. They are reading books.C.They are lying on the beach.二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)()21. Please be quiet. My little childA. go to bed B. is sleeping()22.-A: How is the weather in Beijing?-B :A. It 1 s sunnyC. It raining()23. Let

7、s play soccer in theA. hotelB. park()24. I read it every day in order English.A. to improve B. improvingC. sleepsD. going to schoolB. It snsyuannd wind.D. It 1 s cloudC. bankD. AfricamyC. to describeD. describing)25.-Oh,hi,Jane!-Notbad.A. How it is going doingC. How is it going doB. What are youD. W

8、hat does she()26.-Isthereapayphonetheneighborhood?-Yes,itsCenterStreettheright.A.in,down,onB.on,on,inC.in,on,inD.on,down,on()27.TomoftenTVonSundays.TodayisSunday.HeTVnow.A.iswatching;iswatchingC. watches;iswatching()28.-Whatdoyoudowhenitrains?A.IsreadingabookC.Doingsomereading)29.-doesMr.Kinglive?-P


10、sWangFang*sfather?pleasebequiet.C.soD.andna.A. HeisEnglish.D. Hes very busy.C.HeisanEnglishteacher.B. HelikesworkinginChi)34.Listen!Whointhenextroom?A.singingB.issingingC.singsD.singB. Yes, he is.)35.-Isyourbrotherdoinghishomeworknow?A.Yes,hedoes.C. No,heisD.No,hedoesnt三完形填空(每题1分,共IO分)Ayoungmanandan


12、ancomesovertohim.Heis 443a small beard in his hand. It45 Wet Paint (油漆未干)()36. A. are walki ng()37. A. am()38. A. is wan ti ng()39. A.to sit ”()40. A.Not()41. A.liste n()42. A.sit()43. A.happily()44. A.hold()45. A.talks四阅读明白得(每题2B. is walk inaB. isB. wantB. sitB. Doesn tB. listen toB. is sitti ngB.h

13、appyB. holdi ngB.speaks共20分)C. walki ngC. areC. wan tsC. sitt ingC.Don 1 tC.hear of D.C. are sitt inaC. very happilyC.holdsD. heldC.tellsD. saysD.walkD. beD.to wantD. satD. Can *tto hearD.sitsD.more happyWeoftentalkabouttheweather.Ifwewanttoknowabouttheweather.Wecanturnontheradio(U攵音机)andlistentotheweatherreport.WecanalsoturnontheTVandwatchtheweathershow. And we can ask other people in two differe nt ways J WhatHow is the weather today?H Sometimes you can call at 121 for the weather.s the wesrther like today?When it s cold, wlaiver and need to wear war


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