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1、2022年考博英语-国防科技大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题A human is quite a _ creature, for the gloss of rationality that covers his or her fears and insecurity is thin and often easily breached.问题1选项A.valiantB.alternateC.frailD.alleviate【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。A项valiant“英勇的,勇敢的”,B项alternate“交替的,轮流的”,C项frail“脆弱的,虚弱的”,D项al

2、leviate为动词,表示“减轻;缓和”。根据句子可知for是表原因,句子的意思是“因为掩盖恐惧和不安全感的理性外表很薄弱,并且经常很容易被打破”,所以推知空格处表示“脆弱的”,C项符合。句意:人类是一种非常脆弱的生物,因为掩盖恐惧和不安全感的理性外表很薄弱,并且经常很容易被打破。因此,该题选择C项。2. 单选题The National Park System _ areas of natural beauty for preservation and public employment.问题1选项A.sets asideB.saves upC.arranges forD.reserves f

3、or【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A项set aside“挑出,留出”,B项save up“储蓄,贮存”,C项arrange for“安排,为做准备”,D项reserve for“为而保留”。由areas of natural beauty(自然风景区)可知,空格处填入“划出、留出”符合,A项正确。句意:国家公园系统为自然保护和公共就业划出了自然风景区。因此,该题选择A项。3. 单选题As political fanatic, he has fought with revolutionaries all over the world.问题1选项A.incumbentB.candidateC.

4、zealotD.jealousy【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A项incumbent“在职者,现任者”,B项candidate“候选人,候补者”,C项zealot“狂热者,犹太教狂热信徒”,D项jealousy“嫉妒,猜忌”。句意:作为一个政治狂热分子,他曾与世界各地的革命者斗争过。根据句意可知,fanatic在句中表示“狂热分子”。因此,该题选择C项。4. 单选题Just a week after Scottish embryologists announced that they had succeeded in cloning a sheep from a single adult c

5、ell, both the genetics community and the world 31 are coming to an unsettling realization: the science is the easy part. It is not 32 the breakthrough was not decades in the making. Its just that once it was complete once you 33 how to transfer the genetic schematics from an adult cell into a living

6、 ovum and keep the fragile embryo 34 throughout gestation. most of your basic biological work was finished. The social and philosophical temblors it triggers, 35, have merely begun.Only now, as the news of Dolly, the 36 oblivious sheep, becomes part of the cultural debate, are we beginning to 37 tho

7、se soul-quakes? How will the new technology be regulated? What does the sudden ability to make genetic stencils of ourselves say about the concept of individuality? Is there something about the individual that is lost when the mystical act of 38 a person becomes standardized into a mere act of photo

8、copying one?Last week President Clinton took the first tentative step toward answering these questions, charging a U.S. commission 39 the task of investigating the legal and 40 implications of the new technology and reporting back to him with their findings within 90 days. Later this week the House

9、subcommittee on basic research will hold a hearing to 41 the same issues. The probable tone of those sessions was established last week when Harold Varmus, director of the National Institute of Health, told another subcommittee that cloning a person is “42 to the American public.”Around the globe, t

10、he reaction was just as 43 Frances undersecretary for research 44 human cloning as “unthinkable,” the Council of Europe Secretary General called it “unacceptable,” and Germanys Minister of Research and Technology flatly declared: “There will never be a human clone.” Agreed Professor Akira Irirani, a

11、n embryology expert at Osakas Kinki University, “We must 45 applying the technique to human beings.”问题1选项A.at lengthB.at largeC.at mostD.at least问题2选项A.thatB.butC.exceptD.because问题3选项A.make outB.work outC.think outD.figure out问题4选项A.livelyB.aliveC.livingD.live问题5选项A.moreoverB.yetC.howeverD.specially

12、问题6选项A.sublimelyB.predictablyC.philosophicallyD.presumably问题7选项A.make a hash ofB.mess upC.come to terms withD.wind up问题8选项A.squallingB.duplicatingC.conferringD.conceiving问题9选项A.ofB.withC.byD.in问题10选项A.ethnologicalB.anthropologicalC.ethicalD.biological问题11选项A.pacifyB.conciliateC.bolsterD.address问题12选

13、项A.repugnantB.homogeneousC.munificentD.prodigal问题13选项A.affirmativeB.negativeC.ingeniousD.judicious问题14选项A.judgeB.condemnC.applaudD.reckon问题15选项A.amount toB.end up withC.refrain fromD.force upon【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C第6题:A第7题:C第8题:D第9题:B第10题:C第11题:D第12题:A第13题:B第14题:B第15题:C【解析】31. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】考

14、查语义和短语。A项“终究;最终”,B项“普遍”,C项“最多”,D项“最少”。根据本句句意:就在苏格兰胚胎学家宣布他们成功地从一个成年细胞克隆绵羊一周后,遗传学界和整个世界 有一个令人不安的认识:科学是一个容易的部分,因此B项符合题意。32. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查表语从句。本句it为主语,is为系动词,that引导表语从句,that在表语从句中不可以省掉。本句句意:这并不是说这一突破不是几十年来才实现的。所以选A。33. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查词组释义。A项“辨认出,看出”,B项“计算出”,C项“仔细思考”,D项“想出;弄清楚;找出”。根据句意:一旦你 如何将遗传图谱从一个成年细胞转移到一个活的卵子中,因此只有D项符合。34. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查词义辨析。alive,living都有活着的意思,若需严格区分,两者仍有差别:living通常是客观描述某人“尚在人间”或“健在”,而alive则主要指生与死的“界限”。live通常只用作定语(前置),所以排除D。lively“活泼的;生动的;生气勃勃的”,所以排除A。根据此处前的名词embryo“胚胎”,可知此处用alive合适,故选B。35. 【试题答



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