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1、定语从句与非谓语动词编辑整理:定语从句与非谓语动词尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们 对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(定语从句与非谓语动词) 的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进 步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以 下为定语从句与非谓语动词的全部内容。定语从句与非谓语动词二定语从句:定语从句三步 : 第一找出先行词(被修饰的那个名词或代词 ) ;第二看 从句缺少什么成份 (如主

2、语、宾语或状语);第三选择合适的引导词 .从句中 所缺成份 指人指物主语宾语时间状语地点状语-的that who that which (that who whom) (that which)when =相应的介词+ which Where =相应的介词+ whichwhose 或 of which注意:引导词在介词后,指人只能用 whom 指物只能用 which高考对定语从句的考查常涉及以下几个方面:【考点 6】正确区别限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的结构;理解关系代词和关系副词 在定语从句中的作用;特别注意指代整个主句内容的关系代词 which 引导的非限制性定 语从句。 非限制性定语从

3、句,从意义上来说,是对主语的补充说明,从结构上来看,先 行 词 和 定 语 从 句 之 间 用 逗 号 隔 开 , He makes great progress in his English learning, which makes his mother very happy 。 I shall never forget the day _ Shenzhou V was launched , _ has a great effect on my life。A. when; which B. that; which C。 which; that D。 when; that (2004 北京

4、东城)【考点 7】关系代词 that ,who,which 以及 as 的用法区别 .指人时常只用 who 不用 that 的情况;指物时只用 which 不用 that 的情况;只用 that 不用 which 的情况;关系代词 as 与 which 的用法区别;the same that 与 the same as 的区别:1 其中 that , who ( whom ),都可以指人,那么他们在指人时有什么区别呢。本条记忆 技巧:用 who 不用 that 的情况 “there be” “one,ones , anyone , nobody , those ” 被分割。 那里有( ther

5、e )很多 万( one) 被那些人 ( those) 分割。 1先行词为 those, one, anyone, nobody 等词时,用 who 不用 that ,例如: The one who knows me well is Tom. 2 在 分 隔 型 定 语 从 句 中 , 若 先 行 词 是 人 , 用 who 不 用 that, 例 : A new teacher will come who will teach you German. 在本句中,先行词 “teacher” 和修饰限定它的从句 “who will teach you German 分 离 , 所 以 我 们 用

6、 who 不 用 that 。 3 先 行 词 为 “there be” 结 构 的 主 语 时 , 例 如 There is a man who wants to see you 。 在本句子当中 a man 是 There is a man 这句当中的主语,所以用 who 不用 that2 其 中 , that 和 which 都 可 以 指 物 , 它 们 在 指 物 时 的 区 别 :用 that不 用 which 关 系 代 词 在 从 句 中 做 表 语 时China is not the country that is was 。 既 指 人 又 指 物 时He talked a

7、bout the teachers and schools that he had visited.2 , 先 行 词 表 示 物 时 , 用 which 不 用 that 的 情 况 1 引 导 非 限 制 性 定 语 从 句 时 , 例 如 : She heard a terrible noise , which brought her heart to her mouth 。 as 引导的从句可以放在句首和句尾 , 而 which 引导的从句只可放在句尾。 2as 还有正如、正象 的意思.As Marx pointed out , labor created man himself 。当

8、先行词,虽然表示时间地点,但是引导词在从句中不是做状语 ,而是做宾语时,不能用 when, where 引导,而只能用 that, which 等引导.比较以下两个句字:I will never forget the days when I first went to Beijing .I will never forget the days that (which) we spent together There is no such place _ you dream of in all this world. ( 2004 北京西城 5 月)A。 that B。 what C。 whic

9、h D。 as 【考点 8】区别 that 引导的定语从句与 that 引导的同位语从句。 that 引导同位语从句时, that 是纯连词,在从句中不充当任何成分; that 引导定语从句时, that 是关系代词,在从句 中充当主语或宾语等。比较:The news that they had won the game arrived soon.The news that you told me yesterday is true 。 Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? (2002 上海春

10、季)A。 he explained B。 what he explainedC. how he explained定语从句与非谓语动词 D。 why he explained【考点 9】定语从句中谓语动词须与先行词在人称与数上保持一致。 He is the only one of the students who _ a winner of scholarship in three years。A. is B. are C. have been D. has been (2002 上 海春季)【考点 10】在先行词为 time ,place ,reason 时,常可用 that 代替 when

11、 ,where ,why,并常 常省去。如:That was the reason (that) / why / for which he left home. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. (2004 湖北) A。 the way B。 in the way that C. in the way D. theway which【考点 11】定语从句应特别注意的几个问题 关 系 代 词 which 例 1 The Greens will move into the new house next Monday,

12、itwill be completely finishedA by the time B by whichtime C thatD which例 2 Water boils at 100 , it changes to gas A at which temperature B at which C by whichtemperature Dby which析: which 引导定语从句时,在从句中除了作主语或宾语外,还可以作定语修饰名 词,常用于 “介词 which 名词 ”结构中,相当于 “and介词 thisthat名词 ”.所以 例 1 选 B ; 例 2 选 A 。 关 系 副 词 when例 1Could you suggest a time it would fit you to visit us andtry out the machine例 2 Think of a time you were happiest ( Senior3,L93 ) 例 3 There was a time all scientists


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